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Suicide v Montgomery


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
A Mysterious Wanderer Returns

* Suicide RP for C06.

The camera fades in to the top of a skyscraper in New York City at night. It is indeed the city that never sleeps as it is still bustling with activity as the residents go about their own business. A beautiful shot of the city being lit like a Christmas tree truly shows its urban splendor.

In the off-distance on top of the same skyscraper, a dark, shadowy figure stands, gazing at the same spectacle.

“It has been far too long since I have looked upon this city, watching the masses living their lives. Each time I take in this simple complexity, this organized chaos; I believe to wonder what motivates a single person to just live.”

“I have had trouble coming up with an answer, simply because I have not had the chance to just… live. For the past few years, I have been in solitude, surrounding myself with my thoughts and trying to come up with an answer to it all.”

“Except I didn’t.”

The camera slowly moves toward the figure, his visage still not made out in the darkness. This mysterious individual does appear to be puffing on a cigar, the smoke forming its own shadows that dance in the night.

“It was then I had an epiphany – except trying, why not just do? Why not just live? Why not just be?”

“I soon realized how pathetic and redundant that sounded. It has been always the “haves” but not the “wants”. So, I came to the realization that maybe it’s time I get what I want.”

“It’s time to come back.”

The shadowy figure puffs on the cigar once more as he exhales a cloud of smoke.

“And come back I shall… to New ERA of Wrestling. It has been quite a while and now I should obtain what I want. To do that, I must start at the very beginning once again… against one Mr. Michael Montgomery.”

“From what I heard and seen of Mr. Montgomery, he certainly revels in his own false bravado and judging from his last performance at BattleBRAWL III, it seems he and his ego were certainly crushed. I need to forewarn you, Mr. Montgomery, I hope you do not take this match lightly like you did at BattleBRAWL because being flattened by a 400-pound individual will be the least of your worries.”

“I did not come back to New ERA of Wrestling to have an easy time; I came back because I wanted a challenge. Last time I was here, I became careless and wrapped in my own ego. This time? I’m devotedly focused, not only on creating my own destiny… but you. This will prove to be another challenge I shall embrace. I just hope for your own sake, Mr. Montgomery, that you embrace the unknown. For it is the unknown that shall test your mettle and strengthen every facet of your being."

" When it’s all said and done, win or lose, you will come to know me simply as…”

“The Man…”

“The Myth…”

“The Legend…”


“’Nuff said…”

Just then, after he uttered his final words, the visage of the mysterious wanderer revealed him to be none other than Suicide. He then went back to gazing down into the city as the camera faded out…

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