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Survivor Sign-ups

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Due to the fact that Apprentice would be a ton of work, and would get me lynched for my crimes of firing people...I've decided to go with Survivor for this season of reality TV.

Show will consist of 16 characters split into two tribes of 8.

If you want on the show, E-mail me at FWSurvivor@hotmail.com

What I want are characters with the following info, and not wrestlers.

Hobbies, Interests
Why did your character join Survivor?
A background of your character, life story, as much detail as you want, get to the good stuff, like their feelings on lying and all that.

Character's plan for the game- "Build alliance and lead it" "Fly under radar" "Betray everyone" "Be honest" "lie like dog" anything or everything, lemme know your character's mindset when they get onto the island.

On a scale of 1-10, they rate where on these skills.

Puzzle Solving
Running Endurance
Running Sprint
Work Ethic (1 means lazy, 10 means work-a-holic)
Remembering things
Holding breath underwater
Anger management (1 is short fused, 10 is mellow if on fire)
Hand-Eye skills
Arm strength
Leg strength
Throwing objects (Ball, spear etc.)
Ability to make friends

Now, of course if you're "Buff McHawkings" who fixes cars while in his spare time making Good Will Hunting look like a moron, you might do very well, but tragically, people might just notice the 6'7" Brock Lesner-a-be who's also whip smart MIGHT be a bit of a threat and get rid of ya. You want your characters well made, power gaming isn't gonna work. (If it does the 15 other people in the game was morons)

Send me people that get on these shows, old people who are human interest stories, schemers, hot chicks, hot guys...People who've done stuff in their lives that are interesting, or at the very least be cool characters for a show like this.

You are in charge of who your character votes for and all that, but when you IM me complaining that your character who can't navigate a balance beam for the life of them, loses a balance challenge.

And I need a reason for why your character does something out of character, why does your fly under the radar character suddenly seek to overthrow the 'leader' of the alliance and take charge of the game, why is your outspoking ego-maniac suddenly a shrinking violet.

Finally, and most importantly, I need everyone who gets onto the show to make a new Survivor only screen name. This is the screen name you use to talk to other people in game. This will be done to prevent people from knowing who's playing who and thusly prevent massive OORP alliances from ruining the game.

If alliances in game start to follow along patterns that look like OORP friendships, questions will be asked, double so if Dan's Black Panther is allianced with Shane's KKK member, and Lindsay's Jewish old lady...(Just picking names out of the hat, don't hit me!)

I clearly will not be playing...

Oh right, payoff, the bribe I gotta give you people to do all this crap...It'll be at least 100, could be more, given that Vegas is the land of free money...Hope to hear from people. Good luck to everyone.

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