(FADEIN: Timmy Windham strolling through Hornet's Master bedroom with a melcahony look on his face.)
TIMMY WINDHAM:My mother warned me of nothing.
My father, Mickey, taught me of liars, and honor within how theatrical you extract revenge. It was, Red, the solitary lesson I learned from him. He wasn’t a great man, but anold fool, a pawn in a game he could never understand. But, I used him as I was used. In the end, I was the bed he made. And lie he did.
I don’t name drop to impress. Why the **** would I charm you? We’re not meeting at a diner for a bite. No, I’m not one to waste time impressing a man I’m hours from beating to ****. Lacks the appropriate amount of romance, I think.
We’ve travled the world twice over, yet apparently would struggle to spell the other’s name. I’m sure you’ve made piles of money, and spent it well. I’m sure you’re a name to a section of humanity, that you kiss your scares before you go to bed, and could never imagine doing anything else.
Can’t say whether there’s places in heaven for men like you, Red, but as an artist, satisfaction with your body of work is all you can ask. Don't let this lose deter you from happiness, and love.
This life is beautiful in it’s shameful, disgusting way. Why show weakness and numb the pain? As a child, nobody marked my growth with a notch in a closet wall. Troy, and Mark...Their success, their fame…took them away. Brothers, who grew apart.
Here I come, kicking my feet, tugging at the hip of my jeans, running, begging them to stop so I might catch up.
I’ll cherish measuring myself against you Red. Punish me. Make your name on me. Sacrifice me as Abraham was ready to violate Isaac for his own personal, and spiritual gain. These little destructive memories, the morning after when I’m sure to fall to my feet and cry agony, are the lifelines so that I might never have to play alone, again.
Timmy Windam’s growing up to be the Last Windham Standing.
What I have to show you will be new to myself. Your over-confidence means ****. My growth from Muppet to man happens with no contribution from yourself.
I’ve already reckoned that you’re Kong. A King of blood, and hate.
But, Red, eventually the little planes win.