[Unida. You Wish. Coping With the Urban Coyote.]*
July 2nd
a smooth bassline. relaxing. wind whips through the hair. and then…
Danny Boy Vegas lifted his face upwards, adjusting his large sunglasses on his nose. He was a brawny man, dressed in a white leather jacket with tassels hanging down from the arms and blue jeans. His long hair was like a cloud of streamers dancing back from his scalp, the chestnut colored fuzz extending down the side of his face and coating his chin and above his lip. The red convertible streaked across the desert, a firey blur.
Anna glanced over at him. She was a tall, leggy blonde, just the way he liked 'em. She was a bit too fiesty for his taste, really, but she did a good job. He'd never thought a girl that good-looking girl like her might actually be smart; it was a bit of prejudice, he realized, but that didn't stop him from thinking it. A denim miniskirt and a black
SIN Wrestling tanktop hugged her form lovingly. She was too good-looking for her native Canada. Danny smiled a bit.
I need to piss," Anna said. Danny's smile was gone.
I need to piss, Danny," Anna repeated. "
Number one. Urination."
That's enough!" Danny howled. He swerved a bit and got himself back on the road. "
What in the godd**n is wrong with you, woman!?"
Anna snorted and folded her arms under breasts, perking up an eyebrow. It would have been cute if she hadn't just revealed her big bathroom secret. "
I'm sorry for having a bladder, Danny Boy, but—"
It's not that at all," Danny said. "
Just say something like 'I need to go to the bathroom,' alright?"
Okay," Anna said. "
I need to go to the bathroom."
Danny nodded. "
Thank yo—"
To piss."
is gonna survive…
and her thing…
is always alive…
despite on the edge…
well, it'll make you cry…
So turn in somewhere," Anna told him. "
I'm not holding this in forever, Danny."
Danny groaned. "
We're in the godd**n desert, Anna," he explained; he hadn't thought he'd need to, but apparently those beautiful eyes of hers had missed it.
Turn in somewhere!" Anna cried.
You can go squat in the desert," Danny offered.
Shut up, Danny," Anna said. "
Just shut the f**k up."
Anna, there isn't anywhere to—"
Turn into a godd**n gas station!"
Danny slammed his fist on the steering wheel. "
WHERE!?" he bellowed. The car was going crazy over the road now. "
Anna blinked at him. She sniffed. "
Find it."
It was a beautiful day out today. Not too humid. Blazing hot, but that just made driving faster an even more attractive option.
it's never ending…
and never surrendering…
it's never ending…
and never surrendering…
guitars now, but they just make it sound that much more dreamy.
July 3rd
the bass comes back. you invite it. it keeps you steady, keeps you whole. keeps you flowing on.
Danny stepped back and turned on his heel, leaping over the low partition onto the grass. It was dark out, but this guy didn't seem to mind. The parking lot of this bar was just a breeding ground for angry drunks and now Danny had a hotheaded one on his hands.
Chill out, man," Danny cautioned as he rose to his feet again. The man was a hulking creature, 300 pounds of sweating drunkard, and he brought his hands up to try and hit Danny again. "
Chill the—f**k!" Danny Boy managed to knock the punch aside and drive his knuckles into the man's ribs. The drunk man stumbled backwards, blinking. Danny looked up, seeing Anna standing off to the side, watching the altercation anxiously.
Come on, woman!" he howled, bounding towards the convertible. "
Run!" Anna glanced back at the reeling drunk man before quickly deciding to take Danny's advice, heading full-tilt towards the car. Danny reached the driver's side and leapt inside, adjusting himself quickly before slamming the key into the ignition. Anna slipped into her seat and slammed the door shut. Throwing the car into reverse wildly, he backed out and then squirreled out of the parking lot, leaving a shouting redneck in their wake.
They drove in silence through the city for a long while. Danny drummed his thumbs on the steering wheel to fill up the space. Irritation was putting what he was feeling right now mildly. Anna gripped her skirt and glanced over at Danny frequently. She knew it was coming. It would be here any minute now. She just had to wait for it. Danny always—
GODDAMMIT!" he roared, slamming his fist down on the steering wheel. "
What in God's name are you doing!?"
Danny, don't yell at me," Anna snarled defensively. "
I don't need your attitude."
My attitude!?" Danny snapped. "
My attitude? F**k you, you slut. What's the deal with you getting this guy on my case!?"
I. Don't. Need. Your. Attitude, Danny."
Danny tilted his head upwards, exasperated.
Goddammit, Anna, just shut your mouth. You're a godd**n idiot, do you know that?"
is gonna roll…
and her thing…
out of control…
and shame…
on the underdog…
and who's to blame…
about the other day…
Anna made a disgusted sound and turned away, looking out the side of the car. Danny shook his head. They drove for a bit before anyone spoke again.
What did you tell that guy, anyway?" Danny asked.
What guy?" Anna replied blandly.
The f**kin'… you know!" Danny sighed. "
JAAAWWWJUH Jerry. Whatever that big f**ker's name was."
Oh, the fighter guy?"
Anna shrugged. "
I told him I'd do 'im if he'd knock some teeth out of your mouth."
Danny glared at her. He almost hit a stop sign. "
You shut your mouth when you're talking to me."
it's never ending…
and never surrendering…
it's never ending…
and never surrendering…
guitars blast on now. vocals give a deep howl to turn everything on.
July 4th. 9:00 AM
guitars fade. bass remains. smooth.
Anna tossed the eggs into the trash just as Danny stepped into the hotel room's kitchen. Danny watched the burnt husks with mouth agape. He brushed some hair out of his face, clenching his teeth.
What is wrong with you?" Danny growled. Anna whirled around, eyes wide. "
What… can you do nothing correctly besides tell people what to do?"
Anna planted her fists on her hips. "
What the hell are you talking about, Danny?"
Look at these muscles, girl," Danny said, flexing them for her as if she'd never seen them before; late nights, when the mood was right, she had obsessed over them. The mood hadn't been right for a few days, though, and the reason was four letters, beginning and ending with an A. "
I am f**king ripped. I'm Danny Boy Vegas."
Thanks for telling me," Anna quipped.
I'm the greatest wrestler that has come into the scene in the last ten years," Danny said, continuing uninterrupted. Anna stared at him blankly, obviously bored with his rhetoric. "
I'm the best big man to lace up the boots in more. I kick ass for a living, but I can still cook some f**king eggs, goddammit!"
Anna looked at him for a while longer. "
And your point?"
Danny threw up his hands. "
Shut up!"
is gonna survive…
and nothing…
always alive…
despite on the edge…
well it'll make you cry…
and who's to blame…
about the other day…
So I'm not a good cook, Danny!" Anna cried. She set down the frying pan, starting after him; he had turned to walk away from this intellectual disaster area. "
So what?"
They're EGGS!" Danny shouted, walking to the couch. "
Eggs, Anna. It's not brain surgery. It's not lobotomy."
Brain surgery and lobotomy are the same thing, Danny."
SHUT. UP." Danny threw himself down on the couch.
You make the eggs, then," Anna said. "
Make the damn eggs if you're gonna cry about it."
Go hang yourself!" Danny howled at her, picking up the remote and launching it. She danced out of the way, keeping on the balls of her feet in case Danny decided to throw something else. "
You've just failed the life expectancy test!"
The life expectancy test?" Anna asked, raising her eyebrows. "
What the f**k are you talk—"
It's one simple question, Anna," Danny said. "
'How do you fry some godd**n eggs!?'"
Anna snarled at him. "
Your breakfast is in the trash, Danny."
F**k you, Anna. F**k you very much."
it's never ending…
and never surrendering…
it's never ending…
and never surrendering…
guitars paint a dreamscape. swim in the pool of ethereality. lose your mind in it. watch it drift away. you don't care at all.
July 4th. 9:00 PM
Fireworks. It's Independence Day, of course, so the fireworks were lighting up the sky. Crackling bursts painted the midnight blue backdrop any number of fluorescent pinks, blues, yellows, greens, and reds. There was a faint cheering somewhere down below. Danny was up on the balcony of his hotel, shirtless and lounging in a chair. He had a beer in hand.
Anna was sitting on his lap with a beer in hand as well, cheek nestled against his shoulder, their bodies pressed together. Danny brought a hand up, combing his fingers through her hair. She opened her eyes, glancing out at the fireworks. She looked back up at him.
Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked.
Yeah," Danny said.
her end…
something new…
and nothing…
all but you…
and the life you want to live…
and the life you want to live…
I love you."
Anna blinked at him. He arched an eyebrow at her.
I said it, Anna, and I'm probably not going to say it again."
Anna's face split in a broad, flustered grin. "
Goddammit, Danny," she breathed, incredulous. "
Danny smiled at her.
it's all right…
it's all right…
it's all right…
it's all right…
guitars blast in. everything is heavy. jolts you back to consciousness just enough so that you can see again before dragging you back in. vocals control the ride.
July 12th
I have kept you glorified gay oil pornstars waiting for a reason," Danny Boy growled. He shifted a sparkling belt on his shoulders and adjusted his huge sunglasses. He was standing outside on a rooftop. It was a sunny day, light blue sky behind him, not a cloud up in the heavens. Dressed all in white like he was, Danny looked like a godd**n angel. An angel of wrestling. Now ain't that the balls.
The reason is pretty simple," he continued. He smirked. "
Because I could. Because I knew that while I didn't talk, you'd be waiting on me. While I kept quiet, you'd speculate. You'd argue amongst yourselves. You'd get the marks, the interviewers, the hardcore fans to ask questions. I knew that Danny Boy would keep the forums abuzz, the magazines with stories, the tabloid pages full. And I knew that when I finally did speak, it would blow everything all to hell."
Danny started to pace back and forth, hiking the belt back up over his shoulder. "
I signed up for this TEAM Super Show because of what it was. They said it was super. They said that I could make a name for myself, a real big name, I could get the the Word of Danny out to all the people who haven't heard of SIN Wrestling. They said that it'd be a good chance for me to unleash the potential. So I said 'Alright, man, I'll sign on the dotted line.' I said 'Book me in a match.' I signed up for this voluntarily, but you know what? I had no idea what I was getting into."
Danny stopped, rubbing his jaw. He turned and faced the camera. "
When I had a look at the card, I said 'S**t, Ravager? Andrew Gilkinson? Ulysis Solian? This is not good.'" Danny paused.
Three motherf**king nobodies that I have to contend with. Three motherf**king nobodies that no one cares about, that no one has ever cared about, that won't get me back on the horse in any way, shape, or form. Not good at all."
Danny snarled. "
See, getting a win over these idiots is not enough here. They've given me a challenge. Not only did they not have the presence of mind to book me in the main event, but they book me in a four-way against three guys who have no idea what it means to wrestle. They gave me a challenge because for me to make my name here, I have to decimate these guys. I have to rip them limb from limb and throw their bones to the dogs. I have to win in such a fashion that there will be no question on who owned the ring that night."
These guys are great at s**t-talking, but s**t-talking never won you matches. These guys are great at the prelude, but when it comes to the real deal, they are gonna fail. They have spent this whole time s**t-talking. I have spent none of it s**t-talking. I come here now not to talk about my opponents. This match is not about my opponents. This match is about me and nobody but."
Danny lifted the belt off his shoulder so the camera can catch it better. "
See, this belt was the last belt that SIN Wrestling ever gave out: the Lust championship. And I won it, one-night tournament style, on the last pay-per-view that SIN Wrestling ever held. I beat a bunch of guys that you've probably never heard of, primarily because you're all stuck down in Bumf**kville, USA, home of the talentless. This belt signifies what Danny Boy Vegas has accomplished and will continue to accomplish."
Danny settled the belt back on its shoulder-perch. "
I have dealt with a lot of f**kwits in the past, but it's alright. I have dealt with a lot of idiots, but it's alright. I've a dealt with a lot of no-talent, low-rent, half-assed bastards who couldn't tell you Wichita from Worchester, but it's alright. 'Cause you know, when I roll, I roll. When I say it's time to go, it's time to go, and nothing survives me. You will find yourself flat on your back, looking up at the ceiling and wondering why you thought you could go toe-to-toe with Danny Boy. The cycle is never ending and, no matter how much Danny Boy fights it, it's never surrendering; stupidity will always be around and I will always have to put it down. But as long as I come out on top, I don't care in the least."
Danny shook his head. "
I am the Ace of Spades, the High Roller, the World Controller, the Alpha, the Omega, the Sony and the Sega, the beginning, end, middle, and all six sequels, the pre and postludes, the Las Vegas Sensation, the One Danny Nation, and you—all three of you—are just jackasses who managed to lace up their boots and stumble your way into the ring. You have no chance in hell.
You are imitators of greatness. You surround yourself with what you haven't earned, with what you could never earn. You have no ability, so you get what you can, you try and drive down the stock price so that you can buy in. You try to be famous, but you can't. You try to be great, but you fall short.
When it comes right down to it, I am living the life you want to live. And it's quite alright."
Danny's smirk becomes the last image.
instruments meld together to make a ship. launch us across those oceans of dreams. the ship rises out of the water…
* - Click to download the song.