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Nick Kurtel and Xanatos vs. Gridlock



You think you know me....

(Fade in to your everyday library. The occasional haggard-looking college kid walks by, coffee cup shaking, trying to find that forgotten book. Mothers attempt to harness their children's cries with the ever-sterner hush. The dim light outside suggests the onset of night and the time when the bookkeepers shun all yearners of the knowledge of the digestion habits of freshwater fish to their homes. Through the screen of books we see a familar face, poised over --gasp-- a book. Across from him, as of yet unbeknownst to us, sits another man. The camera moves deftly around the running, unwiped-nose children and toward its subjects. Nick motions to the camera to join the men, and he begins to speak.)

Nick: Long time no see, everyone. I've had some issues to work out, and now things are falling into place for me in my life. So good stuff there. But no beating around the bush, I'm getting down to business right now. It seems I have an opponent who has yet to cut a promo... now, I'm not one to bite the bullet right as I know who my opponent is, I'm a pretty slack guy. But this guy...Gridlock... man if I was him I would've cut a promo by now. Hey though, whatever floats your boat.

(He looks down for a moment, then, eyes considerably more narrowed, he faces the camera once again.)

Nick: So... I've got an opponent who I'm guessing not many people know, if anyone. He has yet to cut a promo, and so I'm sitting here ranting about stuff he'll never hear. But I suppose that doesn't really matter, though things seem to be a little tilted. Gridlock, it would please me ever-so-greatly to hear from you. Or is your jaw locked? It seems these words will fall on deaf ears. It's like this library, filled with so much knowledge that some may just never get a chance to read, because they are far too caught up in video games, parties, and contemplating their career choices. So sad to know you don't make use of your native tongue, Gridlock. It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment to tear your words to shreds, critiquing your verbal literature. Am I arrogant? By no means, just confident...(chuckles) Of course, this brings me to my next point.

I've just recently made an addition to my most perfect team of one. I'd like you all to formally meet Xanatos, a friend to me since my year off.

(The camera pans over to the introduced; it comes to rest on our brown-haired balloon-deliverer. He smirks at the camera.)

Xanatos: Good evening, my lesser beings. Let me point out one thing before I say anything else. (clears his throat) I am your worst nightmare. What you read in the horror novels from the darkest corners of the libary will not save you. I am the best that ever was and ever will be! I may not be the biggest or the strongest, but I am one of the fastest. And I will beat you down! (lowers his voice)But off of that, Gridlock... I may not know you, and I KNOW you don't know me, but you will feel my fist crack whatever you throw at me, you will feel the glare of my eyes as they burn to your pathetic glint of a soul, and you will feel the slick, blood-drenched mat as you lie there, many a moment after the three count. No matter where you turn, I will be there waiting. (his voice rises)There is no escape! You may think you know how to wrestle, but you have not met the best! Well, Gridlock, take a long look at this mug!! You are going DOWN, you--

(Many of the library patrons have started peeking around to see what the commotion is. Nick breaks in on Xanatos' rant.)

Nick: --Gridlock, we'll see you in the ring...

(Fade out)

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