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Steven James and Lincoln Jones vs. Krymson Dragons


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
And So We Begin

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-03 AT 11:33 PM (EST)] Fade in to a gym where a ring is set up. Lincoln Jones is tearing through 3 sparring partners. Showtime is off to the side watching, letting the rookie get a lot more time working out in the ring to get a feel for it.

Imitating Mick from Rocky


LJ: stopping STEVE! I'm trying to work out man. laughing

SJ: Sorry dude, hey you've put enough time in today, lets go grab some beers.

Cut to Showtime and Jones leaving the gym cleaned up.

SJ: Good workout, your timing is coming along fine, and don't worry, our finishing move is almost perfected.

LJ: Very true, i can't wait to get my hands on the Krymson Dragons.

SJ: Neither can i.

Showtime struggles to open the door but then realized he locked the keys in the car

SJ: Hey Linc, got an extra key?

LJ: No.

SJ: Well that's ok, i'll just call AAA.

Showtime starts to dial on his cell but Jones proceeds to rip the freakin car door completely off the car.

SJ: UUmm, Linc, you just ripped the door off it's freakin hinges! I could have called Triple A!

LJ: Dude, relax, it's a rental.

SJ: Good point. But if you can do that to a car, imagine what you can do to Krymson.

LJ: Hehehe, wait and see.

Fade out


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Not Really a Promo

Fade in to a video showing clips of Showtime Steven James and Lincoln Jones working out and sparring in a ring. It's basically a compilation of them getting ready for the match, then the music drops down and you can here James yell "Time for the finishing move", then the screen goes black and a sentence appears that reads "You'll have to wait, for the match."

Fade out


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Lansing USA
Ok ok ok, we're here.



"Are you sure?"



**Heavy Sigh**




**Scene comes into view with Chamelion on one side of a ping pong table and his older brother, Raizzor on the other side. Raizzor does not look pleased to be here, as he carelessly holds his paddle and stares coldly into his brothers eyes**

"Sheesh, lighten up! I know youve never played this before, I just want to make sure you're all set for the serve"


**Raizzor growls**

"..said I was ready... not that I want to be here to begin with."

**Grinning, Chamelion rolls the ball around in his palm as he explains.

"Hand-eye coordination, brother.. we've been training in the ring for a while now, I figured a focused approach on the more basic functions would be a good idea.. besides, this is fun!"

**Through gritted teeth, Raizzor hisses*

"I do not CARE for fun.. we have a match coming up.. a match for which you have denied us ANY promotional air time.. and for what reason, I do not KNOW!"

**Chamelion sighs and puts the ball on the table, laying his paddle across it..**

"Because, brother.. since the GLCW does not want us talking about our last match until it airs.. we can't exactly boast about our incredible debut.. no can we complain about what a fiasco it was.. there's that fact, and the fact that our opponents didn't give us a lot to work on to begin with."

"They require.. motivation."

**Chamelion nods**

"Indeed they do.. this'll give it to them, I'm sure.. but exactly who they are is still somewhat a mystery to me... but the grand thing about the GLCW, is we've had plenty of time to function in the HiC!"

**Raizzor conceeds this point, slowy nodding in return**

"It has been refreshing to go into battle weekly.. even though it has been more you then I..."

"Oh, I dunno about that.. your World Title Match was pretty good.. bummer you lost"

**Raizzor smirks just a tad**

"I sense little disappointment in you, Mark.. you do get next shot at Payton Strader in 9 days, do you not?"

**Laughing, Chamelion picks up his paddle, and hefts the ball**

"Sure do... Bloodlust Cage Match, $50,000 bonus and a World Title Championship when I kick his sorry ass from corner to corner.. it's gonna be great! But let's not worry about that yet.. we have Stevie and Lincoln Log to worry about now.. who are they, do you know?"

**Shaking his head, Raizzor collects himself into a stance of defense, eyeing Chamelion as he mock serves a couple of times**

"I don't.. except that they best not take us lightly... they may have fun training, but they have no idea what so ever what theyre about to get themselves into."

"True true.. they seem like good kids, tho.. tis a shame their about to collide with the Soul Taker and the most Devious SOB in wrestling today... ah well, too bad for them.. we'll decimate them, move our way up and check out the GLCW Tag-Team Championships quiet soon.. and do it in short fashion.. So, brother.. are you ready?"


"Are you sure?"



"If you don't serve, I'm going too.."


**Then a moments pause, when we hear Chamelion mumble..**

"Point to you, brother.. sheesh..."


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