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Tag Team Championship Tournament: Semifinals - Saviors of Wrestling v Inner Circle


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
All RP for the World Tag Team Championship Tournament semifinals match between SAVIORS of WRESTLING and INNER CIRCLE at RAUCOUS should be done in this folder. Any RP posted outside of the folder will not count.

* Winners Move on to Finals and a spot in NEW's 1st main event at the SuperCard!

The RP deadline is 11:59pm PST on FRIDAY, May 4th, 2007. Angles should be sent to secandido@san.rr.com ..


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Re: Tag Team Championship Tournament: Semifinals - Saviors of Wrestling v Inner Circle


<s>Dan Ryan is sitting at a computer, typing out a promo for his match against the Saviors of Wrestling...</s>

WAIT, WHAT? That's not KAYFABE!!

Ok, scratch that.

Dan Ryan sits behind a large mahogany desk, with a stationary video cam running somewhere behind our view. Ryan leans back in his chair, crosses a leg and absent-mindedly taps a pencil on the desk.

Ryan: "I'd like to apologize for the absence of my partner so far this week. See, she's a slacker. A lazy, lazy slacker."


Ryan: "Well yeah, she's got the whole World Champion slash TEAM slash multimillion dollar company to keep tabs on thing going too, but mostly she's just a royally lazy lazy slacker."

Ryan smirks....

Ryan: "I kid, I kid Lindz. You know I kid. Just keepin' it light, baby!!"

"But let's get down to business with this match at Raucous. Saviors of Wrestling, or as they're more commonly known....SOW...I'm looking forward to this. I'm looking forward to this like I look forward to any match that involves me hooking up with Adam Benjamin. I'm looking forward to it like a swift kick to the nuts."

"Adam, how many times do we have to do this do you think? Don't you think your career would be going a hell of a lot better than it is currently if you just didn't wrestle me as much as you have been lately? I mean, you have to have some creative control written into your contract right? Something like...I reserve the right to stop wrestling people after they've beaten me more than ten times."

"And now, you come over to a new place...have a golden opportunity to lead off the era of tag team wrestling in N-E-W and put your name down in the record books of a proud organization and what do you have? You have me, teaming up with one of the absolute greats of the industry throwing my name into the hat as well."

"You gotta be sittin' there goin'.....son of a *****...."

"You and Maxwell House have a mighty hill to climb, Adam. A mighty hill indeed. If there's one thing I love to add to my trophy case it's a little gold. And lately, I've had a hankerin' for tag gold. I've already got two current tag team title reigns goin' on right now and racking up the triple crown of tag team wrestling wouldn't be such a bad thing. Three tag reigns at the same time with three different partners? Now that's something to be proud of. Never let it be said that I can't be a team player."

"We're gonna win this match. I mean, let's not kid ourselves. This isn't fantasyland, there's no big castle and Mickey Mouse is nowhere in sight."

"We're moving on to the supershow, or whatever they decide to call it - and we're bringing home the World Tag Team Titles to the Inner Circle, the true Inner Circle...the way it was always meant to be."

"I won't hold this against you, Adam. Don't worry. You'll still get a fair shake in EPW. It's not your fault they keep booking you against me, and it's not your fault that I have to keep beating you like a Carribbean steel drum."

"Cheers to you, Adam...or...insert whatever hip saying passes for English over across the pond these days. I need to go find my (lazy) partner...."

Ryan gives a little parting wink as we....



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: Tag Team Championship Tournament: Semifinals - Saviors of Wrestling v Inner Circle

It’s the first Friday on the month. The sun is shinning brightly. And to spur all you moron fans out there the SOW have decided to grace the camera. So sit back and prepare to enter First Class.

Benjamin: You know what this week in NEW, we get to face the Inner circle.

Maxwell: Inner Circle? More like Johnson and Johnson!

Benjamin: Are you calling them a Band Aid company?

Maxwell: Yes I am. Or maybe Trojan works better.

Benjamin: Did you just call them condoms?

Maxwell: Condoms, Band Aids, or any other protective name you can think of.

Benjamin: You know what you have a point. Dan Ryan has Protected that title around her waist for a long time.

Dan Ryan, its funny you talk about defeating me. Yeah I guess you have my number. Maybe that is why you simple dangle carrots in front of me over in EPW. Hell I have given you everything I have. Yet you always forget me. You walk so called greats in and give them shots that I should be receiving.

I have sat back and waited, but honestly I am seriously sick of waiting.

Maxwell: All the talent in the world. Without question on of the best wrestlers on the microphone. A look of a winner.

I am talking about the face of EPW, the smile, the boobs, the queen.

Benjamin: Ah yes the queen. I have waited a long time to face you. this time you will not have a mask on. This time you will not get me when I am not looking entering a battle royal.

No this time I am going to showcase to you my ability.

Maxwell: the reality is no one will give us a chance. But guess what I like those odds.

Benjamin: Ryan I am going to beat your champ in the middle of the ring. Maybe then you will toss me a bone over in that company of your.

Maxwell: Dan your ego is outstanding. But hey I am just a punk kid in your eyes, so what do I know.

Benjamin: Enough of this! Simple put bring it!

(Fade to black)


Jan 1, 2000
Adam Makes a Boo-Boo

"I think I need to pay Dan's brick wall another visit."

Fade-in: Lindsay Troy, leaning against the entertainment center in her hotel room in St. Louis. Why St. Louis? Because LB's a continuity queen. Sue me. >=)

"I really thought we were over the cute little comparison contests after booting Jack and Jill to the losers bracket last RAUCOUS. How quaint that Benjamin's bulldog Chandler knows enough about condoms to bark out a name, considering he'll never need to use one in his lifetime.

"I wasn't going to dignify your last kindergarten tantrum with a response, but I'd only be doing myself a diservice by allowing you the last word.

"Seriously now, are we really playing this game, Adam? You want me to 'bring it'? What's next, you demand that I lift my f*cking eyebrow so it'll tickle your funny bone just to see it?

She snorts in disgust.

"You're looking forward to facing me? Really? After all this time...after time and again begging off from fighting me because 'you don't hit girls', NOW you've finally grown a sack and are ready to do something more than a half-hearted shove and a hair-pull? What does your 'ability' incorporate this time, open-handed slaps? Maybe an arm-drag or two?

"Don't think I don't see right through your 'turning over a new leaf' cover. This is nothing more than some retconned bullsh*t where in Adam Benjamin land, anything pre-Dis counts as nothing but played-out excuses for failure and the spin-machine is in full effect.

"How's about I retcon you to being Scandinavian and homosexual, and instead of being Adam Benjiman, your new name is Adam Bendsovermen. You can even be the man of Beau Michaels' dreams. How's that for aspirations? Because y'know, your whining and crying about life being oh-so-unfair only gets you so far. After that, you become the brunt of everybody's snide little inside jokes. How very HEEL of you.

"I don't get why you're so hung up on EPW anyway. Are we on EPW programming right now? Because, I'm pretty sure we're in a tag tournament in another company entirely. But if you want to b*tch about your own shortcomings and how other people get shots before you, you do it until you're blue in the face. It'll just be GLARING FACT NUMBER ONE that you deserve nothing because you've earned nothing. Everyone will keep pointing and laughing at you like it's business as usual.

"And really, ragging on the way Ryan's run his company thus far? Not really a smart move if you want to "climb the ladder," and by that I mean "hang out in the storage shed collecting cobwebs."

"One day, Adam, you'll learn that sometimes you need to take your own chances instead of being complacent and waiting for something to be handed to you. Unfortunately, you'll need to spit the dust out of your mouth first after Dan and I walk over you and into the finals. But cheer up, lil' buckaroo...you'll still have the band aids to make you feel all better."

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