John Doe
The Anorexic Ethiopian
(CUE UP: I Don’t Wanna Be Me by Type O Negative as the cameras begin to fade into a heavily packed Sears Center Arena in Chicago, IL. The crowd up in arms and cheering as the camera’s pan and tilt to the ramp way that leads to a caged octagon. Fireworks explode from the ramp way as the camera goes to ring side where two men sit. Troy Young and Andrew Parker, Troy to the left a younger looking fellow, mid twenties wearing a blue dress shirt and Andrew to the right in his late forties wearing a full suit.)
PARKER: “What a night here in Chicago!”
YOUNG: “I agree 100% with you there man! I am Troy Young and with me Andrew Parker, tonight we get to have our very first mixed martial arts bout.”
PARKER: “That’s right Troy. What many believed was merely a dream and could never be accomplished SWIFT: MMA owner Colin Corvitz turned that into a reality tonight as he has secured professional wrestling legend Jonathan Marx to enter the cage against an amateur cage fighter David Abbey.”
YOUNG: “What many people fail to realize is that Marx, although a professional wrestler, which many MMA fans lack to give credit to, has been training extremely hard for this fight against an established fighter like Abbey.”
PARKER: “We are looking at one fight tonight, no prelim fights with Marx v. Abbey headlining a practically sold out Sears Center Arena here in Chicago. No better place to go to have a fight, no place better to establish your name than here.”
YOUNG: “Well, one can agree that Marx has it in for his life tonight, we don’t know his ground game, we don’t know his stand up power, I mean this can go very wrong for Jonathan Marx if he thinks that Abbey is going to sit back and wait for him to make a move.”
PARKER: “I bet Colin Corvitz is having a blast knowing that Jonathan Marx is practically the focus of this pilot, but I am sure we have other’s in the audience here in Chicago as well, like that man right there!”
(Camera goes to a quick shot of John Doe in the front row in a very fine suit; he gives a short wave as the camera goes back to cage side.)
YOUNG: “John Doe, haven’t seen him in a while, I am sure there are other faces lurking here as well to see a good man like Jonathan Marx fight!”
PARKER: “I can’t agree more Troy; let’s get down to the rules here! Tonight’s fight is a three five minute rounds with each round scored to the max points of ten, ten going to the winner of the round and the opponent gaining nine or less. Three judges are tallying our score cards tonight and I am sure we are going to have a hell of a fight!”
(CUE UP: “I’m Still Fly by Drake” as David Abbey comes out behind a curtain and begins his approach to the caged octagon. He pumps up a bit and stands next to a doctor that checks his mouthpiece and cup while a trainer begins to wipe some Vaseline on his face.)
YOUNG: “Our tale of the tape! Brought to you by Jack Daniels! This Light Heavyweight fight you are looking at David Abbey weighing in at exactly 200 pounds and Marx just right there at 203 pounds, so a small weight advantage for Marx. Marx giving away two inches though coming in around 6’1 and Abbey and 6’3. Should be a very interesting fight!”
PARKER: “Thanks, Troy. Abbey, in the octagon now as referee Joel Morales is talking to Abbey.”
(CUE UP: “The Touch” by Stan Bush as Jonathan Marx starts his way down the ramp way. He gets a large pop from the audience as he works his way over to the cage. Receiving the same treatment as Abbey from the trainer and doctor he begins to walk into the cage pounding his gloves together as he warms up a bit on his side.)
YOUNG: “We will hand it on over Jeff Harper for official introductions.”
HARPER: “The following Light Heavyweight fight is scheduled for three five minute rounds and is sponsored by Empire Pro Wrestling! Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner to my left, the man is a Taekwondo fighter that is fighting out of Los Angeles, California. He stands six feet three inches tall and weighs in at two hundred pounds, introducing DAVID ‘SPOTLESSS’ ABBEY!!!!!”
(The crowd gives a light pop for Abbey.)
HARPER: “And his opponent fighting out of the red corner to my right, this man is a wrestler standing at six feet one inch, weighing in at two hundred and three pounds, fighting out of Princeton, New Jersey, he is GENTLEMEN JONATHAN MARX!!!!”
(Huge pop for Marx as the men approach each other)
HARPER: “Our referee for this bout is Joel Morales.”
(Jeff Harper exits the octagon as both men briefly touch gloves and go back to their respective corners.)
PARKER: “Abbey versus Marx!”
MORALES: “David are you ready? Jonathan are you ready? Let’s fight!”
YOUNG: “HERE…WE…GO! Marx in the black trucks, Abbey in the red. Marx circling a bit Abbey trying to cut off the cage, Marx in range, throwing a few jabs, easily avoided by Abbey.”
PARKER:* “That’s the thing about Abbey, he is a striker, and he wants to throw those punches. So, if Marx is not careful he will get hit.”
YOUNG: “Marx trying to clinch David Abbey, but Abbey now swinging at Marx body shot connects followed by a good unchecked leg kick.”
PARKER: “Jonathan Marx really needs to be careful here he can’t just run in for clinches like that because he will get tagged”
YOUNG: “Yes he will, David Abbey connecting with some good leg kicks, followed by another punch to Jonathan Marx, and Marx not looking to good here.”
PARKER: “Well it’s a hard transition Troy, you are going from professional wrestling to mixed martial arts.”
YOUNG: “Marx getting close, good leg kick by Abbey, followed by a right straight, Marx looking confused, another hit, Marx backing up, crowd on their feet, Marx is against the cage!
PARKER: “Abbey throwing some BIG hits here! Marx trapped! NO! Marx clinches, reverses Abbey!”
YOUNG: “Abbey needs to get this fight to a point where he is attacking Marx. Jonathan is just pressing the assault here and the longer that happens the more damage Marx is going to put on David Abbey, clinching with Marx was a bad idea by David Abbey.
PARKER: “That’s the thing! Marx is a wrestler he is looking for an opportunity to clinch! Marx pressing Abbey against the cage, a knee to the thigh.”
YOUNG: “Marx can sit here for a while, but if there is no action Joel Morales will break this clinch.”
PARKER: “And an elbow by Jonathan on his way out of the clinch! I guess he didn’t see an opportunity available.”
YOUNG: “Abbey needs to be careful here, Jonathan Marx looking for a single leg takedown…it’s stuffed by Abbey, Marx able to regain the clinch though against the cage.”
PARKER: “Many people fail to realize that with two hundred and three pounds pressing against your chest and your body pinned to that steal cage that it gets real tiring for David Abbey in this position.”
YOUNG: “You can see Marx looking to pin that arm of David Abbey to the cage, some good body shots by Abbey to try and break this clinch…”
PARKER: “This fight has gone to the ground ladies and gentleman! Marx in full guard, stacking Abbey up towards his neck a few good punches.”
YOUNG: “Jonathan Marx needs to be careful here…”
PARKER: “David Abbey looking rocked! Marx with some more down punches to the face of David Abbey, this could be it!”
YOUNG: “Abbey with an arm bar! Abbey with an arm bar that one is tight as can be!”
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