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NWL Combat: John Doe vs. "The Hardcore Legend" Derek Graham

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John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Fresh Air....

:: Fade in slow into the parking lot as a white truck pulls up::

:: Two guards in white shirts pop out of the truck::

:: Camera's catch the side of the truck "Black Water Mental Clinc”::

Guard 1: Is Mr. Andrew Medina around, just need him to sign this release and this guy is all yours.

Event Staff: Yeah, he's coming keep you boots on.

:: Andrew Medina make his way into the parking lot::

Medina; Yeah, what do I have to sign?

Guard 2: You sure you want us to put him in your custody?

Medina: Yes, I discussed this on the phone where’s the damn papers?

:: Guard 2 hands Medina a clipboard with paperwork on it::

Guard 1: Opening the emergency lock.

Guard 2: Ok, Sign here and here Mr. Medina.

Medina: Ok here ::Medina hands him back the papers:: Now open this thing up.

:: Guard 1 opens the door as a ramp slides down, Guard 2 goes inside the back of the truck as he rolls out a body on a dolly, the body held tight in a straight jacket::

Guard 1: Ok take off the muzzle.

:: Guard 2 carefully removes the muzzle off the man as the man opens his eyes slowly::

Man: That was a bumpy ride. Guys, you need to learn how to drive.

:: Guard 1 Raises his nightstick::

Guard 1: Shut your mouth! Take off the jacket for we can get out of here.

:: Guard 2 undoes all the chains and the straight jacket holding the man to the dolly::

Medina: John Doe?

:: Doe's eyes turn to Medina::

Doe: Yeah?

Medina: Is that your real name?

Doe: I don't know my real name, excuse me for second.

:: Doe gets up from the dolly and stretches, Doe looks at the Guards and hit one with a crushing clothesline. The other guard rushes toward Doe, Doe slams on a harsh Shoulder Block::

:: The Guards lay there in pain holding their chests as Doe smiles then turns to Medina::

Medina: Hey! Don't lay a finger on me damnit!

:: Doe starts walk ing Medina out of the parking lot::

Doe: Now would I lay a finger on you?

Medina: thats the scary part...I don't know.

:: Medina and Doe walk out of the parking lot and down the hall::

Medina: Now, I see you can wrestle, where did you learn that from?

Doe: Well, I use to watch NWL in the nut house, so when I was in confinement, well all I did
was practice.

Medina: Against?

Doe: What you mean against?

:: Medina looks around annoyed::

Medina: Who did you practice against?!?

Doe: No one, just went over moves against the air and in my mind.

Medina: Well I'm going to give you a match.

Doe: Yeah, well why did you get me?

Medina: Heard about you from a friend, said you took out 12 guards just using wrestling moves, thought it be fun to what you can do.

Doe: Oh, so I’m here just to humor you?

:: Medina shakes his head::

Medina: No John, your here to entertain.

:: Medina stops in front of a locker room::

Medina: This is your locker room, I think you will find it much more relaxing than your little padded cell.

Doe: Yeah, anything’s better than that.

:: Medina walks Doe into the locker room then looks at the lineup::

Medina: Well, looks here like you will be facing Derek Graham.

Doe: Good, maybe he will be nice enough to let me win.

:: Medina rolls his eyes again and heads towards the door::

Doe: Hey Medina!

:: Medina turns around his face a little red::

Medina: Its Mr. Medina to you and what is it?

Doe: Thanks for getting me out of there, I'll give you a match that you won't forget and Graham won't forget.

:: Medina nods::

Medina: Nice to hear, I have business to attend to.

:: Medina walks out the door as Doe smiles. Camera zooms on his face::

Doe: Oh don't worry I'll give Graham a match.

:: Camera's stay on John Doe's face as droplets of foam fall from his mouth::

:: Fade out::

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Press Conferance

[Fade in showing NWL then zoom back for a press room is put into

[Turn around room s showing press and reporters. Zoom in on John Doe sitting behind a desk with some of his friends]

[Turn to a man with blonde hair and brown eyes]

John Doe: I’d like to introduce my manager Lane Stone.

[Stone rises out of his seat and fixes his suit then sits back

Stone: Mr. Doe is ready for questions.

[Reporters starting yelling stuff out and taking pictures]

[Stone points to a reporter]

Stone: Yeah your question.

Reporter (CBS): John, how does it feel about wrestling “The
Hardcore Legend” Derek Graham?

Doe: Who?

[Press room laughs as Doe smiles in the humor]

Doe: No but seriously, I feel as if someone is going to get hurt.

[Doe looks around and rolls his eyes]

Doe: Oh by that I meant Graham.

[Reporters stand up again yelling questions as Stone points to

Reporter (ABC): Lane, how do you fell to manage this rookie?

Stone: Well...I believe that he has lots of....

[Doe cuts of Lane in mid speech]

Doe: What you say? Rookie. Let me tell you something I have more talent than Graham had in his prime!!

Reporter (ESPN): But you just came to NWL, I mean you were
arrested, a psychotic murder who got lucky with his trail, what
makes you think that you can beat a man that has been in the
wrestling business longer than you have?

Doe: What makes me think that? let me explain this to you, I can
beat Graham anytime anywhere. If you keep running your stupid
mouth off I’ll show you what I’m going to do to Graham!

[Stone calms down Doe as the reporter sits down a beat of sweat
running off his forehead in fear]

Doe: that means an ass whopping little man.

[Room fills with laughter again]

Reporter (NBC): Doe, what’s your prediction for this match up?

Doe: My prediction? Um, lets see well, I predict a win.

[Press laughs]

Doe: Also, I predict a fast match, I don't think that Graham can keep up with me.

Reporter (Fox Sports): Doe, your young, your powerful, you have
no experience in the ring, do you think that your overconfidence
will lead to cockiness in the ring? Do you believe that your
unskilled wrestling can beat Derek Graham?

Doe: Let me tell you something, I am not cocky. I saw what is
true, and what is true is that Graham is a bum, a has-been,
washed-up wrestler that has no chance in the ring against me. I
will prove that. I can beat Graham, my cockiness is my confidence
and come to our match he will see that.

Reporter (MSNBC): John, how do you feel being this you debut
match in NWL?

Doe: It feels good, I mean this is going to be that match to
prove myself and that I will do!

Reporter (CBS): Doe, what is your real name?

Doe: Didn’t you ask a question already?

[Press breaks in laughter]

Reporter: Most people think your a weak wrestler and can be
beat around.

[Does eyes rise to the reporter as gets up from his seat]

Doe: WHAT! You think you can beat me?

[Stone stands up and pulls Doe towards the exit]

Doe: Your going to see what happens to Graham! Just wait, he’s
gonna get his! He’s gonna see my wrath!

[Doe stands in the hallway with Stone]

Stone: You have to control yourself save it for the ring.

[Doe and stone walk down the hall]

Doe: You think he was watching?

Stone: I think he pissed his pants if he was.

[Doe and Stone laugh as the cameras show Doe and Stones back as
Doe lets a sinister laugh out}

Doe: Graham has no clue what he got himself into.

[Fade out]
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