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resetting the story


League Member
Feb 5, 2004
South Carolina
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-02 AT 05:44 PM (EDT)](Melissa is driving down a deserted road gently nodding her head as Heart “Barracuda” blares over the radio. For those of you who are new or have forgotten where Melissa is in life due to my recent inactivity, she is still seething from injuries she suffered at the hands of Eli Flair over a year ago. The vicious attack that she and Eddy administered at Anniversary did not quench her thirst for Flair’s blood, in fact Flair’s counter attack after the 4 corners match on Love has her more irate than ever. Further complicating her problem is the attitude of her loyal soldier Eddy. Eddy stuck by Melissa through her rehab assignment and stayed away from Flair at her request so that she may be a part of any revenge perpetrated upon the ‘original’ Eliminator, but Love has grown less than enthusiastic about her blood feud preferring the strategy that Melissa employed for their entire career before Flair‘s attack, to take matches that further their legacy and create title opportunities.)

M: Dial Eddy

(As she speaks these words the radio cuts itself off and her mobile phone repeats to her “Dialing Eddy Love”. The screen splits in half showing Melissa driving on one side and Eddy Love on the other. Love is pulling his luggage from an airport conveyer belt beneath a sign reading “Welcome to Omaha”. Love dressed in a home orange Kalihl Greene Clemson baseball jersey opens his phone, sees whose calling, cringes then answers.)

EL: Go.

M: Hey Eddy, haven’t spoken to you in a while just checking in.

EL: (slight bitterness in his tone) Yea, I’ve been wondering when my ring strategist might report to work.

M: (even more ill) Well I saw you booked your big Joey Melton match, and didn’t know if since I got fired as booker maybe I wasn’t your trainer anymore either. I didn’t sign the match, Eddy, and I don’t normally train fighters for matches I don’t have a hand in signing. If you like I’ll meet you at the gym this afternoon and we can look over what you’ve prepared.

EL: That’s a nice offer, but I’m afraid I just landed in Omaha to watch the Tigers take home the National Title before I head out to wrestle Melton. Maybe next time.

M: Omaha??? Glad to see your priorities are in order. I’ve got a call into Merrit and I think he’ll be agreeable to signing you and Flair for Primetime to generate some heat for yall’s showdown at Fish Fund. I should hear back from hi……. (Love interrupts)

EL: Well Melissa, I met with Merrit this morning and I will be wrestling at Ptime, but it won’t be with Flair, and it will be Main Event and it will be for quite a prize…… and that prize will be at Fish Fund, and it doesn’t involve Flair either.

(Long silence then Melissa speaks)

M: OK great Eddy. Glad you got what you were looking for. You pull the Tigers in and let me know if you need anything.

EL: Oh yea you ever heard of Nate Log……… (Eddy Stops as he realizes the connection is broken. Melissa is visible clicking off her hands free set. FTB)

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