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[SUPERIORITY] Ryan Baker vs Lord Antharg


Duke of York

*The scene opens up with an unknown person lying on a couch. He is wearing a pair of grey three quater length trousers and a white top. On his feet, he wears Nike Shoxx. He is holding in his hand a half drunk glass of beer. He takes a swig and starts to speak.*

Man: Well well, well. Let us start with a formal introduction. I am Lord Antharg. I'm from Great Britain and quite frankly, I'm here to be one of the best. Yes, I know I was one of the first elimanated the other night, but I was still getting to grips with things around here. Sunday will be different. Sunday I shall defeat my opponent and show EUWC and the world what I am all about.

*He takes a swig from his glss and sets it down on the table next to him. Getting up he heads over to a CD rack and starts flicking through CDs.*

Lord Antharg: Queen, The Darkness, Fozzy...Westlife...what the hell are they doing there? Oh I give up. I can never find the CD I want.....anyway...I consider this PPV match my true debut... The world will see the coming of a new era for EUWC and the wrestling world....It starts Sunday.

*The scene fades out as Lord Antharg turns his back on the camera.*

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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