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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
New Jersey
OORP: This is continue off of the Silencer rpies and is Natalia's point of view

How did he fine me? I was so careful. This is what ran threw my mind. On the outside I am knocked out but my mind was still working. There was a lot of unanswered questions. How did Silencer find me? Where was I now? How much danger was I really in? I slowly start to stir a little waking up from the senative that was given to me. I am in a small room lying on the floor with my hands in cuffs behind me. I try to move but the chain is hooked to a something in the wall. I know it doesn't do me any good to screem, I am proberly in a remote location. I did wonder though did Pitt know about the situation? My thoughts are interupted as the door is unlocked and in walks Silencer with a tray in his hand.

Silencer- Ahhh your awake.

Natalia- Where am I?

Silencer- Does that really matter? I must say you made it a challenge for me to find you.

Natalia- It didn't stop you I see.

Silencer- Your right, it didn't. I get what I want in the end and like I said before Natalia, your a pawn in this game. That is all.

Natalia- Why me though?

Silencer- Because your the closest person to Pitt. I needed someone to use, someone innocent, someone he actually gives a dam about and that is you my dear. *puts the tray down* Are you hungry? You've been out of it for a few hours.

Natalia- How do I know that isn't drugged?

Silencer- Why would I drug you? I already have you chained to the wall. I got no reason to drug you. I am using you, that is all.

Natalia- *looks at the sandwich* I am kinda hungry.

Silencer- *picks up half the sandwich* Here let me.

Silencer puts the sandwich to my mouth as I take a bite of it and chew a little.

Silencer- See am I that bad?

Natalia- Do you really want me to answer that?

Silencer- *laughs* I guess not.

Natalia- Can you undo the cuffs a little, I can't feel my wrists?

Silencer- Sorry sugar, no can do, I know your power of persusation and it won't work on me. Just relax and everything will hopefully be ok in the end. That is if Pitt gives me what I want.

Silencer continues to feed me. He then picks up the tray and leaves the room as I put my head up against the wall and sigh in fustration as the camera fades out.

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