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Survivor Last Call and Final Details

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
To everyone who's been good and sent in everything, thanks. To everyone's who's slacking, here's what I need from you.

Fake IM name you'll be playing the game under
List of clothes for your character to wear during normal times, swimwear, and bad weather clothes.

Interview before the show that will be posted after the votes for the Final 2 are made, it's in private, your character can say "These suckers are gonna hand me a million bucks and they'll do it smiling." and nobody will know till it's to late.

Basically, the shows will be first time around written in a shortform, where things that are overt, or will be played out during this episode, are shown. Stuff like "When we get down to 5 people, we're totally screwing Steve" will not be shown.

After the final vote is totalled (But not revealed) I'll post everything. Every catty aside to the camera your character made, every 'we're screwing Steve at 5' comment. All the backbiting evil that ya know and love from Survivor.

Now I got 16 people, but 2 or 3 of them have been worrying me about lack of on-line time. So if anyone else wants in on this game and can show me they'll be on-line enough, then read the join note and E-mail your stuff at FWSurvivor@hotmail.com

As an edit, I've been told to include a luxury item, you can bring 2 such items, but nothing that can make fire or has a sharp edge is allowed.
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