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Jan 1, 1970

I'd like to thank those that have asked myself about this topic and I'd just like to officially announce what will be going on for the next season.

Right now, the NFW South Conference is full through next season, but the East Conference will be accepting applications.

The decision on the final applicants would be handled after the playoffs, once we figure out what handlers involved with Season I wish to return. I imagine at the most - we'll have 4 openings.

The North and West Conference will become more of an 'angle' fed environment, where all writing for the characters will be done primarily on the shows themselves. Currently, we have 19 'new' characters coming in under this story - but 3-4 of them could be considered 'filler' characters created by NFW management.

If you're interested in becoming part of a historic struggle of fwrestling.com history dating back to the 1993 UWA...and don't mind an 'angle' fed enviornment, then I'd suggest applying.


If you choose to apply, please state which conference (NFW East for RP, NFW North for Angle) and email:


Subject: Season Two Application

Include: Character Biography, what feds you've been in and your reason for wanting to join the conference you're applying to.


For updates regarding the process, please visit http://nfw.fwrestling.com as I'll be keeping the front page like that for the rest of Season I, so we can update everyone on what's coming for Season II.

Thank you for your time.

-The NFW Jedi Order

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