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Sean Taylor European Vacation 5: Italy

Sean Taylor

League Member
Sep 3, 2004
Kingston, Ontario
(Location: Rome. Sean Taylor, International Title around his waist and rulebook in hand, and Kandi Reed are starting in the top row of the Colosseum.)

Now this a stadium.

Kandi: Well, it's the best place to lay low for a while after tonight's little incident.

Sean: Ok, honestly, I didn't know where we were. It looked liked a great place to get a tan. The buildings circling the square provided great deflective light.

Kandi: That's was THE VATICAN! It's the holiest place in the world for the Catholic church.

Sean: Well, how was I to know that that's where Pops lives?

Kandi: Not Pops, Sean. The Pope.

Sean: Whatever. Besides we've found this very cool stadium. Man, imagine what it would be like to fight in here.

Kandi: Actually, the unarmed fighters would be pit against armed soldiers and man-eating, flesh-hungry lions.

Sean: Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not fair. Lions are one thing but having to fight trained soldiers with weapons? That never would have happened if the Roman Empire had rulebooks. But it's kind of fitting considering my match with Danny Collins at Blood Bath.

Kandi: How so?

Sean: Well, I'm often considered the young lion in this match. I'm stronger, meaner, faster, and more vicious. Collins is like a skinny ass prisoner. And when the EUWC fans signal thumbs down to Danny Collins, I will be the Undisputed Greatest Double Champion in the History of the EUWC. Man, we are high up here. I think I can see that leaning tower.

Kandi: Of Pisa?

Sean: Yeah, thanks Kandi. I'll have two slices.

Kandi: No, Sean. Pisa. It's the city where the Leaning Tower is loca. . . nevermind. I wonder why it leans like that.

Sean: It's probably depressed.

Kandi: Despressed? Why?

Sean: It's probably a Danny Collins fan and it knows that it's hero is going to lsoe the World Title to me at Blood Bath.

Kandi: Oh brother!

(Fade to black)

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