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NWL Combat: Dakota Smith vs. Minion

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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
And now a word from our sponsor...

(“Well folks, here we are in the cold brisk air, the grimy streets of Queens, NY as I stand in front of the Elks Lounge… One round down, several more to go to crown the very first NWL Champions… Names like the Watcher, Minion, Jarod Poe, Hacker… And of course we can not leave out Maelstrom and Dakota Smith; their first encounter was one hell of a match and if I know my Pandorians right, that was just a small taste of what you folks out there in TV land can expect from these two individuals!!! Both have viciously disposed of their opponents as they tore into them as if they owed them money… Both their opponents sustained injuries and believe me folks, that was just the tip of the iceberg… Oh and by the way, my name is Rico Suave for those of you who do not know me, I am a journalist, I report it as I see it and the way I see it, is that these two Pandorian monsters will wreak havoc and leave a path of broken dreams and lost hopes… And THIS!!! (Points towards the Elks Lounge) Is where it will all happen; this is where history will be made… The second round will pit none other than Minion himself against Dakota… Hmmmm, that will be one battle to watch; Minion a crazy man going up against Dakota a mad man… That match along with several other great matches has just been announced, and hopefully I will be able to catch Dakota and get his thoughts on the next round and maybe even some other things that are on his mind… I sure ho… (Stops in mid-sentence) Wait, there he is… Let’s see if I can get an interview”…)

(Begins to walk towards Dakota as he is walking towards his car, a black Trans Am… He calls out to Dakota, who just ignores him, Suave quickens his pace…)

RS: Dakota… Hey Dakota wait up man… I just want to ask you a few questions…

DAKOTA: What the hell you want Suave!?

RS: I know you must be tired, from beating the crap out of your opponent a few hours ago, but the public would like your thoughts on the next round and your opponent, Minion…

DAKOTA: (He begins to grin sinisterly, his eyes narrow…) You want my thoughts on my next opponent, the man who goes by the name of Minion!? Nothing changes, not for Minion, not for Maelstrom, not for anyone!!!

RS: Funny that you should mention Maelstrom, he is the strong odd favorite to take this tournament, and rumor has it that you didn’t take your loss to him very kindly… And from what I can see it would appear to be true, did it ever occurred to you that you could’ve ended Jack Townsend’s career!?

DAKOTA: You ask too many freaking questions!!! You’re pissing me off, so F(Bleep)K OFF!!!

(Rico moves back beyond Dakota’s reach)

RS: You’ve been pissed off ever since your match against your uncle, I have nothing to do with pissing you off; you are already there…

(He then realizes what came out of his mouth and swallows hard as he gets wide eyed seeing Dakota close the gap between them…)

DAKOTA: (He stares Rico down as he is nose to nose with him, and to Rico it seems like an eternity as we begin to see him sweat, slowly Dakota begins to grin again…) Back the hell up Rico, it’s not worth getting your ass kicked for…

RS: Come on Dakota, cut me some slack here… I have to put food on the table also…

DAKOTA: So go get your scraps from someone else!!!

RS: You know your father wasn’t like that, he knew how to use the camera… You on the other hand are just content with hurting people in the ring… The fans are curious about you Dakota, I am curious about you… I can give you the publicity you need, I can make you a household name…

DAKOTA: (Smirks) Is JC putting you up to this!?

RS: NO!!! Of course not!!!

DAKOTA: Of course not, you are just his pawn…

RS: Dakota, all I’m trying to do here is get your version of all this, that’s all… I have never twisted anyone’s words and I certainly don’t work for JC… So come on man, grant me an interview, tell us your story…

DAKOTA: (Pauses and stares into Rico as if trying to burn a hole in him…) Okay, you want an interview, I’ll grant you one…

RS: That’s GREAT!!! Let me start off by sayin…. (Gets cut off)

DAKOTA: Next week!!!

RS: Next WEEK!? I thought that we coul… (Again he gets cut off)

DAKOTA: You thought wrong!!! So take it or leave it!!!

RS: I’ll take it…

(“Without saying another word he gets into his car and races off… I am left wondering when, where and how to conduct this interview, Dakota is a loose cannon and the last thing I want is for him to go ballistic on me… Well folks, guess we will have to wait until my next show to see what we can get out of Dakota… So until next time, the pleasure has been all…. YOURS!!! (Bursts out laughing…) Good night folks”…)

(Camera slowly fades off… To be continued…)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
And now back to our show....

(“Well folks, true to his word, I will have the special honor of presenting to you, the man known as Dakota Smith… The son of one of the all time greats, Nevada Smith!!! The spitting image of Nevada, only his disposition is much nastier, a very anti-sociable individual; but then again so was Nevada… And before I introduce him, I just want to say folks, the opinions and views expressed by Mr. Dakota Smith here tonight are his and his alone, neither myself nor the NWL can and will not be held responsible for what he says here tonight… So without any further ado, ladies and gentlemen and wrestling fans the world over, allow me to introduce to you the unpredictable, the most nastiest wrestler to ever grace a ring; DAKOTAAAAA SMITHHHHH”!!!)

(By this time the audience is booing as Dakota comes into view of our camera, and as he sits besides Rico, he makes a gesture to the audience that has them roaring their displeasure of him, yet in the background several voices can be heard of a different opinion…)

RS: Welcome to my very first show, NWL in RETROSPECT!!! I can see that you are indeed a man of your word and I would also like to point out… (Dakota cuts him off…)

DAKOTA: Spare me the ass kissing patronage!!! You peons out there swear out that you have it all figured out, but just when you think you have the answers, the questions change up on your ass and you’re back to square one… Each and every single one of you are nothing more than a mark!!! You cheer, you jeer but yet you come, still you dish out that all mighty dollar to see your favorite action heroes… All I hear is Maelstrom this, Maelstrom that!!! You piss pots need to finally understand that his days are coming to a close; I am the new monster and I don’t like competition!!!

RS: It would seem that you have an obsession with Maelstrom, are we to see once again the ugly side of the Pandorians!? Just a few days ago, you and Maelstrom went above and beyond fair play and good sportsmanship… You both actually went out of your ways to hurt your opponents… Is there a hidden message to the madness that has engulfed you both!?

DAKOTA: (Stares at Rico, with anger and at the same time a trace of confusion is seen on his face…) What the hell are you talking about!? I have no obsession with uncle Mael!!! (Smirks cynically) Nah, that’s not it at all… Uncle Mael like the rest of you piss pots needs to comprehend that regardless of how you feel about me I am here to stay… And uncle Mael, I know you’re out there watching, and I also know that you are the heavy odd favorite to be facing me at the end of this little game the NWL is playing… They want to milk this one for all they can and that’s understandable, but uncle Mael realize this, I don’t play by their rules, in fact I don’t care about their rules, I make my own!!! But enough of your sorry ass, the only reason I came here is to address my next opponent… (He pauses momentarily, and after several seconds of just staring into the audience, and with a supercilious expression he continues…) Minion, a man who wants to believe that hype that he is spewing out, he wants to so desperately instill in those pea brains that he is the coming revelation… Minion, let me explain it to you in the simplest terms, hopefully you’ll get a clue and realize this is not a game… You and that “Babylonian” BULL S(bleep)T can bite me!!! You may have Medina and these peons out here believing that hype, but dude, it doesn’t cut any ice with me… You want to come out of your bag and go hardcore, you want to “go crazy”; you want to believe that you are some kind of punisher… (Laughs in mocking manner…) Get real Minion, I am not one of the little piss pots in the back that looks up to you nor am I afraid of what you can do in the ring… You see Minion, it’s like this; whatever fear you might instill in these non-suspecting peons is not sinking in, it’s not even phasing me in the least… I know you Minion; like I do with all my opponents I have studied you immensely and in case you haven’t noticed, I have totally disregarded whatever the hell you had to say or lack of saying and have gone on to the next level….

RS: Aren’t you being a bit premature Dakota!? Aren’t you underestimating Minion, he is a very powerful man and dangerous to boot, don’t you think that maybe, just maybe he can actually be….

(Dakota cuts him off, the audience can be heard yelling out their disapproval… Dakota stands up and closes the gap between himself and the audience by half before security surrounds him, he stops and looks at them and then at the audience, slowly he begins to grin in a malicious fashion as he stares the security down…)

DAKOTA: You guys must be getting paid an awful lot of money for tonight, so just stand the hell back, don’t get in my way and you can go home to the wife and kids with some extra dinero in your pocket and unscratched… And for you peons out there, (Points out to audience, they become more riled up; Dakota smirks even more as he sees that he has stirred their wrath…) Kiss my ass, you don’t like me!? Who gives a rat’s ass about what you think… Love me, hate me, there’s not a damn thing you or anyone else can do about me!!! I don’t underestimate any of my opponents, so I hope you’re watching Minion… (Turns to face the camera, and in a mocking fashion yells and does sign language at the same time, the audience gets even more riled up... Dakota laughs and continues) Can you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth Minion!?

RS: You seem to be making a joke out of all of this… Aren’t you the least bit concerned!?

DAKOTA: About who!? Minion!? (Laughs) Minion is a joke, so is Mael!!! They think just because they are bigger, they can come and push people around, well I PUSH back!!!

RS: Oh!!! And speaking of Maelstrom, folks I have a special surprise, allow me to intro….

(Before he could continue Maelstrom storms the stage and attacks Dakota, the audience goes into a frenzy as both Dakota and Maelstrom go at it… RS yells out for security to separate them but they are tossed around like rag dolls… Dakota slams Maelstrom into RS who falls to the ground hard and as he charges, Maelstrom scoops him up and slams him onto RS’s chair… The fighting goes back and forth with no one really getting the upper hand, it takes more security to come down and separate them… Rico calmly gets up, brushes himself off and picks up the mike and says….)

RS: My apologies folks, I seriously thought that we could have a civilized dialect with Dakota, but as you all witnessed the man is out of control… Well folks time has run out… But be sure to check NWL Combat, episode two… I am sure that both Dakota and Maelstrom will set off the fireworks again…. Until next time, the pleasure has been all…. YOURS!!! Good night folks….

(Camera starts to fade off, we are shown the fight between Dakota and Maelstrom once again… Fade to a NWL commercial….)

(OORP: JC, you didn't have permission to use Maelstrom in your RP. The next time you do so, you will automatically lose your match. This is your one and only warning. Thank you. - AUM)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
judgement in error...


I was just trying to build up a storyline, I had always used Joe's character in some of my rps before and I had thought that this was okay with him... Obviously it is not so I apologize for this and you can rest assure that it will not happen again...


New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
(OORP: JC, I have no problems whatsoever about this, just as long as you get permission. No need to apologize, I understand completely. Thank you. - AUM)
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