Obsessions and Pez
((FADEIN: MICHAEL MANSON, in black long sleeved shirt and jeans, sitting back on a green leather couch, taking a drag off a pez joint. His legs are crossed on a glass coffee table in front of him, smears and stains of pez embedded on it.))
"Single-mindedness is all very well in cows or baboons; in an animal claimng to belong to the same species as Shakespeare it is simply disgraceful."
-Aldous Huxley
MANSON: If I might make a suggestion, Jean, and that's that you start trying some of my finely grinded pez. The flavor is smooth and you get none of those delusional memories or even signs of cancer. Because you must have been high while doing that promo. So high that your memory is warped and you speak something close to English, but not quite.
No, it seems to me that you were speaking Pandorian. Yes, from my time on the island, I picked up a few of their dialects and apparently you have too, likely from the time you spent with Maelstrom.
The only possible explanation is that you were abusing some of the finer narcotics or perhaps had a sugar rush. Now whether we're talking about one of those sugary breakfast cereals or a line of coke, we need to start leaning you off that, if only so we get you back to speaking English...and of course the real world.
Not the show on MTV of course..no...the world we inhabit. Since yu must be high to think I ever handed you a world title or you ever played me for anything. I have no idea what the hell you're talking about and normally I can compare living room furniture to World War II era French surrealists.
But that's all right, we'll get you on a good helping of pez and you'll be as coherent as ever. I realize the world isn't a great place to inhabit..I'm the GLCW's centerpiece..Ashton Kucher was almost cast as Batman..and Freddie Prinze Junior is now a writer..but it's all right. You can take it.
Of course that won't stop you from continually talking about me. The context, as factual wrong as it is, doesnt matter. You still mention me every other sentence. Like Malestrom, who always conveniently leaves out that only one night he was able to win a match against me, just like with you, Jean. Just one night though..leaving out how I kept handing him his ass every week previous...and of course the next week I pinned him in that ring, the only one to do so.
And then you are given a title shot while I'm not even given my contractually obligated rematch, but I can wait. After all, why do I need to always have the title anyway when you, Maelstrom, and Dakota over there are my fan club?
You always mention me, Jean. Try to hide things behind words like "context" and "subtext" as much as you like. The fact is, you've never gotten over me. The fact that I humiliated you long ago, something I barely even remember, since it was just another Tuesday for me.
And of course you can never get the better of me here in the GLCW, which might as well be my kingdom. If the champion and half the roster are obsessed with me, I must be doing something right. Even if it's just a car wreck. In fact, I'm thinking that will be on my next t-shirt. Mike Manson:the Car Wreck. As long as they keep selling.
I'll allow your obsession, I allow Jared Justice's after all. It amuses me that even on the eve of your title match, the match where you could have actually gotten the better of me, where, yes, you could have revenged yourself by living well, you still can only think of me.
Of course Maelstrom did the same thing, so I'll just chalk that one up to my charismatic personality and direct him toward the nearest pitcher of Kool-Aid. But I digress, and I'm sure Anarky is well capabke enough to handle him.
But speaking of obsession, we have now have Dakota Smith. Someone I've never met even met before, yet he has my name on a wide screen. He also liks to revise history, hey maybe Dakota and Jean can form one of those long-lasting friendships that eclipse time. You know, just like women do.
Since there is no possible way the UA could have played me for anything since I didn't help them actually do anything. And if the point of this master plan was to lose in a War Games match and retire, then I must assume they are not familiar with Machivelli, or even the cunning politc strategy of George W. Bush.
Basically, the UA are nothing but whores really. They might have been helped by being in league with me, but that would require one of you plesbians actually admitting my staus publically. And of course, we can never have that. Because that would be what a real man would do.
And like all whores, the UA was only good for a short while, after which you're just hoping no one sees you with them. Of course, they had their good qualities, like no independent thought, always a good thing in a lackey. But like when a prostitute hits middle-age, they have to be taken out and shot.
Thankfully, Jean, Mael, and the Justice League over there did that for me. Sure cost me the War Games match, but take what you can get. And now, who's there to avenge them..but Dakota over here.
Not his long-lost brother Nebraska Smith, not Jersey Smith, porn star and black sheep of the Smith clan, and certainly not Idaho Smith, the retard.
No, Dakota is a man impacted by his father. A man who apparently idolized Lorenzo Lamas and accomplished a lot, though I don't actually know what any of it is. But their family has cunning, yes, because their brilliant plan was to drag me down by being beaten and submitting in a cage match. Yeah, that's a lot to fear there.
Let's face it, Dakota, your family's only good for whoring. That's what you're doing for your father now since he's not out there living out his mid-life crisis. Mostly because he's afraid of me. So afraid he'd send his son to do what he never could. Because if he were really a legend, he would have crossed my path, maybe even purposefully.
Instead, he's a name I've barely heard in passing, because he was afraid. So he has you thinking that you can actually stand against me. And no, child, you aren't ready. Simply disliking me doesn't make you so, because that's everyone. And obsession doesn't really work out either, looking at Jean and Jared.
At this point, I might as well be the tribal leader of the whole island, because I'm the only real Pandorian around these parts. Which makes this fitting, since we can make this whole "skinning you alive" thing a rite of manhood. I'll even give what's left of your face to your dad. I know I missed Father's Day, but hopefully this makes up for it.
While I'm at it, I might as induct Jonathan Marx into tribe. Sure he's not savage or anything, but he possesses several good traits that the gene pool could use. God, Odin, Zeus, and the devil know the next generation has to be a step up from you guys. What did you do? Mate with Rabesque-like women?
Nonetheless, we'll do our finest to eradicate you from the gene pool. As tribal and leader and prospective member, it's our right. And really, you just asked for it. Plus, no one is going to cry when you're gone. Like I said, obsessing about me never ends up well.
I realize it likely comes from your father, who passed it on to you to do what he could never do, but I can't forgive that. Hopefully, he can watch, in fact that's pretty much all he can do. All he's good for. Because he's grown too old to be a whore. Unless Jean wants to rent him out for a while, how about that? That's certainly something I could never do...then he'd really be a legend. One on the walls of bathrooms, but that's better than nothing.
Which is what you are Dakota.
Even so, see if you can help Jean out over there. Because there's always enough pez for everybody.