Fade in to a group of five old ladies shaking sticks at something...
JIrish's Voice: Okay, we've lasted through the courtroom scenes from "To Kill a Mockingbird," and the finish of "The Princess Bride" and up next... oh, a particularly tense clip from a third season episode of NYPD Blue. Keep shaking, ladies, you've earned the free gas cards, and you're almost up to the $200 grocery cards.
The camera pans left to James and Erin, standing in a separate room looking in on the ladies and their sticks through a glass window.
Erin: James, ye've gone from bad movie parodies to bad history parodies... but a science study?!!?
JIrish: This, Erin, is actually my way of validating something the Sergeant said. Now, he was quite correct in that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I, personally, prefer to behold something in person before passing a judgment. In this era of Photoshop, that woman with the sundae could look entirely different up close and personal. I mean, we had the glass that could be doing these odd magnification effects, there's the camera which we all know adds ten pounds, and let's face it, we could hardly see her face behind that spoon.
Erin: You are just unbelievable.
JIrish: Don't believe me? Camera man, look at the old ladies through the second pane of glass, please.
With a slight grumble, the cameraman pans over to said second pane... and through it, the old ladies look triangular. Then back to James and Erin once the point has been made.
JIrish: See what I mean? Trick glass, obviously, but still.
Erin: Ugh... I'm just gonna get the next set of clips.
Erin walks off camera.
JIrish: Okay, so by now you've figured out I'm trying to figure out exactly how much drama an old lady can shake a stick at, right? Well, it was either this, or well... do something that just goes completely against the type of person I am. That's how difficult it gets when you're going up against somebody you respect.
And by now, I don't even have to say it. It's becoming common knowledge. Heck, my respect is growing, because Sarge, you're showing a broad sense of humor right now that I wasn't sure was in you up until now. I'm impressed.
But... I have to ask. Both of our physical forms have been tested pretty fiercely recently, but from what I've seen, you've taken it far worse recently. Or... well... you know, there's actually been some question to that. People who want to learn the details can go turn their dials to a one enterprising wrestling television program and find out all they want to know, but I'll just get to the crux of the matter.
Am I facing a Sergeant with a broken arm, or one at full health?
That is the one question which is making preparing for this match all the more difficult. Not knowing what kind of shape my opponent is going to be in, thanks to certain nebulous details surrounding other events, adds an air of doubt to the whole proceeding, doesn't it?
... something tells me that's not by chance, either. Perhaps a little "military strategy?"
Well, regardless, I have no plans on underestimating anything you can do, regardless of your condition, Sarge. I don't make a habit of selling people short... at least not once we get in the ring. So you can expect that I'll be ready for anything when we meet.
Erin walks back in with an arm full of video tapes.
Erin: Alright, lad, up next is... oh! It's a highlight reel of the Sarge's problems with the HPSC.
JIrish: How appropriate. Keep this segment rolling a bit, would you?
James pulls out a microphone while Erin puts the tape in the VCR.
Alright, now you've earned the grocery cards, and up next, some of the recent trials and tribulations of my opponent in my next match for TEAM.
Erin hits "play," and not 10 seconds into it do the old ladies drop their sticks and start talking back at the monitor in their room.
"Why that no good man!" "How dare he treat one of our boys like that?!" "He's a marine! That other one should show some respect!"
Erin: I don't believe it.
JIrish: Well, science isn't proven by just one study. Still... compelling evidence.
Fade out.