Witty, yet misguided
'The Least from the East'
Aww Red, and you say I am the only one who uses smart ass remarks and witticisms.
Well, to be fair, I suppose calling that 'smart' or 'witty' would be a bit of a stretch.
Red, you make the same mistake that every workingman's hero and blue collar son of a gun that has crossed my path.
You assume that hard work has something to do with it. You think that if you say your prayers and eat your vitamins and work really, really hard, that you can overcome anything. That's the lie no doubt your parents told you from when you were a little foul mouthed scamp.
Well, Red, not everybody can grow up to be President. And not everybody has what it takes to stand toe to toe with the Asian Wonder and walk away with his dignity intact.
It's not fair, Red, I know. But the rules don't apply to me like they do to little old you. I am, as you say, elite. Sure, I work hard, damn hard to be as good as I am. But I have that something extra, perhaps natural genetic talent, perhaps a bit of good kharma, that's helped me along to all those titles I am so fond of listing after my name. And why you are just merely a bump in the road, if a particular amusing and mouthy one, on the way to one more championship for the litany.
And sure, it tears you up inside, as well it should. That's why you say I need to earn my way back. You want so hard to believe that I can't just step back in the ring and be exactly what I once was. After all, it took you some time back out of the slammer to get your ring legs. That's understandable for a blue coillar guy like yourself, it takes some times to get the old muscle memory going.
But I will step back through that curtain and roll under the ropes, and I will be unchanged from those peak days of Message Board Entertainment you are so pleased to revel in. I'm sure it is tough having to work extra hard every day just to be good enough to stick around in this business.
I'm sorry I can't relate to you, Red. I'm sure this forthcoming defeat will cause you to redouble your efforts one more time (well after you nurse your wounds with some of your bar's private stock) . You'll work a little harder, so maybe next time, you can not end up flat on your back quite so fast. It's the little victories, and I suppose they will have to suffice.
After all, you are just Irishred. And no matter what mama told you, that ain't enough this week.