60 Minute Ironman Match!
Announcer: The following contest is your main event for the evening. Scheduled for one fall, with a sixty minute time limit, this match is for the title of LEGEND OF MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING!!!
Introducing first
[CUE UP: “My Sacrifice” by Creed. Benjamin walks stoically from behind the curtain, his face covered by two St George’s Cross flags, leaving only his steely eyes visible.]
Announcer: Hailing from Great Britain, his accolades include the EUCW United States Championship, Empire Pro Wrestling Television and Intercontinental Championships, and he was the first EVER Major Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion… YOURS TRULY….
CW: Here he is – Yours Truly, the man who was undefeated as World Champion, paying homage to MCW by coming out to the theme song he won that belt with!
SVH: He’s certainly a talent in the ring. He’s one of the best mat technicians there is, but he’s going to have his hands full.
CW: Come on – he came back to MCW when it reopened, and was man enough to give Storms the World Title belt at Zero Hour! Are you telling me that he’s going to have a hard time against the guy who thinks he’s too good for this company?
SVH: He may not have come back, but Karl Brown was in touch with Christian Sands, and he’s never given anything less than one hundred per cent in the ring.
CW: Yeah, but he must’ve known that his best still wouldn’t’ve been good enough to beat Adam.
SVH: We’ll see.
Announcer: And the opponent
[As “My Sacrifice” fades, the lights cut out, a couple of seconds before “Rainmaker” by Iron Maiden kicks in, causing a cascade of green and white lights to flash all throughout the arena, as the crowd erupt. “The Dragon” steps from behind the curtain, soaking in the cheers, before moving to the ring, hi-fiving fans, and stopping to give the odd autograph. When he gets to the ring, he vaults over the ropes, stopping to pause on the second rope, looking out over the crowd]
Announcer: From Nottingham, England, he weighs in at two hundred and eleven pounds, and was the winner of the Chad Merritt Trophy…
SVH: The crowd erupting as The Dragon makes his return to the MCW ring! They’ve been waiting for this match for a long time, approaching three years, but MCW fans new and old are FINALLY going to see these two go at it!
CW: The last time they were booked here was a tag match, wasn’t it?
SVH: Yes, Brown teaming with Christian Sands and Benjamin teaming with Rocko Daymon. Benjamin, Brown and Sands were going to headline the next pay per view, but the company went under before they got the chance.
CW: Benji would’ve walked away with the title in both matches.
SVH: That we’ll never know, but as soon as the referee’s finished giving instructions to these two and the bell ring, we’ll see just who is the true legend of Major Championship Wrestling!
CW: You can cut the tension with a knife in here!
SVH: Well, these two aren’t the huge names in wrestling that guys like Ric Flair, Dan Ryan, or Hornet are, but I don’t think there are two people with careers as comparatively short so far as these two who have the same respect from the fans. Brown’s only been wrestling for just under three years, and Benji for one year longer. These two still have long careers ahead of them, and yet they’re already megastars as far as the fans tonight are concerned.
[SFX: *ding*]
SVH: And there’s the bell! Both men staring at each other from across the ring, and the fans are going crazy!
CW: This is going to be a clinic.
SVH: That’s for sure. Both men now stepping towards the centre of the ring, and Benjamin is mouthing something at Brown.
CW: Whatever he’s saying, Brown’s not backing up.
SVH: I didn’t think he would.
[As the two rivals step towards the centre of the ring, the crowd start to clap, egging them into a lock-up. Adam Benjamin keeps mouthing off at Karl, trying to unseat him, but Brown just smirks back, acting for all the world like this was just another match. Benjamin starts to circle Brown, who simply turns on the spot, as the two look certain to go for a tie-up. Benjamin shakes his wrists, as Karl lowers himself, the crowd getting more and more expectant for the start of the action]
CW: Listen to this crowd! They’re almost defeaning in here!
SVH: The MCW crowd has been waiting a long time to see this rematch – the last time they wrestled here, they put on one of the greatest matches of all time, and they’ve only improved since then.
CW: But Brown’s looking a lot more cocky than he did back then.
[Benjamin, finally having had enough, steps in, as the two are ready to lock-up]
SVH: Karl stepped to one side?
SVH: Benjamin’s looking frustrated, but Brown’s just staring back at him.
CW: Does Brown really think he’s that far above Benjamin? Does he even care about MCW?
SVH: I’m sure he does care. He’s not the kind of competitor who’ll avoid a fight.
CW: Sure looks like he’s avoiding this one.
SVH: Benjamin stepping in again, but again Brown just moves out of the way! The crowd are starting to get frustrated, and Benjamin’s shouting his frustration right at Brown!
[Benjamin steps right up to Brown, asking what one earth is going on, as the referee asks Brown the same. Rather than letting it get to him, Brown smiles back, raising one arm above his head]
CW: What on earth?!?
SVH: Looks like Brown is calling for… a test of strength?
CW: Is he serious?
SVH: It looks like it. I’d love to know what it is he’s mouthing to Benjamin though.
[Whatever it is, Benjamin seems to understand, taking a step back, and warily eyeing Brown’s raised hand. Tentatively, and taking a low stance, he raises his arm, the two interlocking their fingers, as the crowd start to gear up again. Slowly, Benjamin raises his other arm, as Brown drops down to a lower stance, and the two finally lock up with a sudden clash]
SVH: And we’re finally under way here, with neither man having any luck gaining an advantage from this test of strength! Benjamin’s got the slight weight advantage, but both men know all about leverage, and they’re not letting the other gain too much.
[The two keep the test of strength going in the centre of the ring, trying to gain some form of advantage. Finally, Benjamin manages to push Brown back a couple of steps – but Karl switches his grip, twisting Benjamin’s left wrist inwards further and further, until the heavier man lets go with his right. Brown keeps the pressure applied, pushing Benjamin back to the ropes, before whipping him across the ring and taking him over with a hip-toss]
SVH: One…
Kickout at two by Adam Benjamin, and Brown almost stole one quickly there! He’s not wasting any time though, picking Benjamin up and bending on the neck, leading him around the ring, and into a snapmare takedown! Straight into a cover, but he only gets a count of one there and Benjamin wisely rolling over to the ropes!
CW: These two have had a couple of epic battles in the past. I saw them on TV in that Mayhem Mountain match, and if this match is anything like that one, we can expect a match of the year contender no problem!
SVH: I concur. Mayhem Mountain between these two showed how technical wrestling could still be done even inside that barbaric a structure, but tonight they don’t have to worry about the barbed wire, the wood ceiling, or climbing a rope to reach the title. It’s one fall to a finish, and neither man is going to go down lightly tonight with the pride on the line that these two have.
[Both men cautiously inch towards each other again, the crowd holding its breath in anticipation of what’s to come. The combatants go down low, ready to lock horns again, the tension building again]
SVH: Benjamin looking for the collar-and-elbow, but Brown just ducked under with a double leg take down! Brown with a headlock, blocked by Benjamin, and both men back to their feet, with Benjamin taking Brown down with a shoulder-block! Adam Benjamin off the ropes, Brown leap frogs, but Benjamin stopped and took him down with a waistlock takedown! Benjamin with the floatover into a side headlock on the canvas, but Brown turns out of it and twists Adam’s right arm into an arm-bar!
CW: Nice chain wrestling! The crowd are giving it up for the quick display there.
SVH: If anyone can go at a fast pace, it’s these two. Brown keeping on a wrist-lock there to twist the arm, and Benjamin’s trying to get off his face to do something, but every time he manages to turn slightly, Karl just twists the wrist again!
CW: Say what you will, but he’s not been able to rise as quickly as he has since he started on luck alone – there’s a lot of talent in that man. Of course, Benjamin’s better in my books.
SVH: Benjamin’s also the one in trouble as Karl picks him up by the arm. A full twist round on the arm there, and just listen to the crunch as he snaps the arm down! Karl Brown in almost total control here in the early going, and he takes Benjamin down again with an armdrag!
[On the canvas, Benjamin lets out a cry of frustration, as he tries to position himself out of the hold. Brown keeps an armbar applied, his face calm as he moves with Benjamin, keeping the hold on, and every so often, pulling back slightly to add to the pressure. Knowing he won’t get the submission, Brown brings Benjamin back to his feet, delivering a quick kick to the gut, followed by a snap suplex]
SVH: Cover…
Another two count!
CW: I hate to admit this, but maybe Brown’s too strong for Benjamin.
SVH: He’s certainly had it all his own way so far, and he’s picking Benjamin up here, and a hard shot to the face! Pushing Benjamin back, sends him off the ropes, and a BIG back body drop sends Benjamin scuttling to the outside!
CW: Scuttling? He made a tactical retreat!
SVH: OK, so it was tactical scuttling. The fact is Adam Benjamin has yet to be able to mount any form of offence since Karl Brown called for that test of strength, and I think the frustration is showing here. Karl’s giving him a lot of room to get back into the ring, but Adam’s being patient out there, getting his thoughts straight – it really is deafening in here!
[Tentatively, Benjamin slides under the bottom rope, as Brown keeps his distance, letting his countryman get back to his feet. Cautiously, Benjamin starts to circle around the ring, as Brown moves to meet him. The two quickly lock up in a collar-and-elbow, with Brown pushing Benjamin against the ropes, only to be spun into the ropes himself – and the spinning begins, moving straight down the ropes, and into the corner]
SVH: The referee trying to separate these two, as Benjamin finally brings it to an end in the corner! The ref’s asking for the clean break, and Benjamin… HARD chop to the chest of Brown BUT BROWN FIRES STRAIGHT BACK!
SVH: Benjamin with another chop, but Brown retaliates again! These aren’t Ric Flair “Woooh!” chops, these are full on stiff! Brown with another chop, and another from Benjamin, but Brown’s moving him back with those chops!
CW: Their chests are already turning beet-red!
SVH: Benjamin with another stiff chop, and the crowd are cheering like mad as Brown gives him another! Benjamin’s staggering! Brown fires another, and another… rapid fire stiff chops in the centre of the ring from The Dragon! Eight nine ten eleven
SVH: Karl Brown just chopped Adam Benjamin down to the canvas!
[Feeling the energy from the crowd, Karl gives them a quick shout, before backing into the ropes, springing off as Benjamin gets to his feet]
SVH: Brown off the ropes, flying press POWERSLAM BY BENJAMIN!
KICKOUT!! Adam Benjamin stopping Brown’s head of steam with a huge powerslam there for two, and he doesn’t let up, running in and just DRIVING a knee to the side of Brown’s head! Picking him up now, and a stiff forearm smash there!
CW: Just like Pat Roach used to do.
SVH: I’m sure Benjamin watched World of Sport growing up, following the smash with a nice scoop slam! Straight into the cover
Kickout just after two by Brown, and Benjamin driving a ride hand to the temple!! No pull on that punch, no finesse – just a straight, hard shot!
CW: Would you expect anything more? He came back, got thrown out of the World Title tournament, and has the chance to show the world, and Christian Sands sitting out there, just who the real legend of MCW really is.
[Pulling Brown from the canvas, Benjamin shoves him violently back into the corner, before driving his shoulder straight into Brown’s gut, forcing the air across the ring. Unrelenting, Benjamin rocks the smaller man with a right hand, before whipping him across the ring. Brown goes chest-first into the turnbuckle, falling flat onto the canvas and clutching his chest. Quickly, Benjamin follows it up with a hard elbow-drop, before going for the cover]
SVH: One…
Another kickout there by Brown.
CW: I knew Benjamin would take this one.
SVH: He hasn’t won yet, but he is in control, straight-jacketing Brown on the canvas now! Look at the tension in his arms, Benjamin’s looking for the submission rather than just using it as a wear down hold.
CW: That’s just an added bonus, right?
SVH: Definitely. If Brown doesn’t give up, he’ll find it a lot harder to use the Dragon’s Bite with his triceps and shoulders pulled.
CW: And look at how Benjamin’s got his knee planted firmly in Brown’s back!
SVH: You don’t get to be on the ENN’s top ten list if you can’t wrestle, and Benjamin is showing a lot of tenacity here tonight. He’s changed the tempo, going quick and slow, and now he’s looking to wear down his opponent if not get a submission.
CW: Admit it – he’s the perfect wrestler.
SVH: I wouldn’t go that far, but he’s in control right now against one of the top young wrestlers around today, and not too many people have been able to say that against Brown.
CW: He’s one of what – three guys whose one-on-one record with Brown is in their favour after more than one match?
SVH: If you put it that way, you’re right. Across two or more matches, only Maelstrom and Troy Douglas are in the same boat as Adam Benjamin.
CW: And Benji can do what only Troy Douglas has ever done and pick up a third win against Brown.
SVH: He might very well do, but Brown’s still telling the referee he’s not going to give up. This has got to be a little frustrating for Benjamin, who’s applying even more pressure on the straight-jacket! Brown just screaming in that hold, but STILL refusing to give up!
CW: He’ll quit.
[No he won’t, as Benjamin, figuring enough damage has been done, releases the hold, snapping Brown’s neck over with a somersault à la Curt Henning. Brown grabs the back of his neck, as Benjamin goes for another cover, only managing a two count. Unperturbed, he picks Brown up, slamming him hard near the corner, before climbing to the second rope, facing the fans]
SVH: BIG splash out of the corner by Benjamin, taking a page out of Big Van Vader’s book there, and he’s taking his time as he realises the dominant position he’s in right now.
CW: I told you. Brown had an early flourish, but that’s it.
SVH: I’ll believe you when the match is over and Benjamin’s declared the winner.
CW: So you ADMIT he’s going to win?
SVH: I said no such thing. Benjamin picking Brown up off the canvas, picking him up… holding him in the suplex position!
CW: He’s even stronger!
SVH: GREAT show of strength there by Benjamin – he’s still holding him… drops back with the suplex there! That looks like it took something out of him, but there’s the cover
THKickout! Karl Brown still with the awareness to kickout, but how much longer at this impact can he keep going?
CW: Not very long I’d guess.
SVH: Benjamin with Brown up again, backing him up with a stinging chop to the chest! Forcing Brown back to the ropes, doubling him up with a knee to the gut, and follows it up with an Irish whip. Brown on the rebound, Benjamin coming toward him, Brown ducking the running lariat… SPRINGBOARD BACKKICK TO THE HEAD!
CW: What the?!?
SVH: One…
NO!! The crowd going wild as Brown just took Benjamin down with a kick off the ropes! Nice athleticism to balance himself on the second rope, before springing off to land a sharp kick to the head, using Benjamin’s momentum against him and scoring a two count!
[Looking to press his advantage, Brown picks Benjamin off the canvas, scoring with a heavy forearm shot to the jaw which rocks the larger man back, before slamming him down hard and dropping an elbow. He manages a two count from the cover, before sitting Benjamin up, and connecting with a hard dropkick to the face]
SVH: One…
THNO!! Kickout again, and Brown’s looking unstoppable right now!
CW: Oh come on! Let’s have some impartiality here!
SVH: With all these blows, Brown’s in firm control, and Benji doesn’t look like he’s going to be stopping him any time soon is all. Brown now picking Benjamin up off the canvas, and twisting the arm round! NICE snap down on the arm.
[Brown doesn’t stop there. Holding onto the wrist, he turns Benjamin’s arm over, bending the larger man forward, and delivers a hard kick to the chest. Benjamin recoils from the impact, but Karl increases the pressure on the arm, forcing Benjamin down to one knee. As Benjamin tries to get to his feet, Brown steps in with an elbow to the back of the shoulder, and twists the arm again before snapping it down]
SVH: And Benjamin just howling in pain! Karl’s got that hold locked in, and he’s focusing quite clearly on the arm right now.
CW: Adam WILL bounce back.
SVH: For his sake it’ll have to be soon. Christian Sands has a large smile on his face from what he sees, as Karl steps away with the arm… sssslllooowww arm wringer there, and Adam Benjamin is instinctively looking for the ropes!
[With Benjamin on his knees, the smaller man takes the opportunity to step over the arm, facing the opposite direction from his opponent. From there, Brown just rolls forward – taking Benjamin to the mat with him and down into an armbar on the canvas! Benjamin pounds the mat in frustration as he tries unsuccessfully to get out of the hold, at which Brown simply raises his leg… and guillotines it down across the arm]
SVH: Innovative offence there with the takedown, as Benjamin doesn’t seem to be able to catch a break at all right now!
CW: Dammit Adam! You better not make me look bad!
SVH: Do you have money on this match or something?
CW: Erm…
SVH: I should’ve known. Brown now switch his grip, looks like he’s going for an overhand wrist lock, getting to one knee with the hold still on. Benjamin with a quick roll, back up to his knees, but Karl stands up with the hold!
[Brown keeps the hold cinched in, Benjamin straining, trying to push his own arm against the weight of the smaller man. Whenever Benjamin tries to get the advantage, Karl just applies more pressure, keeping the larger man grounded – until Benjamin finally manages to get to his feet, turning the wrist-lock into a test of strength. The two men jockey for position, trying to maintain the advantage, but the stronger and taller Adam Benjamin manages to turn the hold to his advantage with a side headlock]
SVH: Side headlock nicely applied there, and it looks locked in tight! Brown moving it back to the ropes, trying to shoot him off but fails!
SVH: It’s only a headlock. Brown again failing to shoot Benjamin off the ropes, grabbing hold of the wrist – he’s trying to power out of it!
CW: No chance. Adam Benjamin will not give up the advantage so easily.
[Creek’s right, as Benjamin takes Brown down with a side-headlock takedown, keeping the hold applied. The ref asks Brown if he wants to call it quits, but The Dragon answers by trying to position himself to topple the larger man backwards for a pinning combination – but Benjamin’s wise to it, pulling up slightly to increase the pressure]
SVH: Brown slapping the mat in frustration! I think he thought he’d done enough to wear Benjamin down, but no doing.
CW: Of course not! The real pride of Britain will not lose.
SVH: I think both men are the pride of Britain – they’re certainly up there with the British Greats like Dynamite Kid and Mark Rocco.
Only a two count there, as Brown let his shoulders just touch the canvas enough to constitute a pinning attempt.
CW: Just like that, my man Benjamin could’ve won it.
SVH: I don’t think it will be that easy. Christian Sands still watching on, as Karl’s stuck in the side headlock.
[Brown, however, has a plan. He plants his feet, rolling onto his back, and starts to bridge up – keeping his shoulders off the mat. Benjamin applies a bit more pressure, and Brown slumps back to the mat, carefully keeping one shoulder up – before trying again. Again, Benjamin shuts it down by applying a bit more pressure, but the crowd start to pound the floor, cheering Brown on as they see what he’s trying to do. A third time he attempts, but again he’s unsuccessful]
CW: What is he doing?
SVH: Karl Brown trying a novel approach to getting out of a grounded side-headlock. It looks like he’s trying to jump over Benjamin and slip out the back way. Brown again planting his feet, arching back… ALMOST over the top there! The crowd are really cheering, as Benjamin doesn’t know what to do!
SVH: Brown planting his feet again… rocking back… HE MADE IT!! DROPKICK TO THE FACE!! What a manoeuvre!
CW: How did he do that?!
SVH: By using his weight to slip out. Brown now backed up against the ropes, Benjamin still reeling from the kick to the face – HARD clothesline by Brown. Back against the ropes, Benjamin’s up again… MISS!! Brown misses a hard kick to the head, and Benjamin quickly with a waist-lock. Brown though keeping low, preventing the take down.
CW: Neither man really seems to be able to get any solid, lasting advantage right now, do they?
SVH: You’re right, Creek – and Brown’s again trying to regain the advantage, trying to power out of the waistlock with a wristlock!
SVH: YES! Brown with a wristlock applied on Benjamin, who wisely moves to the ropes to break the hold.
CW: Smart wrestling, don’t tire yourself out looking for a way out when the ropes are so close.
[Brown releases the hold, and backs away into a corner as Benjamin backs into the nearest corner, shaking his arm and trying to rethink his strategy. Slowly, both men move towards the centre of the ring again, but Brown doesn’t give Benjamin a chance to move, grabbing his right leg and taking him down into a leg-lock, wrapping his own legs such that the hold is in tight. Benjamin tries to grab a handful of hair, but the referee spots him, and Brown just pulls back harder and harder on the leg]
SVH: Excellent encounter so far – I’m not really sure we’re needed out here, Benjamin and Brown are speaking for themselves out there.
CW: These people wouldn’t be able to appreciate the match if we weren’t here.
SVH: Maybe, maybe not. Brown switching his grip, letting go with his legs and just repeatedly yanking back on the right leg of Adam Benjamin now! Benjamin again going for a handful of hair, but again the referee stopping him from getting an unfair advantage in this match.
CW: Rotten ref.
SVH: He’s just doing his job, Creek.
CW: And because of that, these fans aren’t getting to see Benjamin do his – beating Brown.
SVH: I’m not sure if that’s his right or his job, but regardless, Brown again switching holds, this time floating over into a headlock, but Benjamin trying to block it! He’s got his arm in the way, and Brown is having to try and power it back to get his grip right.
[Brown does manage to get his grip, but Benjamin manages to power to his feet before pushing Brown off the ropes. On the rebound, Brown manages to knock the larger man down with a shoulder block. He then heads off the ropes again, sliding between Benjamin’s legs, and as Benjamin tries to turn, he gets caught with a high standing dropkick to the head, sending him rolling to the outside!]
SVH: Great display here from the Chad Merritt winner, as Benjamin hits the apron in frustration out there!
CW: Brown must be cheating!
SVH: I don’t think so, but he IS showing some confidence by sitting on the top turnbuckle!
CW: That’s hardly sporting is it?
SVH: I don’t think he’s trying to be absolutely sporting
CW: Then you agree he’s cheating?
SVH: No – I just mean he doesn’t have to hold the ropes open, and he’s using this as a chance to catch his breath, and keep Benjamin from getting too focused by seemingly not taking him too seriously.
[It seems to be working, as Benjamin refuses to get back into the ring, despite the ref ordering him to. With his stubborn refusal, the referee begins his count, Benjamin walking around the ring as Brown keeps his eye on him, a grin on his face as the crowd counts along with the ref]
SVH: Benjamin better get back into the ring, or he’ll be counted out!
CW: He will. In his own time.
SVH: Or the refs. There’s the five.
Crowd: SIX
CW: He’ll beat it.
Crowd: SEVEN!
SVH: You sure?
Crowd: EIGHT!
CW: Yep…
Crowd: NINE!!
Crowd: TE awww….
SVH: Adam Benjamin just rolling back into the ring at the ten count, but he’s left it again!
CW: Phew… I think he just wants to take Brown out of his game now. It’s all up to Benjamin what happens now.
SVH: The referee not even warning Benjamin this time, starting the count again!
SVH: Adam Benjamin is furious out there as Karl Brown just told the referee to stop the count, and is holding the ropes open for Benjamin!
CW: This has got to be against some rule!
SVH: None that I’ve ever heard of, but Benjamin is just shouting at Brown! The Dragon shrugging his shoulder, turning his back to Benjamin
SVH: The Dragon just turned back around as Benjamin was shouting at him and landed a standing plancha!! He didn’t even slingshot himself, he just turned and jumped!
[The crowd are going wild as Brown gets quickly back to his feet, leaving Benjamin on the floor from the impact. The Dragon hi-fives a couple of fans, before picking Benjamin up and pushing him back into the barrier]
Crowd: WOOOH!!
SVH: Stinging chop there by Brown
Crowd: WOOOH!!
SVH: And another! A quick knee to the gut, and he pushes Benjamin back into the ring!
THNO!! Adam Benjamin kicks out!
CW: Thank God… I thought he was out of it after that plancha!
SVH: He’s definitely a little groggy, as Brown picks him up and plants a right hand straight to the jaw. Backing him up to the ropes, Irish Whip off, and a HARD running clothesline! Brown walking around the ring as Benjamin is quickly back up to a knee, trying to figure out a way past this offence!
CW: Brown should’ve pressed the advantage there.
SVH: We’ll see, as Brown stepping in, going for a roundhouse kick!
SVH: Adam Benjamin there catching the leg of Brown, and takes him down with a single leg sweep! Brown quickly flips onto his front, kneeling up… TRIPS BENJAMIN! Brown with a leg lock, but Benjamin quickly switches it into an armbar!
CW: NO! Brown just did a backwards roll and
SVH: BENJAMIN WITH THE HEADLOCK! Adam Benjamin countering Brown’s attempt at an STF by switching into a headlock! Turning Brown over
Kickout at one by Brown! Both men are quickly back to their feet, staring at each other across the ring! Who’d’ve thought these two men after over twenty minutes could still go at that pace!
CW: Both men are really well conditioned, they could probably go at this pace all night.
SVH: Well, they’ve only got a sixty minute time limit to play with. Circling each other again, and they quickly lock up in another test of strength! Neither man budging
[Until, that is, Benjamin ducks under, connecting with a Northern Lights Suplex! Brown quickly kicks out, before the count of one, but Benjamin switches his grip straight into an arm-bar! Brown slaps his shoulder, trying to keep the blood flowing, before rolling round into the hold, standing, and pinning Benjamin’s shoulders to the mat! Rather than trying to keep them down though, he changes into a leg-lock, grapevining the leg and pulling back hard on the knee]
SVH: I don’t honestly know how to call this match right now, they’re switching things up so quickly it’s hard to keep up. Brown in control right now, but that could all change.
CW: It will.
SVH: Adam Benjamin trying to prove you right, trying to put pressure on the knee of Brown by threading his arm through and pulling up! Brown looking unperturbed… WOW!
CW: Now that’s how to change things up! Adam Benjamin driving the point of his elbow into the patella region of Brown’s right leg, forcing Brown to loosen his grip, and we’ve now got both men with leg-locks on the other!
SVH: Brown trying to get out with a couple of kicks to the shoulder, but Benjamin not budging! Both men still with the leg locks applied, and neither showing any signs of breaking the hold!
CW: This is certainly interesting – who’s going to tap?
SVH: I don’t think either man is going to tap, Creek… and we’re being joined at commentary here by MCW’s Commissioner!
LJ: Good evening.
CW: Hello Mister Johnson, how’re you?
LJ: Very good thanks. But you’re missing the action – Benjamin and Brown rolling towards the ropes, and that’s going to force the rope break.
SVH: And both men are again quickly back to their feet, with neither man looking any worse for wear out there.
LJ: They wouldn’t have been given this match if they were only going to go for five minutes. These are two highly fierce competitors with quite similar styles – I’d say Brown has more of a base to play from, but Benjamin is probably the slightly more technically minded of the two. It’s what makes these two such even opponents.
CW: You don’t honestly think Brown’s going to win do you?
LJ: I’m saying I don’t think an hour is going to be long enough.
SVH: Benjamin and Brown circling each other again, going for a tie-up but Benjamin with a headbutt to take Brown down! A clubbing forearm to the back of the head as Brown rises, and DRIVING the head into the top turnbuckle!
[Pulling Brown out of the corner, Benjamin lands a knee to the gut, before a hard Irish Whip between the ropes leads to the air being forced out of Brown’s lungs by another knee lift that has the smaller man spinning in mid-air! Benjamin then picks Brown up, before slamming him down with a snap-mare, and applying a reverse chin-lock. He wrenches back on the neck of Brown, who adamantly refuses to give up… and manages to turn the hold to his advantage, switching into a hammerlock by rolling slightly to one side! After several seconds in the hold, Benjamin manages to get to one knee, the crowd starting to come alive, but Brown switches his grip to tighten the hold. Finally, Benjamin leaps forwards, grabbing the ropes with his free hand]
SVH: Shall we see a NO! Adam Benjamin with a shot to the gut there as Brown tried to give him a clean break!
[Benjamin land a stiff kick to the gut, moving Brown back, before slamming him down with a gut-wrench suplex which almost sends the Dragon to the outside! Rather than going for the cover, the larger Englishman spikes Brown with a fist-drop to the forehead, followed swiftly with a kick to the spine. Taking his time, he then lifts Brown back to his feet, and takes him down with a hard backbreaker into the centre of the ring]
SVH: There’s the cover
NO! Adam Benjamin switching to very methodical offence now, taking his time and trying to wear Brown down, as he DRIVES the forearm across the face there!
LJ: Without a doubt Adam Benjamin is one of the best in this business at wearing people down. He knows that Brown is the quicker man, and he almost upset Benjamin nearly three years ago at Culture Shock – but so long as he can keep him grounded, Benjamin’s got the better chance of winning.
CW: Absolutely. Benjamin is the man who you could build a company around.
LJ: Give Brown a little bit more time.
SVH: Adam Benjamin keeping up the pressure now with a rear chin-lock on the canvas, resting all of his weight down on Brown, almost on the throat!
CW: Great strategy.
SVH: So long as it doesn’t become a choke hold, yes.
LJ: Even then he’s got a few seconds to keep the hold applied in, so it’s a win-win situation for him.
SVH: Not if he doesn’t break by five though.
LJ: Naturally, but he’s smarter than that.
CW: Absolutely. He’s got that chin-lock applied in the middle of the ring, nowhere for Brown to go for an easy escape.
SVH: Maybe not an easy escape, but we saw earlier he can get out of things in a pinch with some innovative moves.
LJ: It’s hard to be innovative from this position though – sitting up with your opponent leaning his weight into you as he’s cutting off the blood supply to your brain.
SVH: True. The crowd are trying to fire Brown back up, but Benjamin is wrapping his leg around Brown, keeping him grounded!
LJ: This might work in Brown’s favour a little – falling onto the mat like that means Benjamin doesn’t have the canvas to help lean into Brown. This sleeper-hold is going to take a lot out of Brown but he may survive it.
CW: He won’t.
SVH: We’ll see.
CW: I think the crowd have turned against Brown though, they’re making Benjamin apply more pressure.
SVH: I don’t think Benjamin needed the crowd to get him to do that, he’d’ve done it anyways. The referee checking Brown, tapping the arm, but Brown’s still moving it! He’s been in this hold over a minute and he’s still got movement in the arm, so the match continues!
LJ: Fast approaching the half hour mark too – Benjamin knew he wasn’t going to be able to keep up with Brown’s pace.
CW: He’s every bit as athletic as Brown!
LJ: I don’t doubt that in a fifteen or twenty minute match he has the same stamina, but Benjamin focuses his training on his technique – I’ve seen Karl training for big matches, and he works a lot on his endurance. I think Karl could go at a faster pace for longer than Benjamin.
SVH: And Adam knows that, so he’s being smart in keeping Brown on the canvas, trying to wear him out.
CW: Bah!
SVH: Regardless, the crowd seem to be having an effect on Brown! He’s trying to role onto his front, bring Benjamin with him… up to his knees! Brown up to his knees, and it looks like he’s trying to lift Adam up onto his back!
SVH: No! Benjamin using his legs to kick Brown in the thigh, stopping him from standing straight and forcing him back to the canvas! The crowd were almost in rapture there as it looked like Brown was going to escape!
CW: No way, no way he’ll manage that.
LJ: Never say never when these two are in the ring together. Their first two matches were some of the finest displays of skill I’ve seen. I don’t think ANYONE thought that they’d put on such a technical and violent display at Culture Shock.
[The crowd start trying to get behind Brown again, clapping in unison as the smaller man tries again to fight to his feet, but Benjamin keeps shutting him down, applying more pressure, but still keeping it as a sleeper hold – the referee checks carefully each time, with the crowd getting more and more expectant, hoping that this time will be the time that he starts his count – but no. The seconds tick by, the sweat from both men gleaming under the hot lights, as the crowd enter a hushed silence, all eyes on the ring]
CW: Nice move Adam!
SVH: Smart move too, he’s sitting Brown back up to try and finish him off – the referee checking the arm…
LJ: One
CW: Come one!
SVH: If it drops twice more this match is over
LJ: Two? No. Brown keeps his arm aloft, and Benjamin tries to add more weight!
SVH: Now that would be cheating, Creek.
CW: I don’t really care.
LJ: I do. I want a winner to this match to end MCW’s time properly.
[As Adam Benjamin keeps the sleeperhold applied, the crowd find voice, trying desperately to rouse the almost-sleeping Dragon, whose breathing is coming in short gasps as the larger man leans forward, sweat dripping onto the canvas as he applies more weight onto the back of the smaller Englishman. Karl is slumped forward, the only thing that seems to be holding him seated is the fact he’s in that hold – which Benjamin cinches in further as the referee checks to be sure it’s not a choke hold. Satisfied, the ref asks Karl if he wants to call it quits, shaking his arm. He gets no reply, as the crowd start to chant – “DRA-GON! DRA-GON! DRA-GON!” Carefully, he raises Brown’s left arm above his head, and lets go – it falls. The crowd started getting more desperate in their chants and claps, as the ref repeats the exercise, with the same result.
The crowd are almost at fever pitch now, willing with all their might to try and keep The Dragon’s arm from falling. All eyes are on his left arm, as the referee raises it for a third time, shaking it slightly at it’s height, trying to find some sign of life. Finding none, he lets it drop, turning instinctively to call for the bell]
SVH: I don’t know, but somehow he’s kept his left arm from dropping for a third time, and Adam Benjamin can’t believe it! He’s let go of the hold, and just clubbed Brown across the chest! There was nothing technical about that, nothing planned, it was just pure frustration at not being able to put The Dragon away!
LJ: Benjamin is still in control though, with a hard snap suplex there.
SVH: Going for the cover.
SVH: Karl Brown still with enough air to kick out! Benjamin can’t believe it, and he’s just stomping away furiously!
LJ: I must admit this match has been everything I thought it would be – high impact, fast paced and highly technical.
SVH: Benjamin in total control, and a DEVASTATING brainbuster! Did you see how high Brown bounced from the impact there?
CW: He’s gotta be out of it!
SVH: Benjamin though not going for the cover – I think he wants to be sure he’s got him this time.
LJ: Would make a lot of sense.
[Slowly, Benjamin backs himself against the far ropes, his eyes fixed on Brown, as the referee asks him what’s he’s doing. Brown lays motionless for a few seconds, trying to find his bearings, but still the first ever MCW World Heavyweight Champion stays crouched against the ropes. Eagerly, he stares at The Dragon, a slight smile creeping across his face as Brown tries to roll onto on knee, gingerly pushing himself over and up off the canvas. The seconds tick by painfully, as several fans, sensing the danger, try to warn Brown to stay down, or get out of the way – but it’s too late. As his prey finally gets to one knee, Benjamin rises, leaning against the ropes, flexing them back before springing forward in a dead run with Brown in his crosshairs]
CW: This is it!
SVH: I’ve NEVER seen anything like that, and I was there when Jonathan Marx countered that same move into a belly-to-belly suplex! Karl Brown just SOMEHOW managed to catch Benjamin by the leg as he flew forward to hit the shining wizard, rolled backwards, and now is pulling him into the middle of the ring with an anklelock applied! He’s countered the same move that’s beaten him twice, and the fans here are deafening as Benjamin is just SCREAMING in pain!!
LJ: Dead centre of the ring too!
CW: Come on!! GET TO THE ROPES!!
SVH: Karl Brown with the ankle lock locked in! He’s already wrapped his legs around Benjamin’s, and Benjamin has no-where to go!!
CW: How did he have the energy to lock it in, let alone duck under to get it in place?
LJ: Because he’s highly skilled. Benjamin is trying to get up onto his hands and pull himself across to the ropes, but Brown is just twisting the ankle too much for him to be able to do too much at any one time.
CW: He’s getting closer though!
SVH: Benjamin less than half an arm’s length away from the ropes… AND BROWN PULLS HIM BACK TO THE CENTRE OF THE RING!
CW: NO!! NO!!
LJ: Brown keeping onto one knee though, but look how he’s placed his left leg over the leg of Benjamin? It’s keeping Benjamin in one place and letting Brown apply slightly more pressure.
SVH: Not only that but he’s also stopping Adam from turning on the canvas – if he can’t turn, there’s even fewer chances for escape.
CW: Come on, Adam… YES!!
SVH: Karl Brown releasing the ankle lock, and he drives Benjamin’s knee straight down into the canvas! Rolling Benjamin over
THNO!! Kickout by Benjamin!
CW: This is getting ridiculous! How after over five minutes in a sleeperhold, and all those high-impact moves can Brown even be conscious?!?!
SVH: He’s pugnacious and wants to do his best in the final regular MCW match. Brown now picking Benjamin up – backbreaker! Taking his time getting back up, he’s still groggy from all the impact and energy sapping moves. Picking Benjamin back up again, I thought he’d go for the cover – forearm smash!
LJ: Pat Roach couldn’t have done any better.
CW: Who?
LJ: British wrestler and actor from the seventies and eighties, appeared in Conan the Destroyer.
SVH: Brown just whipping Benjamin across the ring, follows it up BIG splash in the corner! The crowd are really getting behind the Dragon now as he connects with a side Russian leg-sweep
NO!!! Adam Benjamin still with the wherewithal to just roll the shoulder up!
CW: Wherewithal?
LJ: Look it up.
SVH: Brown really slow to get to his feet here, having to use the ropes to pull himself up – he’s looking really tired, as Benjamin tries to roll over onto a knee. Brown swaying in – hard right hand. Benjamin fires back, Brown rocking… fires back with another right hand! Benjamin with a right – BLOCKED! Brown with another right THUMB TO THE EYE BY BENJAMIN!!
SVH: Adam Benjamin with Brown now by the head, he’s forcing him back to the ropes, Irish Whip across the ring. Brown ducks under the clothesline attempt, and again… FLYING FOREARM!! LOOK HOW FAST BROWN FLEW THERE!!
CW: NO!!
LJ: Tito Santana would be proud!
SVH: Karl Brown slow to make the cover, inching his way over…
THRENO!!! The left arm of Adam Benjamin shooting up off the canvas there as the fans thought this match was over!
CW: I don’t care how much they sound deflated, there was no way Benjamin was going to go down there.
LJ: You don’t sound so sure of yourself.
CW: What do you mean?
LJ: I mean that Brown is now in the driving seat and Adam Benjamin is the one in trouble.
SVH: Leonard’s right, Creek, as Brown just meets Benjamin with a boot to the face! Nothing flashy there, just purely trying to keep his opponent down!
[After another face-wash like kick across the face, Brown brings Benjamin to his feet. He doubles him over with a knee to the gut, before executing a picture perfect gut-wrench suplex! Rather than going for the cover, he instead opts to roll Benjamin over, going for a chicken-wing on the canvas. The crowd sense something big is coming, as Brown positions himself]
SVH: Brian Danielson’s version of a double-chickenwing, this move has ended so many matches world wide I don’t see HOW Adam Benjamin is going to be able to get out of this one!!
CW: He’ll find a way!
SVH: Just listen to him screaming out there! Is his pride worth the pain he must be going through as the fans roar! They’re expecting the tap out!!
LJ: I don’t think Brown has actually ever won a match by submission – this could be the first time we see Adam Benjamin tap in MCW and the first time Brown wins a match by anything other than pinfall or disqualification.
SVH: Look at his arm! HE’S GETTING READY TO TAP!!
CW: NO!!
LJ: The MCW faithful certainly letting Benjamin know their feelings. I must admit I agree with them – this match has been tremendous and I don’t want to see it end just yet either.
SVH: But I don’t know if Adam Benjamin can take much more of this!
LJ: He’s definitely got money on this one.
SVH: Adam Benjamin adamantly refusing to give up! Brown’s got that bridge locked in – I think Benjamin’s only hope is
SVH: For just that to happen! Brown couldn’t hold the bridge any longer, he’s too tired from the beating he took earlier on in this match! The crowd sound REALLY split on that, half are cheering and half sound deflated!
LJ: That’s the emotion Brown spoke of when he went up against Molotov, and the same emotion Benjamin has been speaking about for years – the way that two professionals trying to win a match can inspire such different feelings of joy, despair, grief and pride – THIS is what professional wrestling is all about.
SVH: Both men are laying out on the canvas – Leonard, have you ever considered trying to book these two as a tag team?
LJ: I can only think of one team that they wouldn’t be too much for, so it wouldn’t be a wise business move in anything other than the short term.
SVH: Let me guess – the team they couldn’t beat would be Blitz?
LJ: Precisely.
SVH: Benjamin is really hurting out there though – the referee’s up to a three count, as both men are gasping for air – listen to Benjamin in pain out there!
There’s the five count!
Seven!! Brown starting to get to his feet! Benjamin is still holding his shoulders!
Brown using the ropes to heave himself up – HE’S STOPPED THE REF’S COUNT!!
LJ: I don’t know how smart that was – Brown could have picked up the win there on a knock-out. They’ve been going almost forty minutes so far and that may have been a huge mistake.
SVH: I think he wants this to be a decisive finish, one two three or submission. He’s moving over, picking Benjamin up - HARD scoop slam there by Brown!
CW: Why isn’t he going for the cover?
SVH: Why don’t you ask him? He looks really tired, but he could be going for it all here as he steps between the ropes. Are we going to see The Dragon fly?
CW: Dragonfly? What move is that?
SVH: Oh be quiet.
[Slowly, Brown moves along the apron, setting one foot on the bottom rope, testing his balance before climbing up]
SVH: He’s taking his time. That last onslaught from Benjamin took a lot out of him.
[As he finally reaches the top rope, he takes a few moments to steady himself, before noticing that Benjamin’s up to one knee, his back to the corner, and gasping for air. A slight smile comes across Brown’s face, as he shifts his weight slightly, standing as slowly as Benjamin as he stalks him from his perch]
SVH: Benjamin’s turning, Brown’s ready… DRAGON
CW: HOLY ****!!
LJ: Oh… my…god…
[The crowd erupt at the display of strength, some chanting “HOLY ****!”, some “MCW!”, and some others “THIS IS AWESOME!”, as we move to a split screen. On the replay, we see Brown leaping off the ropes, flipping in mid-air and landing on Adam Benjamin’s shoulders – but before he can rock back to finish the Dragonrana, Benjamin takes a large step forward, before just THROWING Brown down over the top rope to the floor. Brown hits the floor on his back, as Benjamin slumps down to both knees from the effort, and the referee quickly ducks outside to check on Brown. The split-screen ends, and on the live image, the referee is still checking on Brown, whose eyes are glazed over, but his right arm is moving slightly as he tries to get up]
SVH: I have NEVER seen anything like that! Leonard Johnson is speechless, I… I don’t know how to call that!!
CW: So much for just being a technical masterpiece! These two aren’t letting up at all in there!
SVH: As well known as they both are for their technical skills, neither is totally averse to switching it up in order to win. And Adam Benjamin just switched it up… I’m not surprised he’s winded in there, that must’ve taken a lot of strength to catch Brown on his shoulders, let alone POWERBOMBING him to the outside!
LJ: THAT was worth the price of admission alone!
CW: This match has GOT to be over!
SVH: The referee is checking Brown on the outside – he’s gotta be out of it!
CW: Just ring the bell.
LJ: I think the referee, rightly, is more concerned with Brown’s health than anything – can we get another look at that?
[CUTTO: Split screen again – super slow-motion]
SVH: Thank God! Brown didn’t land on his neck!
LJ: And Brown is stirring out there – I can see him mouthing something to the referee.
CW: Just count him out already!!
SVH: Looks like Creek’s going to get his wish – the referee rolling back into the ring, as Benjamin has just pulled himself up to his feet. This is going to be a sad end to the match.
LJ: Starting his count.
CW: Well finally!
SVH: Come on, Creek – you’ve got to be disappointed it’s going to come down to this.
CW: Nope.
SVH: The count’s up to four – five.
CW: Faster…
SVH: You have no heart!
LJ: He’s starting to turn over!
CW: NO!!
SVH: Seven…
LJ: Now that’s sportsmanship!
CW: NOoo…
SVH: Creek’s almost in tears folks, forgive the sobbing, but Leonard’s right – that is incredibly sporting of Adam Benjamin, and the fans are showing their appreciation for it! A true professional!
LJ: That’s why Jay and I booked this match.
SVH: Brown slowly trying to get to his feet on the outside, as Benjamin is holding the referee back!
CW: Why? Why Adam?
SVH: Brown holding the barrier – almost to his feet, he’s holding his back – where’s Benjamin going?
LJ: Adam Benjamin heading to the outside to join Brown, moving round the ringpost – STIFF forearm to the head!
SVH: Sporting moment over then! Adam Benjamin restoring Creek’s faith in him by heading outside, and he just stiff’s Brown again, with a huge chop this time!
LJ: Payback for Brown knocking him down in the chop exchange earlier.
SVH: Could well be.
[Benjamin continues with another chop against the barrier, as the referee, loath to go against the two times he’s been stopped from counting, stays in the ring trying to order the larger man to bring it back into the ring. Benjamin ignores his pleas, instead picking Brown away from the barricade, before slamming him back first into it! He moves away, taking up some of the protective padding, before slugging Brown with a right hand, before pulling him off again, twisting the arm and winding up]
CW: GOD DAMMIT how does he keep doing that?!?!
SVH: Brown charging in, crowd backing away BACKBODY
LJ: Karl Brown with an amazing feat of agility, twisting in mid air and landing on a chair right behind the barricade! Benjamin turning… MAXIMUM IMPACT!!
CW: I give up! I should’ve put money on Brown being able to last this long!
SVH: The Dragon surprising Benjamin with a somersault neck-breaker using the barricade as a launch pad! I do not see how these two can keep going!
LJ: By sheer guts and determination – these are the men who took on Mayhem Mountain and wrestled the very next card. These are the men who have put their bodies on the line and made names for themselves as two of the very best. I’ve seen moves from these two that I never even dreamt possible, and I’ve been in this industry about twenty seven or twenty eight years.
[The crowd are in rapture as Brown is the first to get to his feet, albeit it with his legs being very begrudging. He staggers over, picking Benjamin up from the hard concrete floor that the larger man himself had exposed. Brown plants a knee to the gut, before rolling him back into the ring, rolling in slowly after him and going for the cover]
LJ: NO!!
CW: Benjamin got his foot on the rope! Foot on the rope!
SVH: Adam Benjamin just getting his foot onto the bottom rope and this time it’s Karl Brown who can’t believe it! He thought he had him after that somersault neckbreaker outside, after surviving a powerbomb from the ring to the floor, after twisting in mid-air to land on a chair in the audience! Adam Benjamin, after all he’s gone through tonight, is still in this match! Karl Brown is still in this match!
LJ: Maybe an hour wasn’t long enough.
SVH: Could well be as we’re over forty minutes – are we at the forty five minute mark yet?
CW: I don’t know, but Brown is callously picking my man Benjamin off the canvas.
LJ: And there’s a hard right hand from what I would say is the best man in this business to have not held a World Title.
SVH: Brown backing Benjamin towards the ropes. Irish whip across the ring, reversal, Brown ducking under the lariat attempt OCTOPUS!! ADAM BENAJMIN WITH AN OCTOPUS HOLD!!
CW: What is up with this move, it’s hardly ever used except the last few months!
LJ: I think people are finally starting to see how effective this hold can be. An abdominal stretch where you put extra pressure on the neck of your opponent – in Brown’s condition with his back this hold is going to be excruciating.
SVH: And Benjamin’s avoiding putting his weight on the ankle Brown attacked with the ankle-lock with for so long earlier! Even in this state, they’ve got to be approaching exhaustion, he is STILL thinking.
LJ: Thinking or instinct, with someone like Adam it’s a very thin line, he is such a natural in the ring.
CW: This is all planned. Benjamin is just smarter than Brown, he wants it more than Brown – Adam Benjamin is Major Championship Wrestling through and through.
SVH: He’s having trouble keeping the hold on though! His leg’s slipping! And he’s realised it, clubbing away on the back of Brown! He’s still stalking him though, stomping him across the back... DRAGON SLEEPER!!
LJ: No it’s not! Adam Benjamin is trying to set up for the Dragon’s Bite!!
CW: DO IT!!!
SVH: Karl Brown fighting it off, only one time has anyone stopped a pinfall once this move’s been hit! Benjamin trying to club away on Brown’s chest… got him in position, lifts him up! REVERSAL!! KARL BROWN SLIPS DOWN THE BACK AND HE’S GOT BENJAMIN NOW IN POSITION!!
CW: NO!!
LJ: Benjamin trying to fight it, the crowd are going wild… Brown lifting Benjamin back up…
Announcer: Ladies and gentleman, there are FIFTEEN MINUTES of the contest remaining! FIFTEEN MINUTES!!
LJ: Just listen to that cheer as Benjamin hears the announcement as well – fifteen minutes of this match left to go, and Benjamin getting to his feet as quickly as he can – is he going to try for the shining wizard again?
SVH: Looks like it – he’s waiting on Brown to get off the canvas… NO! Charging in and WOAH!! HUGE belly to belly suplex running in there! Bounding over
NO!!! Another near fall there!!
[Enraged and incensed, Benjamin quickly gets to his feet, holding the ropes to support his weight on his left leg. He watches as The Dragon starts to move, then charges in, looking to take his head off with a boot to the head! Brown however, spotted what was going on, and instead takes Benjamin down with a simple but effective drop-toe hold, Benjamin landing, to the approval of a lot of the crowd, throat first across the second rope!]
SVH: Benjamin bouncing back into the centre of the ring! Listen to the crowd! Brown is quickly to his feet, and now it’s The Dragon stalking his prey!
CW: Move… move…
CW: He’s too tired to go for the cover!
SVH: Karl Brown repaying the favour after being hit by the Dragon’s Bite earlier, but he can’t go for the cover! Creek’s right, he’s got to be exhausted, he’s barely moving right now, trying to drag himself over… drapes the arm
LJ: That pause, the difference from the move to going for the cover, gave Adam plenty of time to get his senses back – the Shining Wizard can knock you out, or make you lose your sense for a while, and unfortunately for Karl, the latter applied.
SVH: The fans are on their feet though as both men are fighting through the pain, through the lactic acid build-up, trying to get to their feet. I don’t think the referee is even going to bother trying to start a ten count.
CW: He’d get mobbed on the way out for stopping this match without a winner.
SVH: More than likely, Creek.
LJ: This is definitely the fitting end Jay and I had imagined. And it looks like Christian Sands approves as well, though I’m sure he’d rather Brown have put this match away earlier when he had the chance.
SVH: He may still have a few chances left – Brown finally back up to his feet, holding the ropes as Benjamin… yes, holding the ropes as well but both men now up to their feet. Brown stepping across – right hand by Benjamin! Chop by Brown! CHOP BY BENJAMIN! Brown reeling back!!
CW: Come on, Adam!
SVH: Benjamin with Brown against the ropes, hooks the head – Brown fights out, pushing him off
Crowd: OOooooooh!
SVH: That had to hurt!! Karl Brown just kicked Benjamin square in the head with a jumping spinning turning kick from a free stand!
CW: I think Adam got his hands up to defend himself though!
LJ: I’m going to agree with Creek on that one, it looked like Brown didn’t get as much on that as he’d’ve liked – though impressive it definitely was. He looks like he knows he didn’t get all of it though, as he picks Benjamin up off the canvas. Sends him across the ring, off the ropes – Brown runs past him.
SVH: Criss-cross action in the centre of the ring… YAKUZA KICK BY BROWN!
SVH: The Dragon using that straight leg kick to the head and the speed they both built up to almost take Benjamin’s head off! There’s the cover
THRNOOOOO!! Benjamin with the resilience and instinct to kick out yet again
LJ: Brown picking Benjamin up
THRENO!! Benjamin ALMOST stealing the win there with a small package. Brown sitting up in disbelief, he has done EVERYTHING except hit the Dragon’s Bite and it’s still not enough!
CW: Don’t give him any ideas!
LJ: Don’t worry, Creek, he can’t hear us from here.
SVH: Christian Sands watches on as Brown picks Benjamin up. Irish whip into the corner HARD follow up with a clothesline! Brown mounting the ropes, he’s raising his fist…
Crowd: ONE!!
CW: Stop him ref!
Crowd: FIVE!!
SVH: Brown with a furry of punches now, the crowd can’t keep up! HURRINCANRANA!! Brown with Benjamin down, NOW! Double leg nelson reversal by Benjamin! No count! Brown able to roll out of it before the referee could start counting! Both men are back up quickly, Brown swings MISSES! Benjamin kick to the gut IMPLANT DDT!! Benjamin dragging himself over, there’s the cover
THRNOO!! Brown BARELY rolling the shoulder up there.
NO!! Brown again kicking out as Benjamin
Keeps going for the cover!! He’s really looking tired and frustrated in there.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, there are TEN MINUTES REMAINING, TEN MINUTES!
LJ: And he’s looking worried at how long it’s taken him so far. He’s been in control of this match on more than one occasion and been unable to put Brown away.
SVH: Benjamin rolling Brown over, what’s he going for?
CW: Camel clutch?
LJ: We’ll see in a minute – he’s grabbing Brown’s arms… SUGAR HOLD!!
SVH&CW: A what?
LJ: A very painful variation on the full nelson, done on a grounded opponent! Some people say the Full Nelson is deadly, but this one is even worse because it is virtually impossible to get out of!
[And The Dragon will tell you how painful it is – if he weren’t too busy trying to fight from screaming out in pain, as Benjamin sits on his lower back, pushing his head down and pulling back on his arms in one movement! The crowd start to repeat their “PLEASE DON’T TAP!” plea from earlier in the match, to which Benjamin, out of pure frustration, yells at them to shut the [beep] up, causing several of the supporters he’d won to boo him. The referee checks Brown’s arm, but he’s still got some life left in him, as he tries to shift position to get onto his feet to ease the pressure. After about thirty seconds in the hold though, Benjamin gives up, stomping on the back and neck of the smaller man!]
LJ: Benjamin letting his frustrations get the better of him. The cover
SVH: That count was as fast as every other one we’ve had tonight, Creek! Adam Benjamin cannot believe it as the crowd are going wild! He’s heading outside!
LJ: Don’t do it, Adam…
SVH: Adam Benjamin grabbing a chair! He’s back in the ring and stalking Brown… The Dragon slow to get to his feet… the ref’s telling Benjamin to put it down!
LJ: It’ll be a HUGE shame if we have a result by disqualification in this match.
SVH: Benjamin swings… MISSES!! Brown moved out of the way, and takes Benjamin down with a standing drop kick!!
[Starting to feel the crowd again, Brown steps in as Benjamin gets to his feet, connecting with a hard side-kick to the ribs, following up with a push kick, forcing Benjamin back into the corner. From there, Brown nails him with a forearm smash, before hooking the head as if he were going for a Dragon’s Bite!! But instead, he walks to the ropes, climbing to the second rope, and somersaults off with a Diamond Dust]
SVH: Brown turning Benjamin over…
THREENOO! Adam Benjamin still will not stay down, and we’re fast approaching the fifty five minute mark for this contest!
CW: Benjamin will win!
LJ: Not if he stays in that chin-lock for too long. Benjamin had Brown in a similar hold for over five minutes, but I don’t think Brown will risk that this late in the match, he’s just trying to get his breath back.
SVH: Leaning in heavily as well, both men are gasping for air!
[After several seconds, Brown releases the hold, picking Benjamin up and taking him down with a snap mare, quickly dropping the elbow, followed by a knee to the chest. Rather than going for the cover, he picks Benjamin up again, maintaining his offence by driving the larger mans head into his knee, as the crowd go wild – Brown then hooks the head, as if going for his finisher, but instead just drives Benjamin back first across his knee!]
THRNO!! Adam Benjamin getting his foot UNDER the bottom rope at the very last second there! He barely had the strength left to raise it, under the rope was all he could manage!
LJ: Sands seems to be enjoying that.
CW: My former employer can go to hell!
LJ: Good thing you said former, Creek.
SVH: Brown signalling for the end, picking Benjamin up RIGHT HAND TO THE GUT!! Benjamin just drills him with a DDT and both men are down!!
CW: The referee checking both men, I think Brown’s knocked out! All Benjamin needs to do is make the cover and it’ll be over!
Crowd: One
SVH: There they go again.
Crowd: Two
LJ: This has been on hell of a match [five] and if this is how it ends [six] then they’ve done everyone here proud.
Crowd: SEVEN!!
SVH: The crowd getting restless.
CW: Adam’s stirring!!
Crowd: EIGHT!!
CW: Rolling…
Crowd: NINE!!!
[Cheer maniacally]
SVH: Adam Benjamin took too long getting his strength back to drape the arm across, and listen to the crowd as Brown still refuses to let his shoulders be counted.
CW: You know what, I’m just going to stay quiet.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen there are FIVE MINUTES of this match remaining. FIVE MINUTES!!
CW: Or maybe not!
SVH: The crowd really coming to life as Benjamin cannot decide what to do next! Look at him, using the ropes to pull himself up, as Brown’s starting to get to his feet too!
LJ: Both men, tired, battered, and still going at it. Not many people in this industry would even be able to stand after what they’ve put each other through.
SVH: Benjamin watching Brown get up on the other ropes… charging in MISSES THE CLOTHESLINE
LJ: And both men to the outside!! Brown with the clothesline counter and both men take another spill to the outside! Benjamin against the barrier, Brown on his feet but holding onto the ring apron.
SVH: Both men breathing hard, but Brown in with a knee to the gut! Head meets barricade!
LJ: I think we should just let these last few minutes play out. Let’s leave the folks at home to enjoy this match.
SVH&CW: Agreed.
[Brown rolls Benjamin into the ring, as the three man commentary team downs their headsets and watches as fans. Picking Benjamin up, he sends him across the ring, taking him down with a back body drop! He quickly springs into the cover]
Crowd: ONE!!
[But to no avail. Picking Benjamin up again, he gets met with a rake of the eyes, as Benjamin this time sends him off the ropes, before taking him down with a drop toe hold, quickly locking in a Boston Crab!! Brown screams in pain as the seconds tick away, the sweat dripping onto the canvas as Benjamin leans back as far as he can, lifting Brown’s legs higher to increase the angle. The crowd are cheering wildly, some pleading Brown not to tap, others wanting him to tap and give the win to his countryman – but still he doesn’t give in. He manages to get onto his forearms, pulling himself towards the ropes, inching closer and closer… but Benjamin pulls him away! All the way across the ring to the opposite ropes!!
Screaming in pain and frustration, The Dragon starts to hit Benjamin’s ankle, trying to topple him. He looks about to tap, his hand raising, raising…
But he hits the mat hard, pushing himself up, toppling the larger man forward! Just enough, in fact, that Brown’s legs touch the ropes, forcing the rope break! Benjamin looks on in disbelief, walking around the ring as he tries to figure out something to do. He knows there are three minutes left, if that, and he can’t figure out what to do. He lets Brown pull himself to his feet, and comes in again, firing off a right hand that rocks the Dragon – but Brown fires back! Benjamin now tries a chop, but Brown staggers him back with a stinger! Benjamin tries a kick, but Brown retaliates with a hard, snapping left hand to the face! Benjamin’s rocked backwards, his eyes watering a little, as Brown comes in with an STO!! THE COVER!!]
Crowd: ONE!!!!!
[“DAMMIT” is clearly heard above the crowd after Benjamin rolls his shoulder, the smaller Englishman now showing his clear frustration. It’s his turn to walk around the ring, as Benjamin gets to his feet slowly, holding the back of his head after the instinctive kickout. Both men are slow to get to their feet, but finally do – which leads Brown to taking Benjamin down into an armbar!]
[Which he doesn’t keep with for very long. He goes for the cover, but only manages a two count. He picks Benjamin up, going to apply another arm bar, but Benjamin reverses it into a hammerlock, taking Brown down to the canvas, and driving home the point of the knee straight into the shoulder. He switches quickly into a headlock, picking Brown off the canvas, but as he tries to lift him for a suplex, Brown fights out, nailing him with a hard forearm to the face.
Feeling how close the end of the match is, Brown fires Benjamin off the ropes, running them himself and executing a picture-perfect flying forearm. He then throws himself into the cover]
Crowd: ONE!!
[but Benjamin kicks out again! Brown quickly tries to press the advantage, firing Benjamin off again and going for a back body drop – but he dropped his head too soon, and Benjamin with the sunset flip!]
Crowd: ONE!!
Crowd: ONE!!
[And Benjamin rolls away, leaving both men on the mat, tired and exhausted with only ninety seconds to go. Both men are very slow to their feet, having to hold the ropes, their bodies aching from the impact of the blows they’ve received and the build up of lactic acid, eating away at their muscles. Brown manages to fight his way onto his hands and knees, as Benjamin claws at the ropes. Both men do get to their feet, and stagger into the centre of the ring. Benjamin fires a right hand, staggering Brown – but the smaller man retaliates with a right of his own. Benjamin tries a forearm shot, but Brown returns the favour]
LJ: [putting his headset back on] And this is what it’s all about – Brown and Benjamin are slugging it out in the ring.
SVH: This has truly been a great match, will someone pick up the win?
CW: Who cares?
SVH: Brown with a forearm smash, rocking Benjamin… forearm by Benjamin… Brown with a right hand BLOCKED BY BENJAMIN!! Benjamin with a right
LJ: That’s blocked as well!
SVH: Both men with left hands! Right hands… the crowd are deafening!
Crowd: TEN
SVH: Brown with the right
Crowd: NINE
CW: Benjamin…
Crowd: EIGHT
LJ: Brown, Benjamin quick firing back
Crowd: SEVEN
LJ: Brown with a hard chop!
Crowd: FOUR!!
SVH: Benjamin fires back!
Crowd: THREE!!
CW: Benjamin again!
Crowd: TWO!!
Crowd: ONE!!
[SFX: dingdingdingding]
SVH: What a match! Brown and Benjamin stayed right with each other for an hour, and they’re both down after exchanging right hands!
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the time limit has expired – the result of this match is…
[A combination of cheers and boos echoes around the arena – the cheers for the display put on, the boos because there was no clear winner and the fans were enjoying the match so much]
CW: The fans do not sound happy that Benjamin didn’t win.
LJ: That shows what a performance these two just gave. They’d’ve been happy for them to go another hour I reckon.
SVH: Well, they’re on their feet regardless as Brown and Benjamin are trying to pull themselves to their feet – what’s Sands doing?
[Christian Sands, one time owner of MCW, is standing in the ring, offering his hand to Brown]
CW: Don’t take it!
SVH: Sands and Brown have had a lot of history over the years, Brown beat Sands on his way to Mayhem Mountain!
LJ: Sands record against Brown may not be his best at one win, one loss and a draw, but he respects what Brown’s done in his career so far, and Brown respects Sands.
[The crowd cheer as Brown, after carefully looking at Sands, offers his hand from the canvas, and Sands helps him to his feet. Sands checks that Brown is OK, before raising his hand in a victory pose. Brown plays to the crowd, as Adam Benjamin gets to his feet. After a few seconds soaking in the adulation of the crowd, Sands turns and walks over to Benjamin, who offers his hand]
CW: Look at that class.
LJ: And look at the rampway, there’s the entire roster!
SVH: The whole backroom area has filled out onto the rampway and is applauding the efforts of these two! Sands looking at Benjamin’s hand… and he rolls out of the ring?
LJ: Christian Sands doesn’t really care for Benjamin. He was non-plussed when Benjamin came back and demanded a match against Brown as if he somehow was bigger than the roster, and Sands letting Benjamin know it.
CW: He’s lucky Adam didn’t knock him out for that!
SVH: I think Benjamin’s lucky Sands didn’t get physical, I don’t think after that match Benjamin has much left in him. Nevertheless, what a display these two put on – and Brown now extending the hand in the middle of the ring to Benjamin! Benjamin’s looking a little pensive though.
CW: Wouldn’t you be if someone just snubbed you?
SVH: True. Benjamin looking at the crowd… and takes the hand! What a display from these two, going at it for so long in the ring and still shaking hands afterwards!
LJ: I don’t think we could’ve asked for a better send-off.