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Mike Best

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
Ironically, I have been nothing but positive when talking to Ernie about this event and how it could be better handled next year. He's already heard my feedback on everything but the match itself and I told him that I wouldn't shit on anything publicly, and so I don't have anything more to add.

Oh and Justin, thanks for the shout out.


Mar 5, 1998
Pompano Beach, FL
Reading Pete's critiques it sounds like this was more of an amateur porn writers contest than a professional wrestling match. Is pornographic RPing just the thing to do now or was this the kinkiest coincidence in eW history?


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Ultratitle is cancelled. That is all.

This is is why we can't have nice things.


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
No heat from me. My pushback was on personal attacks, not anything else.

I see.

Totally right, many people being upset is completely my e-fed's fault.

Chad didn't like the way I handled it on the site he pays for and runs, so i respectfully pulled it off of his server. From what I can see, it's on you people now.


As for Stacy's reply right below this one (I'm editing and not replying after) Sorry if i offended you. I was shooting from the hip as I was overly offended about this entire situation, and took it out on the handlers, who now that I have calmed down, I should not have. This was not your fault. This was the people running it's fault.


Mar 5, 1998
Pompano Beach, FL
Oh man ... I had this thread open on my phone for hours and thought I was replying to Pete's feedback directly with a funny little ... wow I missed a lot. Disregard my comment as something harsh, if you can at this point. Yikes.

I actually enjoyed a lot of the RPS and recruited to LoC from the tourney. Lots of drama but have we ever pulled one of these off without it?

In closing, pretendy fun times. :p


League Member
Apr 12, 2012
Deflecting a situation onto your fed? No, a member of your roster who was a judge flat out told Keegan that he had discussed the fact that Mike Best was ranked low on a particular judges ticket in your member's only chat. I fail to see in the very least how pointing out a fact that was given to someone is deflecting in the least little bit.

Allow me to discuss this.....one time, and one time only....

Pete and I were discussing the fact we were judges in the UTA chat....which is a secret skype chat only available to those in UTA. Mentions of us judging came off and on for days......as the event was being done. One of the other handlers, after judging had been completed asked how a certain person placed (it wasn't Best.....I can't remember the character that was asked about) and I simply said....I don't know because we only have 4 ballots turned in....mine, Keegan, Ramey and Pete. (At this point Lifer had ranked about 5-6 character RPs in wildly varying spots and Ernie/Jorden had not turned one in)....so guessing is pretty tough with barely half the judging turned in.

The conversation turned to Mike Best and the assumption that he would do very well. I simply said that in the ballots I had seen, he placed very well (top 10.....if you count Pete's tie as co #1) on 3 ballots and not as well in the other.

That was my only statement on the placing of Mike Best.

I never said the exact placing. Nor did I say whose ballot it was on. Nor did I say if he had a first place vote (which he did) nor whose ballot that was on. I believe I might have shared I had him at #5, but I was sharing *MY* ballot and not any of the other 3 I had seen.

I have no idea where the rumor started about Jesse "bragging" about ranking Best low started.....I have no idea how it got started because I had never seen Jesse say anything of the sort....either here, on Skype.... anywhere..... to my knowledge that never happened and he had a reason he gave for ranking him where he did and he released it himself in a thread on this site I believe.

I had reasons for ranking certain people lower, just as Jesse did....I didn't second guess him for it....I may have disagreed with some, but I am sure he disagreed with some of mine. Each judge used their own judgment.

But the drama.....no idea where the idea of bragging about it came about.

I was toying with the idea of releasing my judging sheet.....we'll see.


El Gringo Loco
Feb 27, 2008
Here are my thoughts:

1) I'm sorry that a lot of people felt the BATTLEMANIA match didn't deliver. I had from last Wednesday until when it was posted to work on it. Jesse joined in on Monday to help get it done. I'm sorry that a lot of you don't like my writing, and for what it's worth, I have noted a lot of the constructive suggestions that people have given here. For example, I believe Jorden King said he would have liked to see more action in the match. I appreciate that.

Damien, my original plans had J.B. Ronie eliminating 4 or 5 people right when he came in, as he had earned the most eliminations. I wanted to have him come in and clean house. Someone suggested I do otherwise and I followed that suggestion. It was an error of judgement on my part.

2) There were lots of things in this process that I had wanted done differently. I had wanted the event to be held in October and involve months of planning, organizing, and then finally hype. I felt that Al Envy and Austen Impact shouldn't have been disqualified for using one another's characters in their roleplays, as they had permission, and I felt that the rule should have been the standard "No using other people's characters without their permission." Also about Lord Raab's one minute late RP, I was the one who went to bat for him to be allowed in as an alternate, because it was only one minute late. I know that was a hot button issue, even with the other roleplayers.

Ultimately, there were a lot of things I gave up on that perhaps I shouldn't have. And that's my fault.

3) Please don't bash the roleplays that people here wrote. We're all of an adult age and should be capable of acting as such. People put a lot of effort into their roleplays. If you're such a better writer than they are, why not offer them some advice on how to make their writing better rather than trying to make them feel bad about it? Please, people, be constructive. That's one thing I've always stood for and tried to accomplish whenever I host an EFG show, whether you like the shows I host or not.

Which brings us to...

4) We tried to do something to bring the community together and to revitalize the use of efed community forums. We picked FWrestling for various reasons including its future plans involving their website when it launches and the set-up with several efeds being hosted here. To me, it's an ideal set up that I would like to see utilized in the future. I can see now that this project has probably been a failure, although I do think Dan said somewhere that he recruited for Legacy of Champions from this. So at least some positive came out of it (hopefully).

A few of the people have told me that they had a good time here, and I'm happy for that. Jorden King mentioned that he felt this was a good send off for his character, and that's a pretty huge deal.

5) We had intended to hold this event without a cash prize on the line. Colin was generous enough to volunteer a cash prize of $100 to the winner. Dusty from EWZine was kind enough to offer $50 to the winner and $25 to the runner-up. Both cash prizes were completely unsolicited and I thank them both greatly for their offers.

I have heard this morning that Colin's payment was sent to the winner, Shawn-Jessica Hart, via paypal. I need to discuss with Dusty how we'll handle the tie for second place. We didn't foresee a tie happening. It seemed like a longshot.

6) I apologize for all of the drama that has occurred during the course of BATTLEMANIA. As it stands right now, I don't have any desire to run another interfed event in the near future.

And now some things I've learned from anyone else wanting to host an interfed event:

1) There will always be a high likelihood of drama resulting from wins and losses or who placed where. This will be unavoidable. Just be sure to

2) Keep your judges anonymous and separated. Judges shouldn't even know who other judges are. If the identity of that judge becomes public knowledge, then immediately relieve that judge of duty. Use private ballots for judging, and if possible, ask that the judges provide reasoning for each decision.

3) Make sure to lead the match-writing for yourself. Don't let someone else convince you to let them do it. You will be held responsible for late or inadequate results. Don't give anyone the opportunity to be the monkey wrench on the rails.

If you do have other match-writers involved, be sure to set hard deadlines on when the match should be submitted taking into considering how much time you will need to finish it. In a tournament, try to keep as much communication as possible with your match-writers. If you are using a team to write something like a battle royal, then start the writing yourself.

4) Have rules that are clearly laid out, and stick to them. Use rules that are common in most efeds.

5) Set up a clear set of criteria to be used in judging. <--- That one comes from Mike Best. Thanks, Mike.

All in all, I was happy with the overall effort put in by all of the roleplayers who signed up. I appreciate how eager some of you were, right down to Ataxia I think it was, who posted his roleplay an hour early. :)

Thank you to everyone who participated. Your comments are the ones that will carry the most weight with me.

Congratulations to Shawn-Jessica Hart for winning, "The Cyclone" Jordan King and Derecho for being tied runners-up, Matt Meyhu for spending the most time in the ring, and J.B. Ronie for having the most eliminations.

And as always, remember to roleplay early and roleplay often.
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