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Reward challenge results/Immunity challenge

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Wallen sat Tiffany down for the challenge

The highlights of the challenge were Olivia knocking Steve and Karla off the balance beam, and Ned somehow staying upright in spite of being biffed off the head by Jason, and Diva being generally useless at throwing her medicine ball.

Shak-No won the challenge 10-9, and thusly wins the fishing gear, huzzahs for them all around.

The Immunity challenge is simple. A half mile around ring of string held up by poles is in the water. When Doc says 'go' every player on each team will unhook a bag with 20 pounds of weight and put the shoulder strap over their shoulder (Or carry it some other way if you gotta be all non-conformist) the tribes will then move clock-wise around the circle, they will be walking hand in hand, so you'll only go as fast as your slowest member.

If a player drops out, their bag of weight must be given to somebody else on their team.

First team to catch the other team wins immunity, if one team breaks down and everyone quits, they lose.

So all I really need for this challenge is who Wallen sits out (Can't be tiffany) and who gets the extra bags of weight when weaker members of your tribe drop out of the challenge.

Results of the challenge posted by early next week, and then politics begin, vote/show up end of the week as long as I get said votes by then.

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