(We open up before a simple EUWC backdrop. We don’t need anything flashy or expensive for this. A folding chair sits by its lonesome before the camera, until Rocko Daymon steps into the frame, wearing jeans and a Lamb of God t-shirt. He turns the chair around and takes a seat in the inverted position, cracking his knuckles as he looks up into the camera.)
Rocko Daymon
I’ll be brief…
While I’m not entirely certain as to why I’ve been booked against Damian Stone a second time, I’ll spare the suits of another string of complaints, as I’m sure they get more often than not with names like Walker, Greer, and Roundtree…
Even so, this match is going to be nothing more than a waste of my time. It’s a meaningless obstacle placed in my path of victory in the match that truly matters: The 20-Man Blood Bath within the steel cell. A match against Damian Stone—even with Last Man Standing stipulations—is nothing more than a warm-up for my success later in the evening.
(He clears his throat for a moment and continues.)
Rocko Daymon
A few weeks ago, Damian Stone made the career-threatening mistake of calling out yours truly to square off in the ring… in a match that served any stipulations I preferred. After I watched this, I chuckled and blew him off, knowing it was nothing more than a joke. Me, in a match against Damian Stone? The very concept is laughable…
But still, somebody thought it would be a good idea anyhow. I found myself at Main Frame, standing across from Damian Stone, a man who is the former World Champion of this same federation…
…who also lacked the balls to give me a decent challenge, or even to show his ugly face on the airwaves to promote the match. Damian Stone called ME out, and failed to bring ANYTHING to the table! This couldn’t be a bigger waste of my time…
And again, I find myself in a similar match. Now it’s Last Man Standing—supposedly, that’s Stone’s forte. As I proved in our first meeting, it most certainly is not. Outside the ring, where it’s supposedly HIS territory, I dominated him. It really makes you wonder, when looking at this match… not if he’s going to win or not…
…but how long is he going to last?
(He delivers a shrug, as if unsure of the answer himself.)
Rocko Daymon
Not much longer than he did at Main Frame, I assure you. You’re looking at a bona fide master of Last Man Standing rules. To this day, I’ve never been beaten in any match bearing the same stipulations.
I’ve been hurt… and had my neck broken on one occasion. But NEVER has anybody pinned my shoulders ANYWHERE inside or outside the ring for the full three counts.
(He shakes his head, holding his arms out to his sides.)
Rocko Daymon
Stone… do me a favor and stay home on the night of Blood Bath. I have more important things to worry about than a measly grudge match with you. If you’re not going to even make the effort to PROMOTE this, then I don’t see any reason why you would bother showing your ugly face in the Tokyo Egg Dome at all.
One other thing… knowing as the show is very close upon us, I get the hunch that you’re going to try and squeeze a promo in on me between now and the time the bell rings. Is it possible? Well, it HAS happened to me before on many occasions, and it sounds like something you’d do. But perish the thought, Stone…
This federation—this WORLD—doesn’t need to put up with your nonsensical crap any longer. We don’t want to here your rallying, determined speech that says you’re going to turn around and start kicking ass again. We don’t want to be put to sleep by your self-motivating rants and raves, or your over-exaggerated hyping.
Stay at home… get some sleep, and spend some much-needed time with that girlfriend of yours. Do something that DOESN’T involve me…
…or so help me God, I’ll make our match at Blood Bath your last.
(Daymon stands up and walks out of the frame as we fade to black.)