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"Stupendous" Stephen Morgan vs. Jared Wells


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
Gotta Look Over Your Shoulder...

(Camera opens up to the Silver Cross Field, panning around the entire field, and in a distance you see a man sitting in the stands by himself wearing white jogging shorts, blue shirt, and silver sunglasses over his face. Camera zooms in slowly as he begins to talk)

JARED WELLS: 'Ya know they say in due time, good things will happen. Good things are happening right now. I signed with the GLCW in January 2003 and told everybody that I was a changed man. I told them that the demons that were once there were gone. Everybody pretty much laughed and ignored me. Boy, has things changed over the few months. I've stepped in the ring with so many great talents here in the GLCW. And after the hell I went through in the eight man battle royal, I seen alot of changes. Guys in the back clapping, cheering, giving me props. RESPECT. I've seen alot of that.

What does the GLCW reward THE RAGE with? A Television title shot against 'Stupendous' Stephen Morgan. I know my timing is off Stevie but congrats on winning the title from Jared Poe. It's too bad that your reign as TV CHAMPION is over with. It will go down in the books as the shortest reign ever in GLCW history.

I myself a former two time WWL television champion. I know what being a champion is all about. Only problem is, I haven't tasted gold in over three years but I'm willing to fix all that as we speak. What's old is new again baby and I'll show you first hand.

I just so happen to be on a path of rage and your right in the middle dude! Let's think about this for a second here. Jared Wells, has not a title shot for years. Do you think that I'm going to blow this chance? 'Stupendous' Stephen Morgan, I'm sorry man but I need this more than anything in my life. I need that belt more than anything. I'm not trash talking here 'Stupendous' but there is no way your going to beat me, ONE-TWO-THREE. NO way in hell dude, not with all this riding on my shoulders. I've busted my ass too long to let something run away. I'm excited, but at the same time I'm focused.

Your in my sights 'ol STEVIE. Enjoy that belt while you can because eveything that you dream, everything that you think, everything that you believe is GONE. Not, months, not weeks, but days. Before you know it, you'll be counting down the hours with the GLCW television title around your waist. When the big day comes Stevie, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna say?

The sweat will be dripping off your head, and you'll have that pain in your stomach because your a nervous wreck. I'll be at WIRED waiting and so will my fans all over the internet and at the Silver Cross Field. History will be made for sure, no doubt. And after I drop you on your head with the RAGE-BOMB, it will be all over for you.

The last thing you'll hear is, Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner....AND.....NEW GLCW TELEVISION CHAMPION, 'RAGE 'o FIRE'!!!!

...Time has come to Rage

(Wells stands up, and begins to walk away with his back facing the camera as it zooms out into the distance)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Because something is about to run over you

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-03 AT 02:47 PM (EST)]{{...FADE-IN: "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan stands on his balcony looking out at the "Hollywood" sign in Hollywood, California. Morgan is dressed impeccably in black-tie attire, and is sipping a glass of wine. Very out of place in the whole scene is the GLCW TV Title around his waist, glimmering in the reflected light. The silence is broken by crickets chirping. Morgan smiles, and sets the glass down on the railing...}}

"STUPENDOUS" STEPHEN MORGAN: " You hear that Wells? That's the sound of the reaction I get every time I mention your name to ANYBODY. Either that, or the classic owl impersonation. {{...dramatic pause...}} Get it? {{...pause...}} "WHO?". {{...laughs...}} You know, after wasting three minutes of my life listening to that drivel you spewed forth, I've come to the conclusion that you've really got a very WARPED sense of reality. Because you see my friend, NOBODY back in that locker room gives a DAMN that you're here. Because, and forgive me if this seems harsh, you're a nobody. Winning the TV Title in a now defunct Indy federation hardly qualifies you as a "name"...just like getting eliminated from a battle royal full of no-talent hacks HARDLY qualifies you for a title shot. But somehow, SOME-WAY, you've greased the palm of Krusher and Malec long enough that they threw you a bone. "

" Too bad that bone is in the teeth of this snarling doberman. "

{{...Morgan tries to make a menacing face, and brings his left arm up to flex, but knocks the glass of wine off the balcony instead. We hear it hit the concrete as it shatters. Morgan sheepishly regains his composure, then continues as if nothing happened...}}

" See, in case you MISSED it Wells, I *AM* the GLCW. This title, {{...points to the TV Title around his waist...}} says so. Forget that piece of TIN Maelstrom is wearing, it's tainted, and will forever BE tainted, until I get my rightful rematch. Until THEN, THIS is where it's AT. Stephen Morgan, {{...in his best hip-hop impersonation...}} " is tha' SHIZ-NIT. "

" I'm sorry if that flies in the face of your little comeback "tour" Wells. Stephen Morgan is NOT the place to make a name for yourself here. Ask anybody. Too bad really. I mean, the GLCW needs a feel-good story doesn't it? You've got the Maelstrom steroid controversy, the rumors of Anarky and Manson being "more than just friends", Nemesis' continued failure at just about anything and everything he does, Rabisquit's quest to prove he's not French, and ENDLESS other off the wall things that the common, every-day, white-trash couch potatoe finds hard to follow. "

" Yeah, you could have been the BLUE COLLAR savior, the king of the trailer parks, the HERO of the toothless inbreds. {{...laughs...}} Yeah, you COULDA' been HUGE. But alas, you've run into a problem. You've run into a BRICK WALL named STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan who's going to expose you as simply ONE of the white-trash idiots that wanted to cheer for you. "

" I'd get use to that view you had on that empty field Wells, because after I'm done kicking your ASS for this TV Title, that's going to be about all the people that will want to come see you wrestle again. "

" And if you think ANYTHING otherwise, well you can just ... "'

" Keep dreaming. "

{{...FADE OUT as Morgan shows the pearly whites...}}


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
Run over this....

(Camera opens up to Jared Wells walking down an alley pouring down rain, and he is just wearing jeans, tee shirt, and hair all messy)

'RAGE 'o FIRE': I love when people take cheap shots at me. I love it when I'm just some easy target for talk. But what's funny is when we step into the ring and meet eye to eye, one on one. All the talk stops and all the drama begins. Stevie Baby, you have no clue what your getting yourself into. I

n your eyes, I'm a nobody, a loser, a washed up piece of crap. (SMILES) I love it. And I really love you holding that TELEVISION title over your shoulder for the last time. You are the GLCW? Your are the SHIZ-NIT? Fine. You are that, but in my book your just another victim of RAGE and FEAR.

Your title defense will only be a flash in the pan. My dreams, my reality will unfold at WIRED. At your expense I will be the new GLCW TELEVISION champion. Like I said before, I'm greedy for gold dude. I want that damn belt more than anything. That's why we are here. To be the best, and to be champion. That's what I live for man.

My people want me to be their TELEVISION champion. They want me to whoop your ass all over the field. They deserve it, and I will deliver. They are the people of the sun, and I'm the PATH OF RAGE ready to make history. White trash? Dude, get your words in order there because you seemed to be a little bit confused. That's good though......I got you where I want you.

You sit there at keep on talking about MAELSTROM, and others....WHY? Are you scared? Does JARED WELLS make you sweat? When the bell rings man, your history. RAGE-BOMB is where it all lies big man. Your days of being STUPENDOUS are over with.

'RAGE 'o FIRE' was created by god, and created by the people in 1995, and look where we are now. What's OLD is NEW again baby. The funny thing is people in the GLCW have a hard time with it. They all know my past and thats all they bank on. No prob man.

Bottom line is this STEVIE, your a marked man.....GLCW has granted me a title shot, and my dreams will come true......I WANT TO BECOME THE GLCW TELEVISION CHAMPION......I want it, the people want it. Great thing is a couple people in the back told me that they want me to beat your ass. Enough said.....besides......




League Member
Jan 1, 2000

{{...FADE-IN: "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan stands in his private gym. He's dressed in a bright green sweat suit with a gold $ on the front. The GLCW TV Title is strapped around his waist, and he's holding a folded piece of paper in his hand...}}

SM: " Well Jared, I'm certainly glad that you feel good about yourself. It takes quite a man to see the hilarity in his situation. I mean, there you stand, totally oblivious to the fact your about to get STUPENDA-SIZED at Wired....and you're a HAPPY man? I guess it really is true what they say, "Ignorance *IS* bliss". " {{...laughs...}}

" Speaking of ignorance, let me address your latest assault on good speech...that {{...clears his throat...}} "promo" you last did. Let's see, {{...looks down at the piece of paper...}} FIRST, you said, and I'm quoting here, because Lord knows I'd never say something like this, you said that I was "just another victim of RAGE and FEAR". {{...Morgan suppresses a laugh...}} A victim of Rage and fear 'eh? Please. I mean, guys like YOU don't hardly qualify as something I should be shaking in my boots over. You're NOT like Maelstrom. I mean, have you SEEN that guy? Geezus, he should be on comic book covers instead of holding the GLCW World {{...a buzzer goes off and Morgan winces...}} HEAVYWEIGHT title. THAT guy is scary. He should be doing "stay off drugs" commercials instead of wrestling...but I digress. POINT is hot shot, if you want to put a little FEAR in ME, you're going to have to actually DO something in this sport. You're going to actually have to PIN somebody other than Jack Smack in his pretty pink tights. As far as being a victim of RAGE...well, I'm not sure how that's even possible. Maybe you can string enough words together to form a coherent sentence and explain it to me. "

" Now, NEXT point {{...looks down at the piece of paper again...}} I wanted to address was the fact that your fans worship the sun. Uh, I'm not real sure how that applies to anything, but it interest me none-the-less. Are you talking about the beach rats that walk up and down the public Cali beaches, hanging out of their bathing suits? Or are you actually talking about people that sit in a church somewhere and pray to the sun? You said that Rage O' Fire was created by god...does that mean a SUN GOD? I mean, it wouldn't surprise me either way, but I'd like to know just what kind of people I'm dealing with. If somebody comes up to me while I'm walking down Rodeo drive and says they're a fan of Jared Wells, I want to know if I should run. {{...looks down at the piece of paper again...}} OK? Point addressed.

" Lastly, I'd just like to address your clear LACK of understanding of just who it is you're dealing with. I'm STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan. I AM the man that will make the GLCW the next BIG thing. On MY shoulders will I carry this federation to NEW heights. And it won't be on cartoon gimmicks, it won't be on the backs of my sun-worshipers, it won't be because I pump more steroids than my body can hold. No Jared, it'll be because I am the BEST DAMN wrestler on the fact of planet earth. "

" And if you don't see it, well you can just ... "

" Keep dreaming. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
Makes Perfect Sense...

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-03 AT 10:53 PM (EST)]<Camera opens up over the shoulder of Jared Wells as you see Morgan talking about his title defense. Final words are said and Wells turns around in a happy moment to address the wrestling world>

'RAGE 'o FIRE': "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan, the GLCW Television champion of the GLCW! The self-proclaimed BEST DAMN WRESTLER on EARTH! Dude, do I have news for you. I got more than just news for you, I have a message and a threat. You wanna sit there and make fun of me because of the way I talk? The way I act? (SMILES) You have no clue at all once again.

Your little prancin' around the television title is not helpin' at all. In fact STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan, I like you. I think your a funny guy. Besides, you'll be a pal and lose your title in a very painful way. Set aside all the catch phrases, the bright lights, the comic book story telling. Let's talk about our match, ONE on ONE! Ask anybody! ANYBODY in the back what this match means to me. When I came to the GLCW I had two goals in my mind. One, to turn around my life and show the world I still had it. Two, become the GLCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION period.

This might be my only shot to once again become a television champion. Nobody, and I mean nobody is gonna stop me! I will go to hell itself just to beat you. You claim to be the best, I WILL BEAT THE BEST. I am the REAL PEOPLE'S CHAMPION. I don't make it that way, the people do. Because they see a guy who once owned the world, blew it to hell, and is now BACK from the dead! I guess out of the entire mess is RESPECT. Something I will teach you once and for all.

My fans will be watching you every step of the way. Just make sure you don't make any mistakes because if you do, they will be all over you. You wanna talk about FEAR? Talk about the RAGE? (SMILES) The sweat thats dripping from your head right now is because of me. The buzzing feeling in your stomach is because of me. And the reason why you wake up the next morning the former GLCW television champion is because of me! GOT IT? Good, great, WONDERFUL!

My friend the GLCW won't be the next big thing because of you. In fact, your the next big thing because of the GLCW. But I consider myself a household name in this business. Ask, Anarky, Manson, Kidd, ect. I could go on and on bro. But! Let's not let the fame over ride us shall we? Bottom line, I've done more in this business than you could have dreamed of! Then again, I can't stand anyone braggin' about themselves. Just tryin' to prove a point dude.

Wired is the event to be baby. All the way from the internet geeks to the GLCW staff will be watchin' this one. History will be made for sure. Keep dreamin'? (LAUGHS) I've already done that in the past....now I will show you that you really don't get it.

...Time Has Come To Rage...


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