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Picking off the Weak from the Herd...


League Member
Sep 11, 2004
(The camera opens to find Evol walking around the Bronx Zoo. He has just entered the Wolf exhibit. He pauses in front of a very large enclosure where a small pack of timber wolves are going through their normal routine. The zookeeper for the wolves has just placed the wolves' dinner, around 10 lbs. of meat for each wolf. Evol stops and observes the wolves with relish.)

Evol: I have such great respect for the wolf, lion, tiger, and any other animal in that class. They are strong and powerful, knowing full well what their strengths and weaknesses are. They never pick on the strong and healthy animals because they are smart enough to know that even a pack of them, excluding the solitary hunting tiger, cannot without great effort take down the intended prey. I mean, who would? Would you go out of your way kill a bull just for a hamburger? Probably not. That would be incredibly stupid by any count.

Evol: These creatures analyze a herd of animals, looking for the wayward and sickly. Usually, the wolves circle around the back of the herd to find such animals, knowing that there is where their food will be. They plan ahead, using tactics to corner and tire down the target creature. Few animals can match that. Sure, female lions and such hunt in packs but they use brute force due to their large size to take down an animal. Wolves are not nearly as large as their prey and cannot weigh it down, they pick and nip at the animal until enough of them can bring it down. Then the feeding begins.

Evol: Now, you maybe wondering, why is Evol here in the Bronx Zoo looking at wolves? Simple, for inspiration. I look at the wolf and see myself. All my talk about Survival of the Fittest is no joke. I live by that credo heart and soul. It drives me to succeed where others have failed and are not willing to go. I am that proverbial wolf looking for his prey. Ask yoruself this now, if I am a wolf, who is the sick and weak prey I am hunting? Once again, even a child can see it. One word, Holocaust. Sure the guy has a bullseye that you can see from space. Eevryone is after this joker. His group dissolved, his leaders abandoning him, what better target to go after? He is weak. That little front that he puts up is a joke. He is afraid of the unknown just like everybody else. He is wondering what will he do now. He is about to tread into new territory without a map or anything to guide him.

Evol: But I do have to give him one prop. The SOB is crafty, very crafty. He is a survivior and I do not have any doubt that he will go on living in the EUWC hanging by a thread to his career. The World title around his waist is meaningless. It only serves as more incentive. So, am I a long ways away from getting that title shot I so deserve? Probably. Do I doubt my own skills when matched up against Holocaust's? I have no reason to. Holocaust, watch your ass. You are next...

(Scene ends.)

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