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Saviors of Wrestling v Jack n' Hoff


League Member
Jan 11, 2006
Cape Cod
A towel flings across the camera's view. Shortly after a loud SNAP.


The camera turns and reveals the culprit with the towel. Jack stands with a huge smile on his face as his friend, and tag team partner, Hoff holds his asscheek.

"You're a child sometimes."

Jack's smile almost rips the sides of his mouth as it gets larger. He breaks out into a high-squealed laugh.

"Oh god, you should have seen your face. CLASSIC."

Hoff rubs his cheek through his shorts. He raises an arm as if he was going to knock his partner silly.

"Go play in traffic, Jack."

Jack is on the floor now.

"We got a match to prepare for and you're horsing around."

Jack pushes himself off the floor and hops to his feet, tossing the towel over his left shoulder. He places his arms across his chest.

"Aw, c'mon, man. I'm ready to go! We've been sitting around with nothing to do since the merger."

Hoff walks to the other side of the couch and grabs some mail off the coffee table.

"Well that's over now. We got ourselves a match on RAUCOUS against Benjamin and Maxwell."

Jack rolls his eyes.

"So then I've been working out for nothing. GREAT."

Hoff glares at him.

"Last time we met in the ring you got your ass handed to you, remember?"

Jack almost takes offense. He puts his hands up in front of him.

"Woah, woah, woah, there cowboy. I had that match in the bag. In the bag I tell you!"

It's now Hoff's eyes turn to roll. He tosses the mail back down on the table and heads over to his tag partner.

"Well this time you better be able to finish the job. We got fish to fry here. Cameron Cruise is getting a new partner for the WFW:NE World Tag Team championships, and we're going to have to scout him so we can go in and take it from them."

Hoff pats Jack on the back.

"Right, buddy ole' pal?"

Jack nods his head.

"Damn right!"

Jack turns and walks away from Hoff. As he does, Hoff plants a boot right into his ass.


Hoff cracks a smile as Jack turns, a look of surprise, and a hint of hurt, in his eyes.

"What'd ya do that for?"

Hoff shrugs.

"Getting you back."

Jack pouts, and then his eyes grow big.

"You want a war, huh? I'll give you one!"

Jack pivets and walks into the other room. As he does, the camera catches a "KICK ME" paper placed between his shoulders.

"Heh, bring it on."

Hoff turns to face the camera. He runs his hand through his hair.

"It's been far too long. I never thought we'd get back into that ring. But now's better than never, and Saviors of Wrestling, we've got a score to settle. At WrestleSTOCK '07, two years ago, you got the better of us. Well, just as New ERA changed, so have we. Jack might have the attention span of a 3 week old baby, but we've trained harder than ever before. We're ready."

Hoff motions with his hands at his waist.

"Because we're going to make sure that the powers-that-be look at Jack n' Hoff and see World Tag Team championship material. It starts at RAUCOUS. It starts with you."

Hoff stops as he hears some yelling from the other room.


Jack comes from the doorway, his face reddened, and crumples the paper into a ball before zinging it at Hoff's head. Hoff sidesteps it, but didn't need to because it falls at his feet.


Jack charges at Hoff, who is laughing, and tackles him to the floor. The camera fades out as all we hear is Hoff's laughter echoing through the apartment.

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