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[SUPERIORITY] Samuel Roundtree vs Texas Lightning


League Member
Sep 18, 2004
(We're wandering around backstage just after Main Frame has gone off the air. As we come through the back curtain we see the road agents, wrestlers and some of the ring crew milling through craft services. After picking up a quick snack our camera crew works its way down the hall towards the locker rooms. We enter and pan around to see a massage table set up by one of the stalls with an extremely statuesque blond woman standing in front of it.)

Woman: Mista Roundtree, I'm ready.

Sam: Thanks Inga, this massage idea Tyrone gave me couldn't have come at a better time. I don't know if you got to see the show tonight but I had an extremely "tough" match with Texas Lightning.

Inga: But sir...

Sam: First off, drop the sir bit, I'm not TL...do I look that old and wrinkled to you? I'm 254 pounds of god created sculpture. You call me Sam.

Inga: O.K. Sam, how tough could this match have been. It doesn't look like you broke a sweat.

Sam: Well, I can't argue with that. So, the match may have not been physically tough, but I spent all week planning and preparing, Ty, Stephen and I plotted out a specific game plan that was guaranteed to work in this match. And when a plan falls through the cracks like that, I have to admit I am emotionally spent because of all that time wasted.

Inga: But you won Sam, I'm confused.

Sam: See, I was lead to believe that Texas Lightning was this "legend" in this business. Someone who I was guaranteed to have a solid U.S. title match against. Someone who could make me a better wrestler. I must be delirious, I feel like I am auditioning for Jerry Maguire. Long story short is that my defenses of this title are supposed to be against challengers, not people who are "challenged." The worst part is that I have to do it all over again at the Pay-Per-View Sunday. I should send an apology out to the fans for the false advertising the EUWC is doing. Superiority my ass, this Pay-Per-View should be called Inferiority. Inga, this constant incompetence has really made me tense. Anything you can do to help?

Inga: Definitely Sam...

Sam: Excellent.

(Sam climbs on to the table as Inga drips some oil onto his back and starts rubbing.)

Sam: Remind me to thank Ty for this, this is awesome...

(We walk out of the room as Samuel turns over for Inga to work on his chest...)

(Fade to black)


League Member
Oct 20, 2004
Back home in Killeen, TX
(fade in)

(A distinct sound is heard as Texas Lightning walks alone in the forest surronding his grandfather's house in White Oak, TX. The sound is his radio, as an old familiar song plays, "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC.

TL shuts off the radio as he notices the cameraman and begins to speak.)

Samuel Roundtree, you think you know what it takes to be a legend...a four time wrestling champion.....well, boy, I am going to make this short and sweet to you....


At Main Frame, I nearly took you out. I nearly had you beat. But I wasn't all ready and I certainly wasn't all there. My world has not been normal for quite some time now with Stephanie being away. But I talk to her daily and it helps.

But now it comes to Superiority. A second chance of sorts. You and your buddies Ty and Stevie, they don't understand either. I nearly by myself defeated those two geeks for the World Tag Team Titles. I would have beaten you at Main Frame, but my soul was distracted.

Not this Sunday. I have my soul and and I have my mind in one place with the body, not that of a wrinkled man, but one of focus. Focus to one purpose and that is to literally kick your behind.

This Sunday, I will walk into the ring with you and the "Naked" truth is that I will defeat you this Sunday and take what you claim to hold dear, that EUWC United States Title.

Inga can rub you up and down she wants, but it won't do you any good against a man who has held a world title four times. Held a tag team title three times. Fought in some of the most barbaric matches ever created. And still I will come out on top.

This Sunday is my peanance and your worst reality all in one. This Sunday, I will prove that Superiority doesn't come in a bottle of oil...


(Fade out)


League Member
Sep 18, 2004
(A cigar lounge in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A thin veil of extremely expensive cigar smoke floats through the room. We move through the room and find businessmen and other CEO's discussing world events. In the back corner we find Kandi Reed sitting in the corner with Samuel Roundtree.)

Kandi: Samuel, thanks for inviting me here today. I'm kinda confused as to why I'm here...

Samuel: Confused? Why are you here?

Let me explain. Kandi, I brought you here to show how the upper class live. See, Philadelphia is a city where people come to make dreams come true. The city of brotherly love opens its arms to people who want to make something out of their lives. It does however shun and ignore the classless peons of the world who talk about people's pennance without being about to spell it properly. It repels the mediocrity that people who refuse to move out of the past and into the now.

Kandi: You wonder why I'm confused....?

Samuel: O.K., let's try it this way. Texas Lightning, former 4-time World Champion. Texas Lightning, the man who almost single-handedly beat Team Danger for their tag straps two weeks ago. The man who "almost" beat me for the United States Championship on Main Frame. The man who has more excuses than Bill Clinton trying to explain where he was on Saturday night to Hillary. By the way nice blue dress Kandi.

The man...

Kandi: Samuel, you're point being...

Samuel: Sorry there sugar puff, Texas Lightning brings out the ramble in me.

He says I don't understand squat. He says it's all because his head wasn't in the match on Thursday that he lost. He says the whole world could be his if he was focused. He says that Jessica and Bart Simpson are ACTUALLY RELATED!!!

Texas Lightning, TL, Grandpa Wrestling, let me make something completely clear to you.

You WERE good.

When you walk out to the ring in front of 20,000 people this Sunday the only thoughts running through peoples minds will be, "Hasn't he retired yet?", "Man he looks old?", "Hey! Who's the has been?"

I will give you credit TL. I watched you in the past and you could go. You could bleed and run with the best of them. The problem for you was back then, you needed to bleed, you needed to go so far over the top that people laughed at you when you fell down to the bottom. You got more "Holy ****s!!!" out of a crowd than a room full of constipated fat guys. What you need to know TL is that in 2005, it's more than just your willingness to bleed that gets you over, that makes you money hand over fist. Don't get me wrong, you will lose a pint or two at Superiority. You need that "X" factor. That little extra something that makes you special. And if I'm being honest about it. You have more of the "Y" factor working for you.

You know what I mean...

The "Y" are you still wrestling factor...
The "Y" don't you get it factor...
The "Y" aren't you the same guy I saw selling T-shirts during intermission factor...

TL, you're time is over.

At Superiority, it's done.
No more witty banter between the two of us.
TL, it's so over between the two of us, I won't even come up with a clever line to end this interview.

Kandi: So this would be the point we...

Samuel: You mean fade to black.

Kandi: No, not that...

Samuel: Kandi...FADE TO BLACK!!!!
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