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North American Title Tournament Thread

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Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
2nd Round:
Insurgent vs "The Judge" Joseph Justice
Dakota Smith vs Justin Sane

Winner of both matches sqaures off for the North American Title the same night.

RP Here.

Rules are for you to RP specifically for your second round opponent while including promo material for what your charcater thinks is going to happen in the finals when he wins the second round match.

Deadline for RP is June 14, 2006 at around midnight central time.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina

(Fade in on an undisclosed arena, dimly lit; save for one spotlight illuminating the middle of the ring… In one corner stands Dakota with Rico apparently pleading with him…Slowly he begins to pace…)

DAKOTA: I hate doing these freaking dumb ass promos, just as much as I hate you Justin… I hate what you represent, I hate your pretentious ways, you’re nothing more than a bragging pompous ass Justin… Who was obviously born with a silver spoon in his mouth; (smirks) I wasn’t… You know famous people, I don’t… I know some infamous people, how about you Justin!? (Again he smirks and continues his slow and methodical pace) But all that will be irrelevant when we get face to face; it won’t matter who you know, because they won’t be able to help you… And if I was the advice giving type, I would tell you to keep your little girlfriend away Justin; ‘cause if she tries to interfere, I’ll choke slam the ***** into the basement… But I’m not the advice giving type, so you do and say as you please, I’m a patient man… I’m also a very vindictive man Justin… Why do I say that!? Well picture this scenario and tell me if it won’t be insane… (Smirks) I’m beating the living crap out of you; your little girlfriend decides to interfere… (His expression turns deadpan and cynical) For the next 30 seconds, my attention will be on her, that’s all it’s going to take to put her out Justin… I am not going to treat her any difference than I will you… I’m not the gentleman that Doe is; I’ll beat that ***** of yours like she owes me money… You need to get your head out of your head before it’s too late… Come to think of it, it’s already too late Justin; they decided to put you up against me… Bad mistake Justin… A real bad mistake… But I know what you’re thinking… You’re thinking that I’m just another one of those mindless twits that love to come out here and hurl out some threats and get excited over it… You will soon realize much too little and much too late that I don’t make idle threats, I make promises and I never get excited about them Justin… You made it pass Doe, but you won’t make it pass me!!! And once I’m done with you Justin, I will go on to the third and final round and do the same… Whether it’s Insurgent or Justice, it will not matter because in the end, after all the smoke has cleared it will be ME; that will be the last man standing… They should have made this a four way dance… Justin, Insurgent and you too Justice; I hope that you don’t believe a word I have said… I hope that when you’re face to face with me, you have your ass kicking hat on and I want you to strongly feel and deeply believe that you actually stand a chance in taking me out… I want you to think of all I have said as nothing more than hype… Call it my gimmick, call it whatever the hell you want…

(A very devious and sinister grin slowly crosses his face; his pace slows down as his eyes narrow, rubbing his hands together he continues… Only his tone has become more cynical, more disparaging…)

DAKOTA: Call it whatever the hell you like Justin… Call it mind over matter if you want; because I don’t mind what the hell spews out of your mouth, simply because you don’t matter… I am going to bust you all up, I don’t like you… So you come and give it your best shot Justin… I’ll be waiting…

(Without saying another word he climbs down from the ring and walks away… Rico is left alone, just staring at Dakota as he disappears… A smirk crosses Rico’s face…)

RICO: Well there you have it Justin, short and sweet… No long winded speech, no drama, no special effects… Just one man, telling you exactly what his intentions are… Dakota is dead serious, don’t take him lightly… And don’t think that he won’t choke slam your Latin mama Justin, he will… Don’t do the “American Express” thing, leave home without her, do if just for that one night Justin, believe me you’ll both be the better for it… Well not the both of you, you’ll be facing Dakota, but at least your mamacita will be safe… Who better to help you lick your wounds afterwards than your mamacita… The last thing you want is to have to worry about her, because you’ll have more than your fair share to worry about on that night, Justin… Bring her along and she becomes collateral damage… You on the other hand will be a casualty of war, same goes for the winner of the Justice, Insurgent match… Just another casualty of Dakota’s war… But you guys have an option unlike Justin; you can make the right decision and play this hand like a real poker player… You got to know when to roll and know when to fold guys… Think about this guys; neither one of you will be 100% to face Dakota; you’ll be hurting, tired and a bit disoriented among other things… But I know, I know neither one of you will heed my words, and rightfully so, you’re going for the NA title, each and every single one of you wants to be the first to be crowned the MCW North American champion… After all who am I to be telling you guys anything… (Smirks) I’m just that little voice in the back of your head, desperately trying to warn you of impending danger, of the approaching storm… Blade was unable to evade the approaching storm, wrong place, wrong time for him… And then came Marley, he didn’t know when to keep his big mouth shut so Dakota shut it for him… The writings on the wall guys, the picture is crystal clear, beware of the approaching storm… Justice, Insurgent, hopefully Dakota’s match will come before you two meet and if it does, watch… Watch closely and see if either one of you can come up with a defense against Dakota… Let’s see if you can think and chew bubble gum at the same time…

(Begins to laugh sinisterly as he too climbs down and walks away, in the same direction Dakota walked off much earlier… We can still hear his laughter even after we have faded to black…)

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: Insurgent standing in front of one of the Black and Red British Flags from V From Vendetta. Insurgent is wearing the V outfit himself.)

INSURGENT: "Tomorrow our wonderful President will bring forth the media, and high ranking conservatives from all the random 'values' groups...And they will talk about America's most pressing issue.

Not the War in Iraq, which is hopelessly lost...And when we do finally leave in disgrace, the right wing will blame the media for our losing, they didn't talk enough about the schools we were building there, or whatever happy horsesh*t we're supposed to be writing about...The current plan for the War in Iraq is the Tinkerbell Policy. If only Americans would clap hard enough, we Tinkerbell wouldn't die, and we would win.

Endless carbombings killing our troops?


Body armor not being supplied properly?


Not enough troops to do the job?


But no, this isn't what the president is going to talk about. What about the NSA scandal, or gas prices, or immigration or any of that...

No, No, and No.

What is the President of the United States going to talk about? What is the Ruler of the Free World going to discuss?

Gay marriage...

And how he's against it.

When LBJ stood in front of congress and said the worlds "We shall overcome" it was a powerful moment in American history. The President of the United States had used the slogan of the Civil Rights movement... He had embraced the idea that blacks should have the same rights as whites.

Now, we regress, and 50 years after LBJ was in office, a gay bashing thug stands in the White House, and seeks to change our constitution so that we can hate against a minority.

The President said that he wants the people to decide who should get married, not to have the courts deal with this.

Of course, the Supreme Court in Loving V Virgina ruled that Virgina's anti-black/white marriage laws were illegal and struck them down...The people of Virgina were disgusted. Should we have allowed them to have taken that to a vote...To keep the races from 'mingling' as it were...

Of course Bush has to stay his tounge on this...Because for the GOP, saddly they can not run around yelling N*****...Since...That would be unacceptable...But we can demonize gays...Or to be more blunt...f*gs...The good reverent Mr. Phelps has his little website. www.godhatesfags.com you should check it out...It's an upclose and intimate look into the mind of the base of the Republican party...A bunch of racist, gay-hating, closed minded biggot scumbags who will rail against 'the other' whenever prompted to...Be the prompting be from Rush, or FOX News or the President himself.

Hate gays...Hate Mexicans...Hate blacks...Hate Liberals...

HATE HATE HATE...They are not like you, they don't look like you, if they do look like you, hate them because they have sex with the wrong people, if they DO look like you and they DO have sex with the right people, hate them cause they think differently then you...

Always Hate...Always Hate...Only through hate of the other can you ever truly be a real American...

So now here I am, fighting for the NORTH American Title...Keep that in mind...NORTH American...Becuase I do not want to represent this country...No I don't hate America like the media tells you liberals do...No I am ashamed of this country, and how we've fallen...Hell, Canada even elected a right wing a**hole...So I guess I'm stuck being the Mexican and Blue States Champion...

Sorry Judge man if so very little of this had to do with you...But I really don't care about you, I don't care about anyone in this company...What I care about is speaking out, about telling the truth to anyone who can hear it...

You are just my opponent...Just a faceless, nameless idiot from America, know that the beating I give you isn't personal...But rather an example, an object lesson to all in wrestling to know that I am here to bust skulls and lay people out, To brutally crush everyone, until finally, finally we have some order in this world...

Sorry it had to be you...You're as innocent as those people as the Iraqis at Haditha who were slaughtered for no reason...

Yet...You are as guilty as we all are for allowing such things to happen, for allowing America to be what it is now...

For that you pay...You pay dearly...


True Life

League Member
Jun 23, 2005
The scene opens on a bright, beautiful morning in Charlotte, NC. The view is focused in on Justin Sane's multi-million dollar mansion. As the view switches to the inside of Justin's home, he's seen walking down the hallway. Strangely enough, Justin's just wearing a wifebeater and a boxershort instead of the usuall gold and fly suites. As he enters his living room, he sits down on the couch next to Shawnna, who's wearing a pair of tight jeans, a black sleeveless shirt with "Sex on Legs" printed on the chest, some jewlery around her neck and even around her waist, some finger- and earrings and a black sunglass put up in her curly hair.

Shawnna: "Good morning, honey."

Justin gives her a kiss, then he takes the remote controll and turns on the big flat television hanging at the wall. After a few seconds he takes a break from zapping through boring discovery and news channels and stays on CSN, who are broadcasting the promo of Dakota Smith. While watching what message his oppenent at the up and coming MCW Pay-Per-View Zero Hour has, Justin Sane frowns. The promo ends and Justin mutes the TV. As he shakes his head, Justin's face expression turns back into a normal state.

Justin: "Dakota, Dakota... Dakota. When yourself even thinks that it doesn't matter what you said a few seconds before, then why waste my precious time with it?!"

Justin Sane starts speaking in a little crybaby manner.

Justin: "I hate this! I hate that! I hate you, Justin! Well, doesn't matter anyway! Justin, I do know infamous people. Do you?"

Quick he imitates the smirking of Dakota Smith.

Justin: "Well, doesn't even matter! Don't bring your girlfriend..."

Justin rubs his chin for a few seconds as he pretends to be thinking.

Justin: "It doesn't matter! Hooray!"

All of the sudden Justin gets fed up with the game and looks quite annoyed.

Justin: "Guess what, you ugly bastard who's father must have been big foot! I'm not the advice giving type either, but if then I would tell you to get a tissue - no, no, I'm sorry - get 5, 6, 7 or hell better a whole packet of tissues, 'cuz the sh*t flossing outta your mouth, that you've to wipe away, is just too much. Damn it, your head is in need of an own janitor since Rico sh*ts in it, too."

After Justin calmed down again, he leans back, looks at the decorated ceiling and just deeply breaths in and out.

Justin: "Dakota, don't you love the smell of fame, money and sex, too?"

Then he looks back into the camera.

Justin: "
Oh, I'm sorry, 'cuz obviously you never got the oppertunity to taste either one of those things. Actually, that's the reason why the whole locker room and those stupid fans out there can only run their mouth over my fame, my money or my sex appeal. I know, the truth is a b*tch. But it's you guys who make me feel like the f'n epi-center of MC-Dub. Seriously, I've never seen so much jealousy and hate at one place."

He again starts imitating Dakota.

Justin: "Oh, I'm going to chokeslam your mamacita!"

Dakota-mode is turned off again...

Justin: "Listen up, smitty-boy. The last time you saw a female getting slammed, it was me and your mother in the back of my limousine. So, shut your f'n crap-hole and worry more about me than..."

Justin's sexy valet interrupts him.

Shawnna: "Look at this."

She pulls out a black Motorola RAZR V3 mobilephone, types a few times and reaches it to Justin.

Shawnna: "A text message from your new friend."

Justin laughs already after reading the first lines and then starts reading the message out loud.

Justin: "Hi, Shawnna. It's me Dakota. I wanted to tell you that it's nothing personal between you and me, the whole thing is just business between me and Justin. So, how about drinking a coffee with me later this week? I think as workers in the same company, we should get to know each other."

Together Shawnna and Justin laugh out loud.

Justin: "I can't read this anymore."

Justin is nearly crying.

Justin: "This is too hilarious."

Shawnna: "Well, bad luck for him, because I don't date midclass americans."

Justin: "Come on, you're too mean to your fans. We should send him at least a signed photo of you."

Shawnna: "Hmm... should we?"

Both stop laughing and look at eachother. They think it over for a few seconds and then synchronic both of them anwser.

Both: "Hell nah!"

Then both break out in laugh again. It takes them some time to calm down.

Justin: "Last week MC-Dub's squared circle has seen it's fair share of a true legend and champion in the making, who of 'cuz is known as Justin Sane. And you know what?! At this PPV, Zero Hour, I'll top that. John Doe was just the first on a long list. But Dakota Smith and either Insurgent or Joseph are going to be the next on the receiving end of a beatdown. You guys saw me crush Jonny's ass on the f'n mat with the top-rope powerbomb? You should learn from it. I'm the actual mainevent, no matter if you put me on the upper card, midcard or opener... hell, I would even steal the whole damn show by wrestling a dark match. Thousands and hundred thousands will get in line infront of the arena to see me wrestle twice. And on top of that I'll even be crowned as North America's finest at the same night. Now, who's better?! The only thing that could hinder me to win the North..."

Shawnna: "Baby, we don't even need to consider that. Because you always get what you want."

Justin: "Damn, that's what I love about this chick. Of 'cuz you were right. I don't know where my mind was going."

Shawnna: "No problem, you've a busy life other than some of those jerks who got nothing else to do than cut promos all day. But after you've won the North American Title I'll make sure that you can relax again with a special champion ceremony live infront of all those pubertating jerks in the arena."

Justin: "Oh yeah! We gonna do the damn thing... but what exactly you got in mind?"

Justin's eyes start to glance as she whispers something in his ear.

Justin: "Oh sh*t. I can't wait for that."

Shawnna: "Well, you could get a private preview right now."

Justin: "Sounds awesome! How about you go upstairs and I'll follow in a second."

Shawnna jumps up and before she leaves the room, she gives Justin a flying kiss. Justin turns his head back to the camera.

Justin: "I'll rock the f*ckin' place at Zero Hour, matter fact none of you 3 will be able to do nuts about it. Neither you Dakota Smith nor the other two. I'm the only one worth enough to carry a championship around my waist. I'm the only one to give a status to this title instead of degrading it. And I'm the only one-man entertaining force this company has to offer. I know jealousy sparks a lot of hate, but at Zero Hour that fire will burn down your own house. And afterwards when the fire has calmed it's going to be ashes to ashes and dust to dust. So, who of you punk asses still wants to f*ck with us? Haha..."

Then he reaches at the camera and the MCW goes off air.
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True Life

League Member
Jun 23, 2005
All of the sudden a hype promo for MCW's PPV Zero Hour flickers on the screen, starting with a countdown.








~Zero Hour~

The official Zero Hour logo gets followed by the MCW logo smashing on the screen. After a mix of random MCW in-ring action from the last weeks ran wild, the picture fades to black and little shiny white writings fade in and out again.

Major Champion Wrestling

proudly presents to you...

1 night making Million of fans go wild

4 men fighting over 1 championship

1 belt changing 4 lives

MCW will crown 1 man the first ever


The belt fades into the picture and out again, leaving it completly black. We see now a mix of Insurgent's highlights so far in the MCW. It ends with his impressive finisher, the Patriot Act, against Drunken Tiger, continued by a pin qualifing himself for the semi-finals. A dark voice says: "Will Zero Hour mark a new world order enforced by the social critical Insurgent?" Then it shows "The Judge" Joseph Justice playing chess against his mate Charles and how he advanced to the second round at Center Stage 4 by no show. The Voice: "Will the strategist Joseph Justice or known by others as The Judge become the executioner at Zero Hour, too?" Now pictures of Dakota Smith and Rico Suave in the ring and outside as well give a little insidethe man Dakota and of course how the Phenemonal Frankie Scott no showed at the last Center Stage episode. Then again the voice concludes the little wrestler review: "Will the big bad beast Dakota Smith be able to run over his oppenents at Zero Hour and conquer the title?" Finally Justin Sane's collection of highlights gets played. You can see him kiss Shawnna, other hot poses by the latter and of course how both worked together to defeat John Doe with a demolitious top-rope powerbomb. Voice: "Or will the self-proclaimed only one-man entertaining force this company has to offer have a reason to go insane at Zero Hour?"

~4 Superstars - but only 1 Belt~

Dakota Smith vs. Justin Sane

Insurgent vs. "The Judge" Joseph Justice

Winners of both matches sqaure off for the North American Title the same night.~

Find out who's taking home the

North American Championship

live at MCW PPV

Make Sure To Tune In!
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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Barbarian at the gate...

(Our scene opens on a bright, sunny beautiful day; somewhere in the South Bronx, the focal point being several burnt out buildings in the background, suddenly the scene changes and we are somewhere in Manhattan, somewhere around 5th Ave and 59th street… Slowly we focus in on Rico… Suddenly the scene changes again, this time we are back in the dimly lit arena with the same spotlight illuminating the center of the ring; this time around though, no one is in the ring… We begin to hear a slow and rhythmical clapping as Rico comes into view, walking towards the ring…)

RICO: Well, well, well… It’s just as I suspected… The MCW is NOT ready for the likes of Dakota… Why would I say that!? Quite simple peons; just look around the MCW; listen to what the majority of the competition has to say… And what they have to say is… NOTHING!!! Like I said before, a lot of them can’t think and chew bubble gum at the same time… You have Insurgent whose primary concern is global politics and then you have Justin who is more concern with his circle of friends and fancy life style, that he has neglected to fully comprehend just who he is actually facing… Son, it’s time you got with the program, come on boy, get your head out of your ass and for God’s sake get a grip on reality… You’re about to face the “Pandorian nightmare” and you’re coming down to it all wrong son… Hey Insurgent this is not going to be held in any damn political arena… No, no… You’re going to face Dakota, that is if you’re lucky enough to get pass Justice; you’ll be facing Dakota in what we call a “wrestling” ring and believe me son, Dakota is all business when he plies his trade… Oh Justin… Better leave those “playboy” hoes alone and concentrate on the task at hand… That was a nice little speech you just gave son; I really like the part where you claimed to have slammed Dakota’s momma in the back of your limo… (Smirks as he rubs his chin…) Guess that makes you a motherf(bleep)ker… (Laughs) or how about where you called him an ugly bastard… Yea that one hit home alright… And if that wasn’t enough, Shawnna turns him down; so sad, too bad… You broke his heart Shawnna, you went and called him a midclass American…

(Pauses momentarily as he pulls out a handkerchief and pretends to wipe away tears before blowing his nose… He then does something that is un-business like for him, he takes the handkerchief and wipes his ass with it and tosses it away…)

RICO: Excuse me there good people… I just couldn’t hold it in any longer… Shawnna is such a cruel b(bleep)h, I can understand her turning down my offer of a hundred bucks for a blowjob, but to turn Dakota down for a cup of coffee… AND to make fun of him also; shame Shawnna, SHAME… But enough of Shawnna, let me get back on track and stay my course… Justin, imitation is the ultimate form of flattery, you just proved that… But I know deep down inside you fear Dakota and rightfully so; the man is no joke… Your rabid words, speak volumes Justin… WAKE UP AMIGO!!! Nothing is going to deter Dakota, your eloquent choice of words hasn’t even fazed him… In fact Justin, I left him watching your little promo; and you really made his day son, I never heard him laugh so damn hard… I doubt it if he even has a comeback for it, he’s not into comical parodies; he just says what’s on his mind, no matter who he offends… You on the other hand seem to be perturbed, I mean REALLY PERTURBED!!! (Laughs and shakes his head…) No need to get in an uproar son, Dakota is just pulling your chain; He’s just dissecting you to see what comes out… And lo and behold, the b(bleep)h came out of you… Ranting and raving about this and that… Stammering and stuttering over that and this… Real cool Justin, yea real cool… For all the good it’s doing you; if you think you’re rattling Dakota’s cage; think again you wonderless twit, all you’re doing is just amusing him Justin… That’s all you’re doing, nothing more, nothing less… Unlike you, he comes out here and talks a good mental game and what’s more Justin, he follows it to the letter… You see Justin, guys like you are a dime a dozen… Guys like you come and go… Oh sure you talk a good talk, but when it’s time to walk the walk, you’ll crap all over yourself… So you continue talking yourself into a corner Justin; we can always use a good laugh… But enough of you Justin, I am sure you’re bored by now due to your short attention span… So hail and farewell pendejo…

(Bursts out laughing, pulls out a cigar and lights it; takes a long puff and exhales…)

RICO: Nothing beats a good damn cigar… Especially when it’s forbidden… Yea, this is a good damn cigar… Now where was I!? Oh yea, Insurgent, I been meaning to ask you something… Nah, never mind, you wouldn’t tell me anyway… Hey “Judge”, how’s it hanging!? I meant the gavel… Tell me something Judge, will justice be served!? Will you come out on top!? Will you be able to beat Insurgent!? The bookies have you as the 30-1 long shot… But don’t fret Judge, stranger things have happened… Personally, I don’t think you can beat Insurgent; but that’s just me… Losing to Insurgent will be the best thing to happen to you on that night… Think about it, after losing you can go take a nice shower; lick your wounds… And watch Dakota decimate Insurgent!!! Yea I know, you’re probably saying that I’m blowing a lot of smoke up your ass, but really I’m not… You see Judge, can I call you “Judge or do you prefer “Justice”!? I have to tell you Judge, I really don’t think…

(Rico is interrupted by the sound of clapping… He squints almost straining his eyes to see who it is that is clapping… Slowly his eyes widen as he realizes that it is Dakota… He takes a long drag, exhales and with a nervous voice says…)

RICO: DAKOTA!!! My MAN!!! I was keeping them entertained until you decided to come out and do yet another one of these dumb ass promos… I know how you hate them, so I figure I wou… (Gets cut off by Dakota…)

DAKOTA: You never cease to amaze me Rico… You’re just as bad as Justin, talking crap that no one really wants to hear… But it seems talking smack is the in thing now-a-days, so I’ll give it a try… (Smirks in a devious manner, looks at Rico and then stares in our direction…) So Justin, you’re going to rock the f’n place at Zero Hour and there’s nothing I can do about it…

(Starts to pace slowly while rubbing his chin; he shakes his head as he continues to smirk… Again he stares in Rico’s direction who was about to take another drag, but hesitates…)

DAKOTA: Cuban huh!? Nevada is going to kick your teeth in if you keep taking his cigars…

(Rico is about to say something but Dakota stops him with a wave of his hand…)

DAKOTA: Justin, the only thing that’s going to get rocked at Zero Hour is your punk ass… So you think you’re the only one worth enough to carry a championship around your waist!?

(Bursts into laughter, again he stares at Rico… Again Rico hesitates to take a drag…)

DAKOTA: Are you waiting for me to give you approval or something!? So tell me Justin, how much does one have to be worth to carry a championship around their waist!? And also explain to me, this status quo and degradation you’re rambling about… If you’re able to get your head out of your ass for a few seconds, you’ll realize just how damn confused you are… Now I will agree with you on the entertaining part, you do know how to entertain… You and your lil mamacita did entertain me, even if it was for a few minutes… But in the ring Justin, it’ll be a different story; there your lil entertaining ways will not suffice… Your eloquent choice of words; your rambunctious ranting will do you no good boy; it’s all falling on deaf ears… I see where you’re coming from Justin and it’s going to lead you nowhere… Plain and simple Justin, I am going to kick your ass from pillar to post…

(Rico takes a drag and nods approvingly)

DAKOTA: You’re entitled to your opinion Justin, just remember; opinions are like assholes, we all have one…

(Glares at Rico and smirks, suddenly and without warning his smirking expression turns deadpan, his tone changes, more cynical and disdainful…)

DAKOTA: And then it’s on to face the winner of the Insurgent vs. “The Judge” Justice… Or should I say, the loser of that match, whichever one of you wins that match will come to realize too little, too late that you were indeed the loser, the one that drew the short straw… Justice, Insurgent I hope you’re out there somewhere watching and listening very carefully to what I am saying… You have a snowball’s chance in hell of beating me, but I will give you the same odds I am giving Justin… Zero and none… Justice, don’t even try any strategic mentality crap on me, save that crap for your chess playing amigos… It’s not going to work, just focus on surviving providing you get pass Insurgent… I’m not blowing smoke up your ass Justice, leave the words of wisdom at home and bring a big sack and a silver platter… Don’t know what they’re for Justice!? The sack is for the big ass kicking I’m going to hand you and the silver platter is so I can place your ass on it and hand it to you after I am done kicking it…

(Rico again takes a drag and nods approvingly, he is about to say something but Dakota cuts him off…)

DAKOTA: Insurgent, clap all you freaking want, I’m going to b(bleep)h slap you into submission; providing you make it that far… Come hell or high water I am going to leave the winner and the NA champ… I want to make it perfectly clear to the three of you as well as everyone else in the MCW, when you face me, you better be prepared to go to whatever extreme it takes to survive the night…

(Turns and looks at Rico up and down, slowly smirks and walks away… Rico smiles and takes another drag, exhaling it into our direction…)

RICO: That’s my boy!!! Dakota has ARRIVED!!! And he brings hell with him….

(Rico’s sinister laughter is the last thing we hear as we fade to black…)

True Life

League Member
Jun 23, 2005
~The scene fades in inside the big living room of Justin Sane. Who's holding a cigar of it's own in his right hand and is coughing now after seeing the promo that he just watched. Underneath the coughing you can hear him laugh. He picks up the remote controll and rewinds the tape, then he watches the whole from the start to the end again. And if that wasn't enough, he plays it all over again for the third time. Again it's not hard to tell that he is quite amused about what Dakota Smith and his valet had to say.~

Justin: "First off all, who in the blue hell is that rico sissy?!"

~Justin starts calling for someone.~

Justin: "Katie! Katie!"

~No reaction whatsoever.~

Justin: "DAMN IT, KATIE!"

~A young woman, probably going by the name of Katie, in a unusual short maid dress rushes into the living room.~

Justin: "What kind of billion dollar business were you taking care of this time, huh? Scratching your back? Cutting your toe nails? Or giving the dogs some food?"

Katie: "Sir, I was washing your underwear down in the basement."

Justin: "Damn, I hope this is not another one of your lies. Next time I'll fire your lazy ass..."

Katie: "But..."

Justin: "Well, probably not, 'cuz of your other good qualities."

~Justin breaks out in a naughty laughter, but then again has to cough.~

Katies: "Thank you, sir."

Justin: "Whatever, now get the hell outta my sight!"

~The maid is a little confused but turns away, but Justin holds her up before she can leave.~

Justin: "Ah, where the hell are you going?!"

~Katie turns around again and seems still pretty confused.~

Katie: "You told me to, Sir."

Justin: "Don't lie to me, Katie, don't lie to daddy! Sh*t I'll have to replace you by another former playmate if you keep on lying to me!"

~No response by the maid but an ashamed look at the floor.~

Justin: "Now what I wanted to ask you, are my pants going to be down till tomorrow?"

Katie: "Euhm, I don't know, Sir."

Justin: "What means you don't know?"

Katie: "You told me only to wash your underwear for tomorrow?"

Justin: "Katie, can you as well use brain besides giving it? You want me to run down the streets without any pants on just in underwear?"

Katie: "No, Sir."

Justin: "Then why are you still standing here? Get my pants from upstairs and wash them! Hurry up!"

~Katie nods her head and turns away, but just in this moment Justin's sight pans back to the TV, where a still picture of Rico is showed. The picture reminds him of what he really wanted to ask his maid.~

Justin: "KATIE!"

Katie: "I'm still here, Sir."

Justin: "Did you invite this goofy guy into any conversation with me?"

Katie: "Which goofy guy?"

Justin: "Well, that sissy ass called Tiko, Rico, Nico or some kind of that sh*t."

He points at the TV.

Katie: "I've never seen that person in my life, Sir. And I'm sure I didn't talk to anyone who could goe by any of those name."

Justin: "His name is Rico."

Katie: "Okay, Sir."

Justin: "And you f'n lied again."

Katie: "Huh?!"

Justin: "I heared you phone this guy Nico in your room last night. Does everyone in here really believe I don't know what is going on in my own God damn house?!"

~Katie feels emberassed.~

Justin: "Are you two making out?"

~She's shocked, in a scared voice she's trying to stutter an explination together.~

Katie: "No, no... S..Sir. He's just an old friend from my high sch..."

Justin: "Aha, got'cha!"

Katie: "I mean from primary school, primary school."

~Katie acts like she was thinking (like it was the thing to do nowadays ;) ).~

Katies: "Yes, it must've been primary school, Sir. By the way Sir, I think the clothes need to be done."

Justin: "Hold on a second, I'm the one to tell you when to leave and when to cum."

~Afraid that anyone could've heard this Katie is looking around and ends up pretty frustrated by finding the camera next to her.~

Justin: "Euhm... I'm meaning come and go of course. Now come... hell, GO! GO! GO! Your stupid ass is making me nervous."

~Katie runs to the stairs going down.~

Justin: "Where the hell are you going?! My f'n pants are upstairs!"

~Justin closes his eyes and tries to calm down by massaging his left headside with rotating moves. After a few seconds he opens his eyes again and looks pretty cool again. He pulls again on the cigar, breaths out and then focuses again on the camera.~

Justin: "So, Rico since it seems like noone asked for your opinion, you better shut your f'n craphole. You are just Dakota's b*tch for the useless work and he doesn't even pay you nor does he respect you. So, instead of philosophating about where my head is, you better take yours out of Dakota's ass and get an own life. I would smash every single of your bones if we met in the ring, but still you run your mouth more than even Dakota does. Simply get off his *beep*! Now, after wasting so much of everyone's time around here by b*tch slapping little Ric-hoe, let's come to a not really more important part of Zero Hour... Hahaha..."

~Again he enjoys his cigar and then continues.~

Justin: "...Dakota Smith. Boy, did you sleep in that hall or what are you doing 24/7 in there? Or took it the make-up artists the whole time between both videos to get your facial features back on track? I feel bad for them, 'cuz you seem pretty sweaty at the end of the cut. Thanks God, the MC-Dub can at least afford something better than that sh*tty hall. It's funny how hard you are trying to impress everyone. Wow, Dakota Smith is standing in a dimed dirty hall in the middle of an even dirtier and broke ring and the air is poluted by the gases his body sets free. Sh*t, what a poser you are, who you trynna impress by that? I bet if little Ric-hoe wasn't used to smell sh*t allday, he would've fallen already into coma after 10 seconds. Hahaha... But seriously how about training at a real spot instead of talking bullsh*t in a useless hall and get yourself a real sparing-partner instead of Ric-hoe. But if rollin' your mouth all time is your favorite thing to do then please get in qeue and wait for your turn infront of the MC-Dub interview wall. A ring exists for fighting not for talking smack - you should write that down in your wrestling map right under the "How to do my finisher" portion."

Justin: "Do you know what made me watch the tape again and again? I was checking if you wasn't again not caring anymore about anything you said moments earlier. Quite suprised I came to the result of Zero."

~Justin holds the cigar with his teeth and claps hystericly.~

Justin: "We are gettin' there, definitly an improvement! A few major beauty surgeries, speak coaching and some sessions with a therapist about your sudden change of moods and I'm sure people could bear watching you without pissing their pants. How about you take things out on your subtenant Ric-hoe? It will give you some inner peace and you would save the whole world from any other sh*t he plans to speak out. Concerning you versus Justin Sane the mack daddy of professional wrestling, the confrontation won't be this nice. Everyone is just judging me based on what I say and what I own, but you ever thought about watching my clash with John Doe without concentrating on Johnny's gay butt all the time? Did ever the thought by a size of just an atom came in your head to watch my indy matches? You're doing the exact same mistake Johnny did and have you seem him around since last Center Stage? That's the result and will stay the result if people keep on underestimating me and look over my insane in-ring abilities. Haha... and you punks tell me, that I'm superficial."

Justin: "But I don't mind it, I'll just square off with a bunch of unprepared dog asses week for week and shift them directly from ring to hospital. That's cool for me. But when I hit your lights out by serving you the Insane Cutter live infront of thousands and hundred thousands of so called fans in the middle of a real ring, don't tell me afterwards that I didn't warn you. This is not only for Dakota Smith nor Insurgent or Joseph, but for the whole f'n MC-Dub. I'm not going to remind you people ever again to learn my resume, because soon the whole wrestling world and beyond that will know that Justin Sane is the only one capable of carrying a whole company on it's own. You should feel special for being part of what will later be called Justin Sane's legendary stardome and legacy. Having your name written in the same line as mine, mentioned with the same breath as mine or thought about in the same thought as mine is actually way too much honor for anyone of you. But it will all change to the better soon, people, so don't worry. The moment when everyone has submitted and bows down to my feet marks the start of a better time. Don't fear, Justin Sane's here!"

Justin: "Insurgent... Joseph... I don't really care who I'll face after making Dakota equal to the surface... should I even?! Insurgent mainly got the same problem as Dakota: You don't know what a ring is for. There will not be hold a political debating contest at Zero Hour and no democracy will reign supreme at Zero Hour. 'Cuz when it would be for the votes of the jealous majority, the wrong winner would be elected. In the words of a faded away wrestling commentator: "This is not a popularity contest." You should get your mind free from Bush, Iraq, white blue & red and all the other bullsh*t and realize that you are risking to face me. What can I say about the Judge? Joseph, Joseph, Joseph. Damn sure you'll need your best strategy when you face me, but in the ring it's a quick game and before you can even make your first move it can be a quick end. It all comes down to the skills and I'll prove that at Zero Hour. You heard me?!"

~He starts laughing and kicks the camera away, of course a snow picture pops up and MCW goes off air.~

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: INSURGENT standing in front of TV's playing news from CNN, MSNBC, and of course, FOX News...All of them are showing off the photos of recently killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.)

INSURGENT: "Another dead strawman, another day passes...More Americans die in the sands of Iraq...It is how it always is...Endless war, endless killing, nothing can be done to change what's happening, all that matters is how quickly we leave, so the wall we'll build to honor the dead who were killed for no reason can be made quicker...I think it should be put about 100 yards in front of the wall for the Vietnam war, just so we can see that yes...We F*CKED UP AGAIN..."

"Now my opponent is a mute...So I gotta listen to Justin Sane and Dakota Smith talk smack at each other and promise me a beating..."

"Great...just great...Justin, let me make this clear, I know what the ring is for, it's for beating the hell out of clueless fools like you, people who put magnetic ribbons on the backs of their cars to 'support the troops' and vote for Dear Leader so that we can win the "War on Terra". You're just a dolt who makes me sick...I will put politics aside and just beat the hell out of you if I end up facing you in the finals.

"Dakota...Oh brother...I heard of the Pandorian crap back before the discovery of fire...I can't believe you're still dragging this stuff out now...I mean honestly, you don't have anything else? Well you do have some nitwit chewing cigars and cutting half your promos for you...Because you are such a non-entity that really nobody cares what you personally have to say.

"The sad thing for you two is that I'm going to CRUSH the silent judge, I mean just destroy him...It won't take more then 3 minutes before the Patriot Act is signed, sealed and delievered...I will pin him and head back to the locker room...And then I'll get to watch the two of you just beat the hell out of each other, just go to war for a half hour or longer, and then when one of you finally wins...I'll get to just walk in the ring, slap you around a little bit and pin your ass dead in the middle of the ring and leave champ.

I will practice the American tactic of sitting around watching as we did in World War I until after 3 years of fighting between the powers of europe, we shipped our troops over and finished off the Germans...

And that's why the two of you hate me, because you know I'm the nightmare, the end of the line, the one problem you can't deal with...Dumb luck dictated I'd get a glorified bye into the finals, dumb luck has made it such that I will be able to have a brief little tune up match and break a little sweat before I enter the ring to be crowned champion against the beaten-half dead winner of your match...

Have fun guys...I know I will...



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Welcome to the jungle...

(Fade to an American flag waving and flapping on a windy day… Fade out and fade in on the White House… Fade out and fade in on the Playboy mansion… But that fades out quickly fades into a split level, somewhere near the beach… From its terrace, the view of the blue waves crashing on the rocks below, its golden sands and sunny blue skies make for a picturesque poster …)

RICO: Very amusing and entertaining Justin… That’s some funny s(bleep)t; I would lay off the cigars though, especially those cheap ones… Now Justin, what have I done to you for you to call me a sissy, you little *****… I mean I thought we were there, I guess I went a little too far, trying to get that blowjob huh!? Hey Katie, screw Justin, let him fire you, I’ll hire you and you won’t be doing any damn housework… I wouldn’t take that Katie, you are a beautiful and intelligent woman unlike your slave master over there… We’ll treat you right baby… Call me… Oh yea, as I was saying… Justin, why all the hostilities amigo, Hell I was just giving your dumb unsuspecting ass a heads up… I like you Justin, there’s a lot I admire about you… I have told Dakota and we both agree that, deep down inside, you’re really nothing more than just another asshole disguised as a jack ass… But let’s get back to the business at hand and allow me to enlighten your ignorant derriere about a thing or two… ‘Cause Justin, if there’s one thing I know about, is that I know a thing or two about a thing or two… Now I’m only telling you this because it is so damn obvious that you don’t have a freaking clue as to what is really going on and I want to even the odds for you a bit… And let me start off by giving you a piece of sound advice… You should be nicer to the hired help, and stop buying those cheap ass cigars, they’ll be the death of you… But hey, what was I thinking, come Zero Hour…

(Pauses as he takes a drag from his cigar)

RICO: It’s kind of ironic how they came to call this event “Zero Hour”… Simply ironic isn’t it Justin!? Check this out Justin, at Zero Hour; that is exactly what you’ll be… A big fat freaking “ZERO” and that’s not blowing smoke up your ass Justin!!! But hey dude, I like your style… I really admire a man who can think and chew bubble gum at the same time… I mean, you know that I know that you know; that you don’t stand a freaking chance against Dakota, so in your desperation you figure, you’ll play the oral deception card in the hopes of that somehow, it’ll fog Dakota… “Cause that’s all it is with you Justin… Nothing but a lot of smoke… Dakota’s not fooled by it amigo; haven’t you figured that one out yet!? I guess I was wrong about you dude, I actually thought that you could think and chew bubble gum at the same time… I have to hand it to you there buddy, you had me fooled momentarily… Now I am confused a bit with something you said, maybe you can clarify it for me… Tell me Justin, what in the “blue hell” does it matter where Dakota does his little promos from, we’re not trying to impress anyone, but what’s your excuse huh Justin!? It’s neither here nor there for Dakota, he gives a rat’s ass about impressing anyone, you either like him or you don’t… “Training in a real spot”, what makes you think he isn’t Justin, are you that dense!? He knows perfectly well what a ring is for, “Mr. mack daddy”… “INDY MATCHES”!? This is professional wrestling, my feeble-minded friend, and yea we “watched” your match against lil Johnny, and were not impressed in the least, nothing new in a dumb ass vs. asshole match Justin… If you seen one, you seen them all… Now if you don’t mind Justin, I’ll address the other two morons involved in this little quest for gold… Are you guys even out there!? FOR CHRIST”S SAKE!!! SAY SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING!!! Anything is better than listening to this stammering, and stuttering village idiot… You guys don’t know what torture it is to have to constantly listen to Justin’s nonsensical bull crap over and over… Come on guys toss me a freaking bone here…

(Suddenly and without warning our transmission feed is interrupted and we go to a MCW commercial… The MCW logo is shown as we also begin to see Dakota as he walks in front of it…)

DAKOTA: Day in and day out, all I hear from you Justin is nothing more than innuendos and asinine remarks, but that’s typical of asswipes like yourself… Your fear of the unknown has you stammering and stuttering on and on… Rico has really messed with your head, your ranting is very obvious of that… You don’t have a damn clue as to what is actually going on do you Justin… Well no matter, nothing I say will make any difference with you, regardless of what I say or do; you’ll never be content, you’ll find yet another asinine method to try to shoot me down… I totally understand just how you feel, it’s not your fault that you’re nothing more than a pretentious pompous ass who actually believes that talking out his ass will make a difference… But you BLINKED Justin!!! And so freaking what if you’re rich, or so you say… You could be blowing Hugh and that’s his mansion and not yours… Who knows, it’s quite possible that you and him are two freaking closet queens… Who knows, eh Justin!? (Laughs) Does it really matter where I do these damn stupid promos!? And tell me something Justin, why should you care about how and when and for that matter who I train with!? After all you’re supposed to be all that and a stick with s(bleep)t on it, why should it matter one way or another whether I train or not and with whom… As for the dingy ring, hey I like it, I like the atmosphere, I like how it reminds me of where I have been and why I don’t want to go back, the past and the present… And at present Justin, you’re the little pebble the MCW has thrown in my path… Just damn great… First a damn no-show and now this… A freaking five minute workout!!!

(Suddenly and without warning our transmission is again interrupted and we are back to Rico, who is smirking as he takes another drag from his cigar…)

RICO: So where was I when the lightning struck!? Oh yea, hey Justin, I know I said I was done with you for now, but rewinding your last sit-com, I could have swore I heard you say that you want to break every bone in my body!? Is that what you really meant amigo!? Damn, I thought me and you were cool… But if that’s the way you feel about me… Well what can I say but, BITE ME JUSTIN!!! There isn’t a damn thing you can do about it!!! Any time you want a piece of me, I’m not a hard man to find… I’ll be the one standing next to the man who’s going to rip your ass off and ram it down your throat… And I don’t blame him, talking all that crap you’re talking… YOU, my slowwitted amigo, are full of s(bleep)t… I have a good mind of telling Dakota to let me take his place in kicking your ass… But he’s just as stubborn as you are, but unlike you, he backs his s(bleep)t up… I’ve seen your “Indy” matches Justin, if that’s what you want to call them, they looked more like prison scenes where you dropped the soap and, well you know the rest… Don’t ever try to get in my crosshairs Justin, you certainly don’t want to get me pissed off at you… That’s the last thing you want to do son; hell I’ll introduce your ass to your brain son… Be careful what you wish for dude, ‘cause with me you’ll get it!!! But wait a minute, you are getting at least one of your wishes… You wanted to get b(bleep)h slapped, and you are… At Zero Hour Justin; Dakota is going to zero in on your punk ass, and beat you like a government mule… He’s been known to do that, just ask around dude… You remind me of that one legged man in an ass kicking contest or the idiot who took a knife to a gunfight… Or is it more like the idiot who stuck his hand into the fire thinking he wasn’t going to get burnt!!! And if that’s the case, then you’re going to get more than just burnt my friend!!! You’re going to get incinerated… You’re going to get blown away; you’re going to get that last leg rammed up your ass…

(Looks at his watch, takes another drag and smiles…)

RICO: Well Justin, it looks like my five minutes are up… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

(Again the transmission is interrupted and we are back to Dakota… Smoking a cigar himself, a duplicitous grin plastered across his face…)

DAKOTA: Comprende amigo!? Don’t mess with Rico, he’ll hurt you real bad dude… He’s no joke, him one mean mofo… (Laughs as he takes a drag and blows it in front of our camera…) And that’s blowing smoke up your ass dude… But I’m not blowing smoke up your ass when I say that I am going to beat your ass… So tell me, how does it really feel to that you’re a dead man walking and the only thing you got to counter with is to talk out your ass Justin!? And I don’t want to hear any more of that incoherent cackling; try talking with your mouth instead of your ass for a change, maybe that way you’ll make some freaking sense…

(Transmission is yet again interrupted and we are back yet again with Rico…)

RICO: Are you dizzy yet Justin… (Laughs) Well when Zero Hour comes around, you’ll be more than dizzy, you’ll be hurt, broken like some freaking bronco and will be left feeling a whole lot of pain… I know that for a fact Justin… Like I said before, I know a thing or two about a thing or two… But Justin, talk about posers, you freaking faitour... I do hope you know some Houdini tricks, ‘cause that’s about the only way you’re going to escape the ass kicking Dakota is going to give you… And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you Insurgent, you shell shocked imbecile… So you heard the “Pandorian” crap before huh!? Well guess what Neanderthal!? It’s BACK!!! All rolled up into one; DAKOTA!!! And if it is true that you have heard, then you should know that they were no joke and neither is Dakota… Yea, that’s right I do most of the talking, you see my dimwitted little soldier boy, Dakota is not a talker, he’s a doer… Oh by the way, don’t underestimate Dakota’s resilience and fortitude and don’t make the same mistake Justin is making… We all know the excuse for that there… Lack of, and then some… (Laughs and takes a drag…) But seriously Insurgent, I’m kind of hoping that you come out the winner of your match, but don’t underestimate the Judge man either… He seems to be the strategist of the group and you know those types, they actually believe that silence is really golden; it’s either that or he’s out there somewhere, caught up in a game of chess… But I’m glad to see that you also didn’t get caught up in Justin’s crap… Yea, we saw right through him also… But we have to hand it to him though, he does talk a lot of s(bleep)t; I mean in its own sort of way, it can be entertaining… Something like, “As the world turns”, everyday a new episode, a new drama… I kn…

(The transmission is yet again interrupted, only this time it was not a planned one as we fade in back to Dakota, only Dakota is not there any longer… Standing in front of the MCW, this time is a crew member who appears nervous…)

CM: Err, Mr. Dakota has left and I err, err …

(The crew member’s headset comes alive)

CM: Err, yes Mr. Rico he did leave… Yes sir, he did leave a message, but I don’t think that it would be appropriate for me to repeat it in front of the camera; I could lose my job…

(Transmission ends and fades back to Rico, who is on his cell phone apparently talking to Dakota… As we fade in on him, he motions us to wait…)

RICO: Dakota, listen to me, it’s in the contract… I know, I know; you hate doing these dumb ass promos, but like I said, they’re in the contract… Yes, I do know that you’re not any freaking entertainer or politician, nor do you like chess that much… Yea but, wait Dakota I know how you feel, but think of it… No, no don’t do that Dakota… Okay, I understand… Yea sure, okay I will… Hello!?

(It appears the conversation between Rico and Dakota has ended… Rico closes his phone, and ponders for several seconds before he focuses back to our camera…)

RICO: Damn… Dakota doesn’t make anything easy… How in the hell am I supposed to tell the MCW head office that… That’s right guys, he doesn’t make anything easy for anyone; but you’ll all get to experience that first hand soon enough… The Judge just might be doing the right thing by staying silent, he’s a wise man no doubt; why antagonize Dakota, even more than he already is… Why incur more pain and punishment than you can already handle; yea that must be it… Damn good move Judge, I see the chess player is playing his game.. I tend to agree with Dakota where you are concerned, he feels the same way about these promos, yea he also believes that talk is cheap… But he does know also that it can be used as a smokescreen… But you two star-strucked twits are not making any damn sense… I mean what the hell does current events and global politics have to do with wrestling… And for that matter what the hell does it matter where these promos are conjured… Back alley, studio, broken down ring, in front of the MCW logo… It’s all irreverent, even this mansion crap means nothing… But what does mean something is the fact that you two are listening to what is being said and not taking into effect what hasn’t been said… Confusing huh!? Well deal with it whichever way you can, ‘cause like Dakota said, you BLINKED!!! But none the less, you most likely will come out and spew some more of that unintelligible bulls(bleep)t… You’ll once again remind us of how rich you’re supposed to me and just how tough you can be, yea berating the hired help really takes a lot of balls Justin… (Smirks) Just remember this dude, Dakota isn’t the hired help; and he definitely knows what a ring is for… Oh by the way Insurgent, I was the one that mentioned that “Pandorian” crap as you so eloquently put it, not Dakota… Just like I said before you two don’t have a freaking clue, you’re going on assumptions… That’s like assuming guys and you know what happens when you assume… (Looks at his watch and smiling he takes a drag, exhales nonchalantly…) Well it looks like it’s about that time again, so adios amigos…

(Fade to black…)

True Life

League Member
Jun 23, 2005
Early in the morning the scene opens in Justin Sane's multi-million dollar mansion showing him walking down the hallway again. As he enters his living room, he hears the doorbell. He ignores it as he waits for his maid to answer the door. A few moments go by and the doorbell rings again…

Justin: "Damn it! If that b*tch wasn't good in the sack, I'd have fired her ass a long time ago!"

Obviously frustrated, Justin stomps over to the door and swings it open.

Justin: "Who the hell...?"

Before Justin finishes his sentence, he realizes that the person at the door is a little boy and he has to look down to see him. Without any hesitation, the boy kicks Justin's left leg. Justin bends over, grabs his leg and jumps around pretending he's hurt.

Justin: "Oh, help! He broke my leg!"

While Justin keeps on making fun off the little boy, the latter must've somehow grabbed the doorknob. And before Justin knows what's happening, the young boy nails the door in Justin's face. Justin slams to the floor and slightly slides backwards.

Justin: "What the f*ck was that for?!"

Boy: "Uncle Rico paid me 5 bucks for doing this!"

Happy about how easy his mission was completed, the little kid runs off. The door must've hit Justin exactly at the bridge of his nose.
Blood starts gushing from his nose as he holds his hands over it.

Justin: "He broke my nose! That lil' bastard!"

He sits there on the floor, holding his hands over his nose.

Justin: "Sooner or later, I'll crush your ass Ric-hoe!"

Justin Sane hops up from the floor and runs towards the bathroom leaving a trail of blood along the way as the scene fades out. A few seconds after Justin ran to the bathroom the scene fades in again as he emerges with a towel over his nose and runs out the front door. He hops into one of his limousines, where he hears a strange moaning noise coming from the front.

Justin: "What the hell is going on up there?"

Driver: "Oh... uhhh... ummm... Mr. Sane..."

The driver starts fumbling around as the pages of what seems to be a magazine are heard followed by the sound of a zipper.

Driver: "I didn't know you would need to go anywhere today..."

Justin: "What are you doing up there, you sick freak?"

Driver: "I... uhh... umm... nothing, Sir. I was just reading an article in the... uh... ummm... MCW Magazine. Where do you need to go?"

Justin: "Loot at me, you damn moron!"

The driver turns around to see Justin covered in blood.

Driver: "Oh my God, Sir! You're covered in blood! You've killed somebody! Was it the maid? I know you shouldn't have made out with her! We've to get you out of the country fast! I swear I won't tell the police anything! But just don't kill me, too! I'm begging you!"

Justin: "Whoa, you dumbass! I didn't kill anybody! A little boy... wait a minute.
How the hell did you know that I was banging the maid? Was that you in that tree outside my window last night? I thought it was just a damn owl or something."

Driver: "Uhh…no sir. It wasn’t me."

Justin: "Okay then. And for the record, I’m NOT banging the maid! Now, I don’t need to get out of the country. Ric-hoe paid a little b*tch to break my nose, so get me to a hospital! QUICK!"

Driver: "Oh… well, after what you called him in your last promo, I don’t really blame him."

Justin: "DRIVE, DAMN IT! I’m bleeding to death here!"

Driver: "Oh yeah. Sorry."

The driver finally turns around and speeds out of the driveway. Shortly thereafter, the limo arrives at the local hospital where the driver pulls up the Emergency Room entrance. They sit there momentarily before Justin Sane starts yelling at him.

Evan: "Aren’t you gonna open my damn door?"

Driver: "But Sir, I thought…"

Justin: "Get out and do your damn job before I bleed to death!"

The driver immediately jumps out and opens up the door. Justin hops out of the car and quickly runs inside the hospital. He runs up a desk where some woman is staring down at a newspaper. Without even looking at him, she holds a clipboard out to hand to him.

Receptionist: "Fill out this paperwork and we’ll be with you as soon as we can."

Justin: "As soon as you can? I’m bleeding to death here! You gotta let me in right now!"

Still not looking up...

Receptionist: "Fill out the paperwork first, Sir. We will let you in when it’s your turn!"

Justin looks around the waiting room, which happens to be empty.

Justin: "There isn’t anybody else here! So, it’s my turn right now! Look at me, lady! I’m gonna bleed to death!"

She finally looks up at Sane to see him standing there in his blood soaked black shirt and still holding the now blood drenched towel over his face.

Receptionist: "We will be with you shortly, Sir!"

She goes back to reading the newspaper, forcing Justin to get even more irate. He slams the towel down on the desk and starts yelling.

Justin: "List up, *****! If you don’t…"

The lady looks back up at Justin. Without the towel covering his face, she finally realizes that the man standing before her is the now world famous.

Receptionist: "Oh my god! You’re Justin Sane!"

Justin: "Uhh…yeah…I am."

Receptionist: "I’m your biggest fan! I’ve seen all of your matches at least ten times! You’re the greatest wrestler ever! Can I have your children?"

Justin: "You’re right. I am Justin Sane. And the quicker you get me in to see the doctor, the quicker we can start working on that."

Receptionist: "Then by all means, go right on in."

Justin starts to walk toward the ER.

Receptionist: "I’ll be waiting for you, Justin!"

Justin flashes a fake smile to the receptionist then continues inside. He hops up on the table and lays back. After waiting… and waiting… and waiting… you know how doctor’s are… and waiting some more, the doctor finally walks into the room.

Dr. Evol: "Hello Justin. I’m Dr. Evol."

Justin: "Dr. Evil? I don’t like the sound of that. Could you get me another doctor in here?"

Dr. Evol: "No, not Dr. Evil. It’s Dr. Evol. E-V-O-L."

Justin: "Dr. Evol, huh? So, it’s love spelled backwards? Please don’t tell me they call you Dr. Love. If so, then we’re still gonna need to get me another doctor in here."

Dr. Evol: "Ha ha…just relax, Justin. What seems to be the problem?"

Justin: "Look at me! I’m covered in blood! What the hell do you think is the problem?"

Dr. Evol: "Calm down, Justin. I was just making sure that a big time superstar such as yourself hadn’t killed his maid or something."

Justin: "Why does everybody say that? I’m banging her, not killing her!"

Dr. Evol: "Are you sure they don’t call you Dr. Love? HA HA"

Justin: "HA HA F’N HA…I’m glad you’re having such a good time here, but some of us have other things going on right now, such as BLEEDING TO DEATH!"

Dr. Evol: "Okay, sit up and let me check things out."

Justin sits up and Dr. Evol wipes the blood from his face. He then starts to examine Justin’s nose.

Dr. Evol: "Uh-huh….umm-hmmm…I see…"

Justin: "What the hell does all that mean?"

Dr. Evol: "I’m gonna need you to stand up and drop your pants."

Justin: "What the hell for?"

Dr. Evol: "Just part of the examination."

Justin: "Hell nah, I'm not into that stuff!"

Irritated Justin
gets up from the table and walks out the door. Just as he does, he sees the receptionist still sitting at the desk and still reading the newspaper…

Justin: "Damn it, I forgot about her. This crazy ***** wants to have my children. Usually I’m all about some random sexual encounters, but right now I just don’t have time for it. How the hell do I get out of this?"

Justin rubs his chin as he thinks. Finally, the proverbial light bulb turns on.

Justin (talking to himself): "Either I can walk right by the b*tch and she won’t even see me because she’s so damn into that newspaper, or I can have that sick freak of a limo driver take my place with her. He seems like he needs a random sexual encounter more than I do anyway."

Justin proceeds to walk by the desk, hoping the entire time that she won’t even look up. But, unfortunately, she does.

Receptionist: "You’re not trying to get away are you?"

Justin: "Uhhh…get away from you? Never! Ummm…how about you follow me to my limo and we’ll…uhhh…you know."

He again flashes that fake smile at her as she gets up from the desk and hurries out the door with him. They walk to the limo, where the driver opens the door.

Justin: "How about you go ahead and climb inside and open a bottle of champagne. I’ll be in there in a few seconds."

She climbs inside and Justin shuts the door behind her. He then pulls the limo driver to the front of the car.

Justin: "Okay, you sick bastard, I know what you were doing in the front of the limo earlier."

Driver: "I…uhh….but…"

Justin: "Just shut up and listen. Since you’re so damn hard up for some sex, I’m gonna let you climb into the back of the limo and do this chick."

Driver: "You’re what?"

Justin: "Yeah, you heard me right. Just thank me later."

Driver: "But I…"

Justin: "I’ll just get in, turn the light out, and get right back out. That’s when you get inside and she’ll never know the difference."

Driver: "But Sir…"

Justin: "What? WHAT? Why the hell do you keep saying “but”?"

Driver: "You remember earlier when you got in the limo?"

Justin: "Yeah, of course."

Driver: "And you remember what I was doing?"

Justin: "Unfortunately, yes I do."

Driver: "Well, take a look at the passenger side seat."

With a confused look on his face Justin looks inside the car. He sees a PLAYGIRL magazine in the passenger seat, still seemingly confused.

Justin: "And your point is… What the hell… I see. You’re f'n…"

Driver: "Yeah."

Justin: "What the hell am I supposed to do with this girl in the back of the car then?"

Driver: "Well, I guess you could always do what Justin Sane would normally do. I promise I won’t tell Shawnna either."

Justin: "Either you go inside there right now or your gay ass is fired, I'm dead serious."

Driver: "But..."

Justin: "I'm driving."

Justin opens the door and pushes his driver inside. Himself takes place in the front. Before driving off he throws the magazine out of the window. After a few seconds he starts talking to the camera.

Justin: "This day couldn't have been worse. You little punk ass Ric-hoe will pay for that someday. But first at Zero Hour I'll break your big friend in half. You guys try to make it personal, but I'm not going to get effected by your cheap tricks. And Dakota honestly it ain't hard to tell why you don't like to talk, it's because you express yourself as bad as a primary kid - just like the lil' foul sneak attack on me. It's just blah, blah, blah... Other than me, I never liked these promos either and will never like them, but the fact is that I'm an international superstar. The cameras follow me everywhere I go, I can't do anything about it. Just on different occassions like this one I make use of them - is that a crime? No, but it's you two who really don't know when to slow their roles. Now you even start cheer-leading for Ric-hoe?! What the hell are you guys smoking?! Some kind of homosexual aphrodisiacum?! Ha, enough of that. It's funny to see you changed your spot after I told you to. You're exactly like dumb little kids, when you say the right thing you can make them do whatever you want. You two immature fools are the living proof of that, I laughed at you punks for shooting videos in a damn messed up hall twice and you changed location. Haha... so, Ric-hoe who are you trying to sell that I'm unintelligent? I just proved you and the rest of the f'n world wrong. And guess what if not then I guess it doesn't take much intelligence to take out Dakota. 'Cuz after all that's what's goin' to happen at Zero Hour. Everyone likes the sound of being introduced to the masses as MC-Dub's first Noth American Champion ever, but quite honestly I'm the only man capable to represent this fed outside the ring out of all four. Let's be serious and look at my oppenents, none of them knows how to dress, how to talk, how to act or leave alone how to wrestle like a real superstar. A wise request from me to the MC-Dub management: Just cancel this tourney and crown me as your champion at Zero Hour. Otherwise you can soon rent a whole floor at the hospital, for the victims I leave behind on my unstopable road to victory. Dakota Smith, Insurgent, Joseph Justice... 2 of you better get ready for the ass-whoopin' of their life. 'Cuz in the ring actions speak louder than words. Just so I don't leave Insurgent's little cute message unnoticed: Boy I don't care what this country does or who it goes to war with, 'cuz all of these peoples never did a damn thing for me. All I achieved, I achieved by hard work and it's more than you midclass people can dream of. I could understand you if someone pays you to promote against the US goverment, but I doubt that's the case. So, how about you stop burning flags and screaming paroles and instead concentrate on the wrestling?!"

The limousine seems to have arrived at it's destination. Justin hops out of the vehicle, but seconds later he comes towards the camera again.

Justin: "Oh, and I almost forgot. Ric-hoe, the year 1347 wants his joke-lines back."

Then he leaves the picture and the latter fades to black.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
And on the 11th hour... They prayed...

(We fade in on Dakota, who is slowly pacing the same dimly ring we have seen him in previous promos… But this time he is minus Rico; his expression as well as his mannerism in a stoic state… He paces a few more times before he rests on the ropes… His sweat glistened body illuminating off the lone spotlight, his glare almost burning a hole into our camera and with a derisive tone, he begins to speak…)

DAKOTA: The charade is nearing its end Justin… In a matter of days, all this nonsensical crap you’ve been spewing out will come to an end as I ram each and every innuendo, each asinine comment you have made down your freaking throat… Yea Justin, I’m going to take a very deep pleasure in beating your ass… So I suggest you come up with a better defense than your mouth… I read you like a book Justin; I got your number, so there’s no need for me to continue with the charades and all that other BS… The time for talking is all but over, now it’s time to dance Justin… And it’s time for you to pay the piper… Now Justin, I don’t want you to take this ass whipping personal, just think of it as a lesson you will painstakingly learn at Zero Hour… And that lesson is… (Smirks deviously) Don’t f(bleep)k with me… I didn’t come here to the MCW to be anyone’s rag doll; and come Zero Hour I am going to make you my b(bleep)h… You’ve had your laugh Justin, I am sure that you had a good laugh or two at my expense, so now you will feel just how expensive I am…

(He climbs down and continues to pace…)

DAKOTA: Rico played you like a finely tuned fiddle… He is very useful at times Justin, I wind him up and let him go do his thing… He really rattled your cage, he left you stammering and stuttering from day one… He can really get under your skin at times Justin, but I see you have realized that already… (Laughs) So tell me Justin, now that we are so close to the 11th hour, are the butterflies in your stomach flapping full throttle yet!? And what about that wild hair in your asshole, has it gone ballistic yet!? (Again he laughs, this time in a contemptuous manner…) Well no matter Justin… At this point in time nothing much really matters, either way you’re a dead man walking… That’s just the way it is Justin and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it… No wait, there is something you can do about it, you can do what Scott did and not show up, but that will just get you in deeper, ‘cause I will hunt you down…

(We slowly begin to fade off into a MCW commercial… and we fade in on Rico has he walks out to the terrace and stares out into the horizon, as the sun slowly sets… Looks at his watch… Smirks… And says…)

RICO: In case you haven’t noticed Justin, it’s the 11th hour, yea it’s finally here… I’m getting goose bumps all over just thinking about it… You see Justin; I’m going to let you in on a little secret… From the 11th hour on, it all goes downhill for you and whoever wins between Justice and Insurgent… You had your shot; you had your fun; now it’s time to pay… But hey, I know, I know… I should shut the “F” up and know my role… I guess I CAN be annoying at times… And I guess you guys are probably waiting for an apology… And maybe I should apologize to you guys and the fans for my behavior… But you want to know something Justin and the rest of you… I just want to say… SCREW YOU!!! Yea that’s right!!! Screw you and the horse you’re riding on!!! Now let’s get back to business; Tick tock, tick tock, the clock slowly approaches the 11th hour… The hour between the void and the moment of truth; 60 long minutes… The calm before the storm… See the lightning in the horizon!? Listen… Listen very closely, for the thunder approaches… And hell comes with it… No, not me you dumb hack, I’m not hell!!! I’m a hell raiser, but I am certainly not hell… I just love it, when a plan comes together… And this plan has come together perfectly… You know, I just realized something; this whole NA thing is like a last man standing match… Yea that’s what it is, a last man standing match and Dakota will be the last man standing… Just look at that sunset Justin, beautiful isn’t it… Pretty soon the stars will populate the night sky and you’ll be able to see its twilight’s last gleaming… Insurgent, it seems like you might have chosen the short straw and will wind up on the short end of an ass kicking… Now I want you to understand that, I respect your skills as well as your talent… Hell very few peons can say that they possess both and you three guys are up there when it comes to talents and skills… And don’t think that Dakota hasn’t notice, ‘cause he has and to be honest, I am sure that he has some respect for you guys… He’s been training hard, but then again he always trains hard… But getting back to your talents and skills; Justin, I have to say, you have given us a run for the money, the way you emphasize the fact that you might be rich is simply amazing… But I ponder and ponder and ask myself… Just how in the hell will that help you against Dakota!? Are you that dense Justin!? And what’s your excuse Insurgent!? Too busy worrying about Bush, Iraq and global warming!? Ain’t THAT a B(bleep)H!!! Here you have 4 men going for one title, each possessing rare talents, superb skills… YET, only one man will reign supreme… And it won’t be you Justice, nor you Insurgent; and we all know that it will definitely not be you Justin!!! We all know who that man will be… It will be DAKOTA!!! DAKOTA SMITH!!!

(Our transmission ends, but before fading to black, Dakota Smith is shown, over his head floats the MCW NA title and in front of him are Justin, Insurgent and of course the Judge … Suddenly and without warning Dakota charges the trio and upon contact, a fiery explosion engulfs them and as the smoke slowly dissipates a lone silhouette begins to come into view… DAKOTA!!! Rico’s voice is heard as he says… “Comprende amigos”!? His laughter slowly dies out as we fade to black…)
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