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Revolution Lineup!


League Member
Jun 9, 2004
Revoultion comes to you LIVE from the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, New York as we come to a close on the build to UCW's next PPV, Scars and Stripes!

As a result of Commissioner Cloverleaf's demands, Estaban will be challenging John Doe inside of a steel cage!

Two men with no love loss between them are forced to team up to take on the two rebels who showed themselves on MCW Television as Joey Melton teams with Jonathan Marx to take on the team of Kin Hiroshi and The Sergeant!

Due to a stipulation in MCW's new contract with FWrestling.com, they will be able to hold the very first MCW-sanctioned match ever shown on UCW Television as United States Champion, Adam Benjamin defends his title against Bryan Storms!

And in one of the most heated tag team challenges UCW has seen, four bitter rivals will due battle in what could lead to a huge momentum boost heading into the main event at Scars and Stripes as Cameron Cruise and UCW Champion Irishred team up to take on the team of Dan Ryan and The First!

Also, be sure to check out MCW Center Stage if you're wonderin where some of these pairings might be coming from.
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