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Poe vs. Fasco


Jan 1, 2000
Selden USA
[font color=Red]Fade In…[/font]

[font color=Blue]Somewhere in the streets of Brooklyn, New York A man dressed in a long black trench coat and wears a Chatham Stetson hat with a feather to the side of it walks the cobble-stoned road in solitude. As it’s nightfall the big bright street lamps light a path but shadows lurk nearby every corner. The camera zooms in as this man lights a cigar with a golden lighter as when he lights it the break of light shows that it is none other than ‘The Italian Bruiser’ Reuben Fasco.

As the wind blows harsh a cold breeze brushed against Fasco causing a chill down his spine. He wraps his coat around himself tighter…

As he mumbles some words his footsteps get heavier as it echoes down the street for silence embraces this wintry evening.[/font]

Fasco: So, the time has finally arrived. It’s time. The hourglass has been turned over and the sands of time have run empty upon you Gabriele Poe. We can finally clash inside that squared circle for that long awaited Global Warfare. For some it’s just another wrestling match to them. For a few it’s a chance to show the men who run GXW that the younger talent has what it takes to be a GXW superstar. For me…

It is vengeance… It is…. Revenge… Most of all its payback for Gabriele Poe.

You do not realize how much time I’ve waited for this very moment Poe. Too much time has gone by. However, it isn’t Gabriele Poe who’s going to end this feud. It ends when Reuben Fasco wants it to end.

Call it fate… call whatever you like. For Poe it’ll be like paying a visit to the grim reaper himself, as I will finally strike for my spotlight in the GXW. And what better wrestler to make my mark than to do it against this so-called Apocalypse Gabriele Poe.

I don’t care what you’ve done in the GXW up until this point in your career. It won’t matter who’ve you taken out in the GXW. Line em’ all up Poe. Because right now that all don’t mean squat to me!

You tried to end my career and interfered in my matches. You had the suits who run this joint try and ruin my chances at success in this company. You’ve ambushed me. You attacked me from behind. You even tried to hire some scum of the earth to stop Reuben Fasco.

Guess what Poe… I’m still here… I’m still standing…. I’ll keep coming back… There’s no way in hell you’ll ever keep me down! From this day forward… I am no longer The Italian Bruiser. I now coin myself as The Career Killer!!! You have now become history Poe. There will be no evidence of your existence in the GXW for I Reuben Fasco will do the unthinkable. That is erasing Gabriele Poe from the GXW!!!

[font color=Red]Fade Out…[/font]

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