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NWL Combat: Arlo Ferrall vs. Poseidon

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New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
All roleplays for this match must be posted in this thread. Thank you, good luck, and have fun.


League Member
Apr 15, 2004
Willimantic, CT
[CUT TO a ring, painted all over with the words 'NWL.' The camera scans the apron, then slowly pulls up to reveal a man standing in the center of the ring. At first, the only noticeable feature is a pair of Converse shoes; then a pair of tight jeans come into view; finally, a tight T-shirt, pulled taut over a well-muscled chest. In the center of the olive shirt, is a yellow symbol of a tiger opening it's mouth. The shirt appears to be grunge-styled, and the words Thursday are wrapped along the top of the tigers head. The camera pans up, just a little more, and a wild nest of hair hanging to an open mouth is revealed. The hair is blood red - The man is Aodhan Lorigan]

Lorigan: Arlo Ferrall, you made an impressive debut. I suspect that Medina has reason for pitting me and you against each other - we both showed promise, and heart. Heart is the most important attribute, regardless of what any famous critic says. Size doesn't matter - speed doesn't matter - strength...does not matter. But heart does, and you have it, Arlo. You crawled your way out of hell on all fours, and, damn it, that deserves respect. I respect you, Arlo Ferrall. For the first time, in a long career of sorrow, I meet somebody who I meet eye to eye with. I am no better than you. You are as equal to me as anybody that will set foot in this ring Sunday night.

[Aodhan Lorigan spreads his arms to encompass the ring, he looks around at each of the four corners]

Lorigan: This is where we will face off, my friend. This ring is where one of us will break - and the other will reach greatness. I congratulate you on your successful debut, Arlo. I hope that some day the both of us can look at this match, and say, 'Two equals set foot inside the ring, this night, and two champions were born to glory.' Good luck - when Sunday fades into the pastel beauty of Monday morning, we both will be heroes to this sport, regardless of who gets the three count.

[FADE TO black]
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