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Problem/FTP Transfer

The Guy

League Member
Dec 31, 1999
I started switching my stuff over (never could get the backup zip working right, had to manually save each file and transfer) to the new hosting and even after uploading both index.html and index.htm when I go to http://memphispro.fwrestling.com/ I don't see the index page, either one. Now on the FTP transfer, I can see that it was uploaded and I can view it in a windows browser, but when I go to the address itself it doesn't seem to load. I figured it must just take some time, but after 24 hours it hasn't worked yet.

And idea what I might be doing wrong?

I am using:

host: ftp://memphispro.fwrestling.com/
port: 21

Am I supposed to be loading it into the file cpanel? Or the www file?


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I don't have hosting here, but it sounds like your files are uploaded into the wrong directory. Double check the path to your home directory. If you have a www or public_html availabe, try putting the files in one of those.

Just a shot out of left field...

The Guy

League Member
Dec 31, 1999
Hey Bobby,

Are you using the fwrestling.com free hosting service, or did you set this up with Chad?

This is part of that Beta testing thing. I haven't been able to check to fix the problem because my laptop screen is broken, which has all my files on it. Once I get around to calling Sony about that, I should be able to see what I can do.

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