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SuperShow IV Feedback Thread


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
Finally... nearly everything's up, and all the results are in. SuperShow IV is in the books, and our 2007 Merritt Trophy Champion has been crowned. It's a wonderful day in the annals of TEAM, at least I think it is. But what do YOU think? That's the important part. Tell me what you think, so that I know how we did and how I can do better for the next time.


What did you think about the TiT Final?

What did you think about the Three-Way?

(Don't answer this until I've posted the match!) What did you think about the Challenge Championship match?

What was your favorite spot from the night? Favorite line from Jess and the Duke?

What did you think about the CoC angle?

Who do you have in the CoC match at SuperShow V?


Jan 10, 2004
New York
Before I comment on the specific questions, I just wanted to say this was an excellent job on the part of all those who participated in the show. The RPs were entertaining, and really pumped up anticipation for the show. So props to the participants for doing a great job. As for the questions...

What did you think about the TiT Final?
It was a sensational final. Well worth the read, perhaps the best match I've had the opportunity to read all year. The commentating flowed really well with the action, right down to the bracketed "action shots" that were slipped in between commentary. Holzer, you drove home the point on the determination of both competitors, and utilized their respective styles and histories to develop the match around that, which I thought was key in raising the match quality. The one major criticism I'd note is that it did drag towards the end... a few too many false finishes, maybe five minutes over what it should have been. Regardless of that, props to you, and I'll be looking for this match at the year-end awards.

What did you think about the Three-Way?
The three-way was definitely a match where the RP build-up got me more into the match. I thought the uneasy alliances, however brief, added a nice touch here. Three-ways can be tricky, but this one came out nicely. I thought all three guys came out looking strong, and it was a good match overall.

(Don't answer this until I've posted the match!) What did you think about the Challenge Championship match? Not up yet.

What was your favorite spot from the night? Favorite line from Jess and the Duke?
Ah, it's hard to say. Definitely something from the main event, as I'm pretty into Dan Ryan and Ulysis Solian. Narrowed down to one move? I guess I'd lean towards seeing the Suicide Screwdriver make an appearance, although the split-legged Moonsault from Ryan was certainly a nice addition to a big match. Overall, I thought the way the old-school stuff played into Ryan/Solian was a cumulative favorite. I don't really take any one or two lines from the commentary, but it was entertaining and involved in the matches, being a help and not a hindrance to them. So keep up the good work, there.

What did you think about the CoC angle?
A good way to play off the double no-show.

Who do you have in the CoC match at SuperShow V?
I gotta take Jason Payne. He's been on a tear all over the place, with seldom bumps like the FFA~! match. Should be a strong match, though.
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