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Sunday Night iNtense: Final is now LIVE


Aug 19, 2006
It was the last ever iNtense. The final main event saw MONARCHY take on The New Breed, Omega, and Mack Brody, plus surprises galore on tonight's show! Who showed up to challenge for the tag team titles? LoC vs jOlt? A member of The Dead Cell was revealed and that person challenged for the Hype Championship! This and MORE as jOlt comes to you one last time with iNtense!

Here are the matches on the final iNtense card

Fearless Rules
Adam Roebuck vs Derrick Huber

Tammy Lynn Foster vs Desiree

Darren Best & Alex Reyn vs Alfie Button & Freddie Rich

Hype Championship
Crucifix(c) vs ??????

jOlt vs LoC
Starlet Champion vs Bombshells Champion (Non-Title)
Vogue Gonsalvez vs "Dragonfly" Amber Ryann

Tag Team Championship
The Natural Athletes(c) vs ??????

8 Man Tag
MONARCHY vs The New Breed, Omega, Mack Brody

You can stream the event here: http://www.joltwrestling.com/joltv/intense/2015/si136.shtml

See you in two weeks at Death Wish!

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