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Survivor New Zealand Tribes

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Here are the tribes, characters listed only on a first name basis for the moment, until everyone from each tribe has submitted to me their screen names for the show.

We'll be playing off the southern coast of New Zealand

Tribe Wallan will wear orange and consists of

Steve, a 24 year old model from Boston

Kevin, a 32 year old paramedic from Michigan

Jason, a 29 year old cancer survivor from New York

Vincent, a 28 year old stock broker from New York

Emilia, a 26 year old college student/teacher from Washington DC

Margaret, a 33 year old single mom from Philly

Tiffany, 22 year old college student from St. Louis

Karla, a 29 year old advertising consultant for Pepsi from Northern Maine

Tribe Shak-no will wear blue and consists of

Blaine, a 24 year old surfing instructer from Honolulu

Chris, a 23 year old from LA, currently in the Double A organization of the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Mark, a 28 year old double amputee (legs) tree doctor from Delaware.

Ned, a 43 year old office worker from Colorado

Mary, a 28 year old nun from Boston

Ruth, a 27 year old rapper/actress from Sheboygan

Cynthia, a 22 year old college student from Tempe

Olivia, a 19 year old clerk from Hanover, Ma

For everyone who sees their character on here, IM me with your screen name for the character to lemme know who's who and what's what, once I have all the screen names for each tribe I'll send them out to the other tribe-mates and we'll get going in a week or so (the quicker everyone gets names to me, the better.)

Good luck, and get your stuff into me!
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