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Team Danger vs AOD & Texas Lightning


League Member
Oct 20, 2004
Back home in Killeen, TX
OOC: What a lousy week to be out on the field. So, I don't expect this to count. CJH

Scene opens to the Dojo in Round Rock, Texas. A solidarty man stands alone with a baseball bat in hand. He is looking at a fax that came in on Wednesday morning in his free hand. He drops the fax paper and looks up and then turns his head, noticing the cameraman.

Man: What are you doing here?

Camera Operator: Uh, I was sent by Matt Pickstock for the interview you and your partner....

Man: Partner? He is on leave!

Camera Operator: Oh. I didn't know.

Man: I am sure as hell you didn't know. But your boss Pickstock did.

Camera Operator: I don't know if Pickstock knows about him.

Man: No matter.

The man takes a few steps forward, and his desert fatigues are exposed. One more step and his face is shown. Obvious to the camera is scars on his face, from a barbed wire cut.

The man is Texas Lightning.

Texas Lightning: See these scars. Compliments of Stephen Greer. I have not forgotten about Bloodbath and getting smacked upside the head with a barbed wire steel bat. 28 stitches. 6 puncture wounds. Broken nose.

But like many before, they didn't get the job done.

Stephen Greer, Tyrone Walker. Gentlemen, I hate to tell you this, but you failed....again.

At Main Frame, I face you two numbnuts for the World Tag Team Titles. Yes, I did say "I." Since my partner Angel of Death is on indefinite leave, I will have to face you two alone.

Don't worry.

I have no problems with that. When I get you two, I am sure your bimbo Kelly Evans and your new best friend, Samuel Roundtree are going to be nearby, if not at ringside.

Don't worry.

I have my partner here. This steel baseball bat. Me and my bat, against the two, three or even all four of you. I will give you a reminder, Greer, of what you did to me. Walker, for your being his accomplice, you will suffer as well and join Greer in his fate. For these scars I bear will be few compared to yours.

But they are my scars.

These scars are to be my redemption.

Stephen Greer, Tyrone Walker, you will pay the penalty for crossing me not once, not twice, but many times over. I will make sure that you both pay for the pain you have given me. I will not accept defeat, and I will come out victorious. I will win the battle.

My win for the tag team titles. I win, and I won't be winning for just for the fans, for my family, but for myself.

And come hell or high water, I will walk away as the new EUWC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!

Team Danger, you shall not survive Main Frame. You have two choices....

be dominated....



Lightning takes a swing with the baseball bat at the camera. The cameraman jumps back, dropping the camera as Lightning misses, and he runs out of the room. Lightning looks at the camera, smiles, and takes another swing.....


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