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Switching Files

The Guy

League Member
Dec 31, 1999
I signed up for that beta hosting for Memphis PRO but I am wondering how do I switch files from fwrestling.com/host/jyd to the memphispro.fwrestling.com server?

Also, does that mean my fwrestling.com/host/jyd will be cut off after a while? Just wondering so I know to save everything in there to my laptop.


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
There's currently no direct transfer available. You would need to upload your files directly to the new site using FTP.

I believe the old hosting system has an option that allows you backup your site into a .zip file. If you do that and uncompress it on your computer (using WinZip or PKZip), then you should be able to upload directly to your new site using FTP or the online File Manager.

I'm currently interested in having people beta test the new service. If all goes well, I'll ask active folks to move their sites there over time. There is no intention of deleting any files hosted on the old platform until way down the road.

Hope that helps. Let me know how things work for you or if you run into trouble.


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