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Sean Taylor vs Angel of Death


League Member
Nov 20, 2003
Family Reunion

{The large hand on the giant clock known internationally as "Big Ben" strikes 12 o'clock, and chimes begin to sound, annoucing the time to the surrounding city. Directly below, sitting on a bench along the sidewalk, is Angel of Death. He looks at his watch, comparing the time on it to the time being announced to the world, then begins adjusting his watch to match it. As he does so, a familar figure steps up to the bench. Pan up to see Rick Donaldson, better known as The Wraith, smiling down at AOD.}

Rick: {sitting down} Don't you ever have that thing correct?

AOD: Normally, oh brother in law of mine. But since you decided to move halfway around the world from your sister and I, my watch just hasn't been able to catch up.

Rick: From what I hear, your watch isn't the only one losing a step lately.

AOD: Yeah, an unfortunate loss last week thanks to Ray Santana is just the beginning of my problems. Now he and I have to sign a non-aggression contract until Blood Bath.

Rick: Convenient timing though. You guys sign the contract, and then you have an International Title shot later in the night. Couldn't ask for better odds, now could you?

AOD: Well, if you would come out of retirement ...

Rick: Sorry, bro. Nothing could get me back into that ring full time.

AOD: Not even the return of Team Danger?

{Rick looks at AOD with surprise, then frowns.}

Rick: Don't kid about that type of thing.

AOD: Hate to tell you, but I'm not kidding.

Rick: Damn. No, not even a chance at Team Danger would bring me back. I'm happy where I am, working for EUWC Europe here in London. I tell ya, working as a talent scout is something you should think about.

AOD: I already scout talent. While kicking their ass in the ring. But that's neither here nor there. You are right about the perfect timing. Taylor can't have Santana's help in that match, and he'll need it. I have every intention of breaking his little streak as International Champion, and shutting him up for good. He's got a shot at the big belt right now, and maybe it's time he dropped the International Title and took aim at a title that many feel he deserves more. Personally, I hate the jackass, and his awful sense of humor. Seriously, blaming Alucard for my win and subsequent loss of the EUWC World Title?

Rick: Come on now, that bit was funny. Iowa? Alucard is responsible for the state of Iowa? Classic stuff, Dante. Classic stuff.

AOD: True, he has his funny moments. But being World Champion isn't all fun and games. To be a champion you need to be serious too. Frankly, I'm afraid that becoming EUWC World Champion ranks too far below getting into Kandi Reed's pants in his book.

Rick: Kandi? Hell, who hasn't been in her pants.

AOD: Well, I for one, and apparently Taylor. Of course, the rejection he feels from Kandi will be nothing compared to the pain I plan on inflicting on him this Friday. The International Title is the last real title I need to hold in the EUWC before I can truly call myself a legend in that promotion. I realized this shortly after I held the World Title. While I want to be World Champion again, I think I need to be International Champion first, to prove that it's really time to remember me, and what I can bring to a title. Honor, prestige, and class. Not like that joker Taylor. Living by the rules. Hell, you and I both know that not everything can follow the rules to the letter. There's always room for interpretation and improvisation. I'll just have to teach that lesson to Taylor.

Rick: Well, good luck this Friday. You know there's two people cheering for you over on this side of the pond. Say hi to Rebecca for me.

{Rick stands up, and AOD does shortly after. They shake hands briefly, then embrace.}

AOD: I will. You say hello to Jessica for us. I'll be seeing you.

{The brothers-in-law part ways as we fade to black.}
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Sean Taylor

League Member
Sep 3, 2004
Kingston, Ontario
Sean Taylor European Vacation 2: The Netherlands

(Sean Taylor is standing in front of a large windmill. He is staring out into the sea of tulips when he is approached by Kandi Reed.)

Hello, Sean.

Sean: Hi, Kandi. What are you doing here in the Netherlands?

Kandi: Well, when Mr. Pickstock found out you were going on a European vacation, he sent me to keep an eye . . . er, document your travels. So how do you like it here?

Sean: It's great. Although it took me fourteen hours to drive through Amsterdam.

Kandi: Fourteen hours? Why did it take you so long?

Sean: There were tons of red lights everywhere. I was having to stop constantly.

Kandi: I see. Have you seen the dykes yet?

Sean: Well, I really wouldn't know how to recognize one but I have seen some ugly girls here . . .

Kandi: No, no, Sean, the dykes are the giant walls that keep the North Sea from flooding the Neth . . . nevermind. What else have you done here?

Sean: Well, a female fan took me to nice restaurant. I don't know what was in the air but I got really hungry. But at the end of the night, she got mad when I asked her to pay for her half of the bill. I don't get. I thought this whole country was dutch.

Kandi: Any thoughts on your match this Friday with Angel of Death?

Sean: I heard AOD talking about how he's going to start to regain his glory by defeating me for my International Title. That's all I ever hear anymore. "I'm going to beat Sean Taylor for the International Title". That's it. Day after day, week after week, that's all I hear. Jordan Styles said it. Stephon Kardell said it. Lynch Garrison said it. Lord Alucard said it. Damien Dante Stone said it. And now AOD has said it.

What makes AOD think he's any different than the rest? Since I won the International Title back in June, I have faced some of the EUWC's top superstars and it always ended with the same result every time. 115 days of success doesn't get ruined by some fly-by-night, talentless hack who couldn't cut it in the World title picture - and AOD is even worse than DDS.

AOD has said that he's going to use the rules against me. Maybe Mr. Death has never heard my catchphrase. Mr. Death, I'm going to say this very slowly. The rules . . . can . . . only . . . work . . . for . . . one . . . of . . . us. You don't own a an EUWC rulebook. And because you don't own a rulebook, you don't know the things I know. Did you know that for every rule there are three others that can turn the decision 180 degrees? Did you know that there are 46 different ways for a champion to retain the title in a defense without even winnning the match? No, you didn't. I do and I know what they are.

Mr. Death, it's very simple. Nobody can defeat me for the International Title. History proves that. And at Blood Bath, I will walk in International Champion and walk out the Undisputed Greatest Double Champion in the History of the EUWC.

(Sean walks off as the camera fades to black.)

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