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NWL Combat: John Doe vs. Ryan Cruz

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John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Meet My Madness

[Fade to a black truck stopping at The White House. The cars headlights turn off as the trucks engine turns off. The door opens as a boot steps the camera goes up the body stepping out of the truck as John Doe is seen getting out of the truck and sitting on the hood of the truck. John looks at The White House as he shakes his head.]

Doe: So Cruz, it seems we will meet again in that ring. Well this time it ends, it all ends for you. Combat will stop this stupidity of me versus you. We only wrestled once and I’m sick of your stupid face. Cruz, you don’t understand what power I posses in that ring, that is my life. Yes my life is in that ring. I put everything I have into that ring. All my strength pours out in that ring, the nothing holds me back. You talk about freedom, about this nation, your “THE AMERICAN EAGLE” Ryan Cruz? What are you trying to do Ryan, what are you supporting corruption? See your eyes are blinded to the fact that this whole nation is corrupted. It is Ryan, I won’t lie to you I am going to tell you what is going to happen on Combat.

Doe: See Cruz you are a good wrestler, I will admit it. I had a hard time with you In Rumble in the Jungle. See that was then, this is now, and now I am faster, quicker, and ore powerful than before. I am ready Ryan, I am ready to destroy you in that ring. I will ruin you career, I am going to fight you, no, I am going to kill you. Oh yes, I am going to break you down until you can’t bare to step in a ring again. this may be the only time we wrestle again Ryan, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is what I have in store for you, are you ready Ryan? Are you truly ready? Can you bare loss? Can you Deal with me in the ring? Because frankly when that bell rings it starts, it begins to build in my mind, I am ready for a battle. This battle is like no other Ryan, the battle I am ready for is one that will make you start sucking wind in less than three minutes. Ryan I am better conditioned than you are, you spent your time training in OVW wrestling there also. I just walked in, no experience just strolled on in NWL. Now we wrestle to destroy each other, Ryan I want your hardest, bring it, I dare you I wonder how strong you are how much you can bring. If you can injure me, can you injure me Ryan? I want you to, I haven’t felt any pain yet, but you sure will, you will experience it first hand on combat, how much pain you can endure in one match. You Ryan Cruz, you will be in begging for the match to end when I am in the middle of it.

Doe: Ryan what drives you to the ring? Is it the fans? Is it for fun? Because if it’s for fun well Ryan it’s not going to be a fun ride on Combat. No, I’m going to make sure you leave that ring battered and torn. I want you to suffer Ryan as I have, Do you know how it is in those cells Ryan, those white padded cells, and then they start o close in on you, that white suite so tight, becomes tighter everyday, do you understand how that feels Ryan? It makes your mind go mad, more mad than it is, and on Combat all that anger that madness, will come out. Yes Ryan Cruz, you will have to endure all of me, the John Doe who releases all of his madness in the ring, not just a little bit, no all of it. Every part of my mind will leave, and my madness will sink in. You Ryan, you will be the first to experience this madness. Do you understand what I am going to do to you Ryan? I can’t find words to describe the pain I am going to provide to your body once this match is over, we both have met in the ring once Ryan Cruz, but this, this is the one time we head toe to toe, there aren’t other wrestlers there to break me down for you, there’s only me and you, your skills versus mine.

Doe: I Ryan Cruz am not in the mood this week just to play with you, I am in the mood to destroy, to put my heart into it, I am in the mood to break and destroy anything in my way, I will make my way to the top, my eyes are no longe3r set on the T.V Title, no no no, they are set on a bigger goal The World Heavy Weight Championship, of course I have to wait for the League Series to end, but while it’s going, I am going to work my way up the ranks Ryan Cruz, it is my time, and that means you are my first victim, be prepared and be ready you end is coming.

[John chucks a rock at The White House as he walks back in his car and drives away at top speeds.]



R.I.P Sgt.Halo

:: Fade in... Alarms are heard all throughout the streets, You can hear the blaring sounds from the washington memorial to the white house, people are running all over the place. Ryan Cruz is seen standing next to a police, you can see that everyone wqas crying. The camera moves in to see who was getting carried away by the ambulance, A little pitbull is seen lying on a stretcher, the camera zooms in and looks at its name tag... Sgt.Halo ::

Police: What happened here sir, I mean, how did your dog get hurt?

Ryan: A car was passing by, he got off his leash and ran towards the road, he couldn't hear me yelling to come back, the man didn't even try to stop, he ran over him and drove away as fast as he can, that d**n A-hole, is going to pay...

Police:Whoa,Whoa,Whoa, Don't you dare say that, especially infront of a police, you know that you could get jailed because of that right? Well I'll be damned, i finally recognized you, aren't you Ryan "The American Eagle" Cruz? Man, you almost got close to winning the rumble in the jungle...

Ryan: What in blue hell are you talking about, My match, My match, who cares about my match, I mean, my dog is out there lying on a stretcher without anyone knowing who did it to him and you're going to ask me about my match, what kind of a police are you?

Police: Sorry man, but that's how i get all the person i deal with to relax, don't worry about you're dog, he'll be all right, ok?

:: Ryan doesn't even answer he walks away before the police finished his sentence. Ryan walks around central park, looking that someone just stick a knife through his heart ::

Ryan: Doe, I know you had something to do with this, i know that you're the only one who doesn't have any heart, i know that this is the only way you can defeat your opponents, by weakening them by the inside, this time it won't work! Halo knows that i shall win the match for him, not for America anymore, but this time it's personal! You and me one on one at Combat, you're right about one thing though, this will be our final match, but instead of Halo on the stretcher, it's going to be your body...

:: The camera switches to the ambulance Halo was on, You can see the life thing going straight, aft6er beeping weakly, the beeping stops, the dog is seen with his eyes closed ::

Time goes by without you noticing

Time flies by without you noticing

Time ticks away with out you noticing

Time dies with out you noticing

The time has come and you shall notice...

:: The camera fades out as you see Ryan shedding small tear on his cheek ::

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Mut Murderer

[Fade in slow to a hill looking over the D.C Area. John Doe sits in the grass chuckling as he looks at the town. John lights up a cigarette as he smiles to him self. John starts to copy Ryan Cruz’s words]

Doe: “Doe, I know you had something to do with this, I know that you're the only one who doesn't have any heart, I know that this is the only way you can defeat your opponents, by weakening them by the inside, this time it won't work! Halo knows that I shall win the match for him, not for America anymore, but this time it's personal! You and me one on one at Combat, you're right about one thing though, this will be our final match, but instead of Halo on the stretcher, it's going to be your body”

Doe: My body Ryan Cruz? oh no my poor little doggy died, grow up. I thought you were tougher than this Ryan. I thought maybe you be able to take pain, but I as wrong. My body..is that a threat? I don’t seem scared by it. I am not frightened by you saying that I am going to be on a stretcher, I believed I stated this before to you Ryan Cruz, I thought I made it plain and simple that your blood will stain the ring, oh yes...it will, I see it coming Ryan, your end is near. Am I weakning you inside Ryan? SUCK IT UP!! I thought you were a man, not a child. Wake up Ryan welcome to the real world, I am trying to get into your head, you my friend, you can’t take it, so I took something dear to you, your stupid, pitiful dog, maybe I will get a good reaction from you now. Do you see what I am able to do Ryan or are you still blind to the fact? Your match with me is not about corrupted America nor your stupid dog, it is something personal, it’s about me being sick of your face! I will beat you senseless Ryan, I am going to destroy you, I want you to feel utter pain. Ryan this is not a regular match, you stepping in the ring with me, and only me. I want you beat you so bad, it runs through my veins and mind, the darkness, the madness, my insanity pours out of me like the storm pours rain. This storm is one that never ends Ryan, a tremendous storm, and my storm is going to be raining blood...your blood.

Doe: Ryan, are you ready for this match? Are you sure, I think you still mourning, well stop! Think Ryan, you are facing me, me god damnit! Not a little priss like yourself, but me The Insane and Profane” John Doe! This is not going to be a walk in the park, this is a match Ryan, a match we both want to win, I am training, you aren’t you stand in the hospital with your dog, you sit there crying, “Oh my poor little doggy, oh why you have to die?’ Cruz what re you doing here? Why you even bother to face me? It’s almost time to face off Ryan, we going into battle, me and you, you are facing me, I am facing you. I am prepared, I am ready, I have seen what I want, and I am going for it, I am going to achieve my goal, that goal is to watch you lying next to your dog in the hospital. to watch you be in the ambulance. In all good time it will happen. I have to keep my anger and madness to myself, watch it Ryan Cruz, you are about to meet your maker. You are going to face me and I am not going to show any mercy towards you, I am going to destroy you Ryan. I want you to bleed, I want your blood to pour from your wounds, I want to smell it in the air, your blood will pour from your broken body and I want to smell it. I can see it Ryan, I can see your blood in my mind, it’s there, and I can see it. I’m waiting Ryan, I am waiting for you to show up at Combat. Be prepared Ryan, because I am. I have you mapped out, I know your moves, your style, and what you do in and out of the ring. Ryan it’s almost time for your downfall. “THE AMERICAN EAGLE” will fall and will be extinct by the hands of me....John Doe.

[As John finishes his sentence three white trucks pull up behind him, men in white medical uniforms jump out of them and tackle John down strapping a straight jacket around him. John laughs his mouth filling with foam as the men drag him to the truck.]

Guard 1: Well, seems we have you again John, you know the rules your not allowed to leave the New York City area. Plus the doc, wants to see you. Doe: Oh yay, the doctor, hey aren’t you suppose to stick me with needle or something, come on what if I get away guys.

[Guard 2 puts a muzzle around dopes face for he can hardly talk as they load him into one of the trucks.]

Guard 2: That should shut you up, psycho path. Enjoy the ride.

Doe: Your....going...to...get...yours! Just ..wait....buddy...just.....wait.....

[The trucks take off as the back of then say “Blackwater Mental Insitute”. Fade out on the trucks fading from view]

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