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Round 1: STATUS


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
So how are these writeups for round 1 going to work? Well, there will be a write up show that will feature three matches, (the three matches I have adjudged to be the most competitive matches of the week) and a highlight show that will feature highlights of all matches, plus some segments. It's a SportsCenter type show. Anyway, the status

Wave 1:

-All matches judged and booked
-2/3 matches for the feature show written
-Highlight show: not yet started

Wave 2:

-Nothing done yet

Anyway, check back this thread for updates. I hope to get everything written and posted before the week is out and the match threads for round two up by Saturday morning.

The Guy

League Member
Dec 31, 1999
If by tomorrow you still don't have the other match, I can prolly write it up for you. I'll be on tomorrow night for a few hours so I can let you know for sure then. It all depends on when my other league (UWF) gets their shows up. I have a match to write for them but they still need to post one card before the match is even due.

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