Because something is about to run over you
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-03 AT 02:47 PM (EST)]{{...FADE-IN: "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan stands on his balcony looking out at the "Hollywood" sign in Hollywood, California. Morgan is dressed impeccably in black-tie attire, and is sipping a glass of wine. Very out of place in the whole scene is the GLCW TV Title around his waist, glimmering in the reflected light. The silence is broken by crickets chirping. Morgan smiles, and sets the glass down on the railing...}}
"STUPENDOUS" STEPHEN MORGAN: " You hear that Wells? That's the sound of the reaction I get every time I mention your name to ANYBODY. Either that, or the classic owl impersonation. {{...dramatic pause...}} Get it? {{...pause...}} "WHO?". {{...laughs...}} You know, after wasting three minutes of my life listening to that drivel you spewed forth, I've come to the conclusion that you've really got a very WARPED sense of reality. Because you see my friend, NOBODY back in that locker room gives a DAMN that you're here. Because, and forgive me if this seems harsh, you're a nobody. Winning the TV Title in a now defunct Indy federation hardly qualifies you as a "name"...just like getting eliminated from a battle royal full of no-talent hacks HARDLY qualifies you for a title shot. But somehow, SOME-WAY, you've greased the palm of Krusher and Malec long enough that they threw you a bone. "
" Too bad that bone is in the teeth of this snarling doberman. "
{{...Morgan tries to make a menacing face, and brings his left arm up to flex, but knocks the glass of wine off the balcony instead. We hear it hit the concrete as it shatters. Morgan sheepishly regains his composure, then continues as if nothing happened...}}
" See, in case you MISSED it Wells, I *AM* the GLCW. This title, {{...points to the TV Title around his waist...}} says so. Forget that piece of TIN Maelstrom is wearing, it's tainted, and will forever BE tainted, until I get my rightful rematch. Until THEN, THIS is where it's AT. Stephen Morgan, {{ his best hip-hop impersonation...}} " is tha' SHIZ-NIT. "
" I'm sorry if that flies in the face of your little comeback "tour" Wells. Stephen Morgan is NOT the place to make a name for yourself here. Ask anybody. Too bad really. I mean, the GLCW needs a feel-good story doesn't it? You've got the Maelstrom steroid controversy, the rumors of Anarky and Manson being "more than just friends", Nemesis' continued failure at just about anything and everything he does, Rabisquit's quest to prove he's not French, and ENDLESS other off the wall things that the common, every-day, white-trash couch potatoe finds hard to follow. "
" Yeah, you could have been the BLUE COLLAR savior, the king of the trailer parks, the HERO of the toothless inbreds. {{...laughs...}} Yeah, you COULDA' been HUGE. But alas, you've run into a problem. You've run into a BRICK WALL named STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan who's going to expose you as simply ONE of the white-trash idiots that wanted to cheer for you. "
" I'd get use to that view you had on that empty field Wells, because after I'm done kicking your ASS for this TV Title, that's going to be about all the people that will want to come see you wrestle again. "
" And if you think ANYTHING otherwise, well you can just ... "'
" Keep dreaming. "
{{...FADE OUT as Morgan shows the pearly whites...}}