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Parasites and Lesser Men

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: Kenny Lombardo being filmed on a hand held camera, he’s outside the door of a hotel room.)

LOMBARDO: Fans I’m here after the events of Aggression 73 and I’ve been promised a word with the EPW World Champion.

(The First opens the door he’s in black shorts with a grey wife beater. He stares at Lombardo for a beat and then turns towards the camera.)

FIRST: It is so sad the people I have to deal with here in EPW…So far beneath my greatness they are, yet this is what I am dealt with…I try to elevate them, to raise them out of the muck…And they slap my hand away, content to drown in mediocrity and obscurity…MJ2…I offered you the chance of a lifetime and you spurned me…You can enjoy getting a title shot roughly never…People that cross me pay a price…And your time will come…Maybe not the next show or the one after that…But one day the bill will come due…

Then we have Stalker…The coward of cowards…The man who earned a shot at my world title and never had the guts to take it…Now he’s playing his games as he is known to do…Well enjoy your games Stalker because that’s all you have…It’s all you ever will be…Because you don’t have the guts to get in that ring and put it all on the line…You don’t have it in you to climb to the top of the mountain as I have done…Three times…


And Impulse…You my friend are holding onto stolen property…That’s my belt…Literally my belt…I paid for it…I own it…It is my property…But don’t worry, I’m not going to make you find my hotel room here in OKC, or make you mail it to me since I don’t trust the postal service with my title…No you can enjoy the headaches of having to cart that belt through the airports and all the rest of it…But make no mistake, at Aggression 74…You will return that title to me or you will be arrested…There will be no Benny Hill like chase through the arena or any other such nonsense, I will just let local law enforcement do their jobs and see you off to jail and see my belt returned to me…

You can all pull the stunts and play the games and get whatever attention you can…In the end I’m still the champion…And until any of you find a way to pin me or make me quit…That’s not going to change…

(First steps back inside the door and shuts it…FADEOUT)

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