Pressure Chief
- Joined
- Jan 1, 2000
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[read RELOADED 21 first! http://nfw.e-wrestling.org/content.php?p=results&id=193]
(FADEIN: To the “Braithwaite Room”, a huge GP hall on the first floor of the Omni Dallas Hotel, Dallas, TX, Monday 11:55am. The large opulent room is accentuated with brass and sante fe rusty oranges and browns, with spots of midnight blue window treatments. Off to the back of the room is several round tables with different lunch buffets set up, along with high-top tables where some people mingle, drinking back the last remnants of mid-morning coffee that’s either too late in the day to still be their morning cup or too close to lunch to chase down with a sandwich.
At the head of the room is a pop-up wall-sized banner with spotlights that have the NFW FUTURESHOCK ghostly white logo on a black background, that is repeated in a loop by the ESEN logo and other New Frontier Logos: UWA PIRATE TV, BRAWL and FUTURESHOCK and also a new one, NFW REVOLVER, respectively. In front of that is a podium with the Omni Dallas logo on front, and two banks of plants. There are several deep rows of chairs set up that have local news writers, beat writers and our favorite NECKBEARDS with NFW All-Access pass lanyards around their necks - the one constant, the fatnecked guy from ‘Bionickneelift.com' who is fumbling with a Microsoft SURFACE tablet, not being able to connect the keyboard and some other sort of device to the tablet, all balancing on his lap. Suddenly the main double doors open where some NFW SECRET SERVICE, tall men in dark suits and stone faces walk in, flanking FIONA LOVE, who’s wearing a smart grey tee-shirt dress that is cinched by an oversized royal blue belt and matching strings of blue ball-beads that come down to her torso, matching blue heels and horn-rimmed glasses, also blue. She walks up to the podium and drops off a file folder and addresses the media.)
LOVE: “Hello and welcome. Thank you all for joining us today. My name is Fiona Love, New Frontier Wrestling VP of Marketing and Promotions. As stated earlier in the pre-conference, anything that doesn’t get addressed or needs clarifying can be cleared up by contacting my office via the call-cards in your packets. The new summer interns would LOVE to have the chance to help you, as it keeps me from holding them out of windows by their ankles when I catch them updating their Instagrams. (some laughs) So with that, I will turn this over to the President of New Frontier Wrestling, who WILL be taking questions today. Just be forewarned, he’s trying to cut back on the coffee, so Caveat Emptor. (chuckles) Without further adeiu, please welcome President DENNIS EDWARD MAYFIELD.”
(LOVE turns over the podium to MAYFIELD, wearing pink-tinted aviators, a seersucker suit with a pink-based madras tie and a pink pocket square shaped into 3 points, suede white bucks with no socks. He walks through the doors to flashing camera bulbs and murmurs. She stops him and whispers something in his ear, and he glares back at the NECKBEARD SECTION and grits his teeth. He finally approaches the podium and flips through the folder, looking down and clearing his throat.)
MAYFIELD: (dryly) “Thanks for coming out to meet us here at the beginning of our Texas tourstop, where, WHY DIDN’T ANYBODY TELL ME IT WAS THIS HOT. (some laughs) Forgive me if I’m not my usual happy-go lucky self, but I REALLY want a cigarette and a coffee, so let’s get this started so I can be reunited with my vices, please. Before I open to questions, I have to congratulate the Chromatic Dragons for capturing the Everette Memorial Tradition Tag Championship at RELOADED 21. It was a great match. Other stuff happened on the show, but I’ll let you guys ask. You in the stripes.”
WRITER: “President Mayfield, wanted to know where you stand with This whole Walking Dead faction of Calvin Carlton, World Champion Jack Harmen and Cancer? I know it’s a bit of a tough question to answer easily but they have gone on the record to say they’re going to destroy NFW.”
MAYFIELD: “Well, first off, every Tuesday somebody says they’re going to destroy us, so I’m not shocked by that. (laughs) Jack Harmen is just another one in a long line of champions who get to the top of the mountain just to turn at the peak and piss on the mountain they just climbed. At one point Harmen says he loves this company then says we need to burn from the other side of his mouth. I told him at Hollywood’s on Fire he’s free to drop that belt and he can walk out the door if he pleases, but you know that’s too easy. I feel it my duty to defend NFW and to shut his mouth. I’d love for him to just defend that belt, but it seems like everybody needs a SIDE-PROJECT these days. I guess his is slumming on his days off and also trying to bite the hand that feeds him at the same time.
As far as Cal and Cancer - whom I will call C+C Music Factory until further notice - is concerned, Cal is a wagonjumper from WAY back, he’ll back any play that will keep him in the playlist. Cancer is another story I’m still dealing with.”
WRITER: “Can you elaborate? And what about Xavier Langston?”
MAYFIELD: “Well Pat Black is back in NFW, and obviously pissed at how this company has treated him. He’s casted his lot in with Harmen and Calvin Carlton, annnnd, what else exactly? Castor Strife is still here and has more than a FEW scores to settle with him and is looking directly at the main event of FUTURESHOCK 2, so it looks like he has his hands full. If I have to suit up and get in there to defend NFW myself, I have NO problem with that, but Pat Black has a few things to deal with before I’m concerned. As far as Langston is concerned, I think he’s a young guy who hasn’t been in this business THAT long - If I were him I’d stay in one lane, but right now he’s swerving into oncoming traffic with Pat Black. Idunno, you saw what he did to Castor Strife, but if the kid wants to go there, I’m not going to stop him.”
WRITER #2: "What about the 'CLEAN SLATE' Blank or Open Contract Castor won at RANDOM RUMBLE?"
MAYFIELD: "People are forgetting that that contract can be used any way Castor sees fit, no matter how I feel about it. If he wants to double his pay, I have to honor it. If he wants to bring in Tom Adler, I have to deal with it. The Castor of old in my opinion would have already have added an extra zero to his salary and closed to chapter on that, but he's still holding on to it. I'm as tense as anyone to see how it plays out. If he feels like he needs it to level the field against the Walking Dead is one thing, or he could just get on the bus with everybody else around here and try to burn my ass. Only time will tell. Ted."
CALDWELLER: “President Mayfield, Any updates on the Triple-Crown division now that Ocho has declared he’ll be stepping back in the ring?”
MAYFIELD: “Leyenda De Ocho made his intentions clear that he’ll be back, and I’m happy to hear that, but I wouldn’t be giving away anything on the NINTENDO HELPLINE by saying he’s not 100%. Now that it’s been made clear that Teddy Alexander is the #1 contender, that’s well and good, but a match of the magnatude like that when it finally happens will probably be on a RELOADED, so at BRAWL 73, Ocho will be in action, but not against Teddy. As for the other men involved in that #1 Contenders match, they all had great showings, and I’m sure will all be mixing it up in that division, so my mouth waters thinking of the matchups that can happen, so I’ll guaranteed you won’t be bored.”
NECKBEARD #4: “Uhh… soo… like, at RELOADED, in the Malik Anderson match, Dorchester Stratton made it known that he’s THE MAN, right? Sooo, like, what’s his next title defense?”
MAYFIELD: “One, you need some media training. (laughs from other people!) Two, Dorchester Stratton just made a bad situation worse, where he has some of the most dangerous men in this business knocking on his door. Dorchester needs to defend the TV title very soon, and I am examining the situation closely, now that Mike Randalls is back, which makes EVERYTHING 1000 times more intense. Also, Blaine Hollywood stuck his Oxonian nose into a great match in the making, so you may see me book a rematch against Malik and Mikey soon, but as of right now I am addressing Dorchester’s next defense.”
NECKBEARD #4: “Yeah about that… it’s like you ALWAYS have an issue with Dorchester and his defenses - last time we were at this point, you had Rumsfeld find him an opponent… what’s the deal?”
MAYFIELD: (annoyed) “The TV title is the cornerstone title in NFW - each TV champion is almost in direct line to the World Title and/or contention. That belt is HOTLY contested, and I’ll admit I keep a close eye on that title division. I’m not trying to have another Joe The Plumber on my hands, so who/how/why and WHERE that belt is defended is up to ME how I see fit. The bigger question is: what’s the deal with you not showering? (The camera cuts to a view of NECKBEARD4 and a radius of 4 empty seats around him in every direction)
One more question and NONE of you guys in the back. Someone who knows how to put a comb through their hair…” (hands up!)
MILLWOOD: “Mister president, speaking of title defenses, you put Jack Harmen on the spot and said he needs to defend as well. Any insights to that? There’s nothing stating that Harmen can coast until FUTURESHOCK, am I right?”
MAYFIELD: “You’re right, and it’s not my intention to let that happen, ESPECIALLY since he’s pressuring me with boots to my face! (rubs his chin) Jack and Cal have put me in an interesting place. What to do with Jack Harmen? I could order him out at the next RELOADED and make him run the gauntlet against the entire lockeroom, but I’m not going to do that. I’m also not going to fine or STRIP him. I want to see what HIS next move is. Right now all he’s done is talk, and oh yeah, beat up me and Castor, but he’ll be back and I’m right here. Part of me thinks that Harmen recruited Cancer to protect him up and until FUTURESHOCK and it looks like that so far - but now everythings’ out in the open and he has all the rope he needs - it’s up to him if he hangs himself with it or winds up tying his own hands. Either way. Harmen needs to defend that belt at RELOADED 22 and that’s that.
So that’s my time - please look for a show lineup from the FRONT OFFICE shortly for our set of Texas BRAWLS - I’ve grown to calling the NFW TEXAS TWO-STEP - BRAWL 73 from down the way in the art district - Deep Ellum, and then BRAWL 74 in Houston. We’ll be here all week in Dallas prepping for 73, so maybe I’ll see some of you at the local tex-mex joints. I have a hankering for some BBQ and a REALLY COLD A/C UNIT.”
(MAYFIELD nods and steps away from the podium and leaves to more raised hands and questions as he disappears through the doors. We FADEOUT on NECKBEARD 4 who looks around slowly then sniffs his armpit, then shrugging.)
(FADEIN: To the “Braithwaite Room”, a huge GP hall on the first floor of the Omni Dallas Hotel, Dallas, TX, Monday 11:55am. The large opulent room is accentuated with brass and sante fe rusty oranges and browns, with spots of midnight blue window treatments. Off to the back of the room is several round tables with different lunch buffets set up, along with high-top tables where some people mingle, drinking back the last remnants of mid-morning coffee that’s either too late in the day to still be their morning cup or too close to lunch to chase down with a sandwich.
At the head of the room is a pop-up wall-sized banner with spotlights that have the NFW FUTURESHOCK ghostly white logo on a black background, that is repeated in a loop by the ESEN logo and other New Frontier Logos: UWA PIRATE TV, BRAWL and FUTURESHOCK and also a new one, NFW REVOLVER, respectively. In front of that is a podium with the Omni Dallas logo on front, and two banks of plants. There are several deep rows of chairs set up that have local news writers, beat writers and our favorite NECKBEARDS with NFW All-Access pass lanyards around their necks - the one constant, the fatnecked guy from ‘Bionickneelift.com' who is fumbling with a Microsoft SURFACE tablet, not being able to connect the keyboard and some other sort of device to the tablet, all balancing on his lap. Suddenly the main double doors open where some NFW SECRET SERVICE, tall men in dark suits and stone faces walk in, flanking FIONA LOVE, who’s wearing a smart grey tee-shirt dress that is cinched by an oversized royal blue belt and matching strings of blue ball-beads that come down to her torso, matching blue heels and horn-rimmed glasses, also blue. She walks up to the podium and drops off a file folder and addresses the media.)
LOVE: “Hello and welcome. Thank you all for joining us today. My name is Fiona Love, New Frontier Wrestling VP of Marketing and Promotions. As stated earlier in the pre-conference, anything that doesn’t get addressed or needs clarifying can be cleared up by contacting my office via the call-cards in your packets. The new summer interns would LOVE to have the chance to help you, as it keeps me from holding them out of windows by their ankles when I catch them updating their Instagrams. (some laughs) So with that, I will turn this over to the President of New Frontier Wrestling, who WILL be taking questions today. Just be forewarned, he’s trying to cut back on the coffee, so Caveat Emptor. (chuckles) Without further adeiu, please welcome President DENNIS EDWARD MAYFIELD.”
(LOVE turns over the podium to MAYFIELD, wearing pink-tinted aviators, a seersucker suit with a pink-based madras tie and a pink pocket square shaped into 3 points, suede white bucks with no socks. He walks through the doors to flashing camera bulbs and murmurs. She stops him and whispers something in his ear, and he glares back at the NECKBEARD SECTION and grits his teeth. He finally approaches the podium and flips through the folder, looking down and clearing his throat.)
MAYFIELD: (dryly) “Thanks for coming out to meet us here at the beginning of our Texas tourstop, where, WHY DIDN’T ANYBODY TELL ME IT WAS THIS HOT. (some laughs) Forgive me if I’m not my usual happy-go lucky self, but I REALLY want a cigarette and a coffee, so let’s get this started so I can be reunited with my vices, please. Before I open to questions, I have to congratulate the Chromatic Dragons for capturing the Everette Memorial Tradition Tag Championship at RELOADED 21. It was a great match. Other stuff happened on the show, but I’ll let you guys ask. You in the stripes.”
WRITER: “President Mayfield, wanted to know where you stand with This whole Walking Dead faction of Calvin Carlton, World Champion Jack Harmen and Cancer? I know it’s a bit of a tough question to answer easily but they have gone on the record to say they’re going to destroy NFW.”
MAYFIELD: “Well, first off, every Tuesday somebody says they’re going to destroy us, so I’m not shocked by that. (laughs) Jack Harmen is just another one in a long line of champions who get to the top of the mountain just to turn at the peak and piss on the mountain they just climbed. At one point Harmen says he loves this company then says we need to burn from the other side of his mouth. I told him at Hollywood’s on Fire he’s free to drop that belt and he can walk out the door if he pleases, but you know that’s too easy. I feel it my duty to defend NFW and to shut his mouth. I’d love for him to just defend that belt, but it seems like everybody needs a SIDE-PROJECT these days. I guess his is slumming on his days off and also trying to bite the hand that feeds him at the same time.
As far as Cal and Cancer - whom I will call C+C Music Factory until further notice - is concerned, Cal is a wagonjumper from WAY back, he’ll back any play that will keep him in the playlist. Cancer is another story I’m still dealing with.”
WRITER: “Can you elaborate? And what about Xavier Langston?”
MAYFIELD: “Well Pat Black is back in NFW, and obviously pissed at how this company has treated him. He’s casted his lot in with Harmen and Calvin Carlton, annnnd, what else exactly? Castor Strife is still here and has more than a FEW scores to settle with him and is looking directly at the main event of FUTURESHOCK 2, so it looks like he has his hands full. If I have to suit up and get in there to defend NFW myself, I have NO problem with that, but Pat Black has a few things to deal with before I’m concerned. As far as Langston is concerned, I think he’s a young guy who hasn’t been in this business THAT long - If I were him I’d stay in one lane, but right now he’s swerving into oncoming traffic with Pat Black. Idunno, you saw what he did to Castor Strife, but if the kid wants to go there, I’m not going to stop him.”
WRITER #2: "What about the 'CLEAN SLATE' Blank or Open Contract Castor won at RANDOM RUMBLE?"
MAYFIELD: "People are forgetting that that contract can be used any way Castor sees fit, no matter how I feel about it. If he wants to double his pay, I have to honor it. If he wants to bring in Tom Adler, I have to deal with it. The Castor of old in my opinion would have already have added an extra zero to his salary and closed to chapter on that, but he's still holding on to it. I'm as tense as anyone to see how it plays out. If he feels like he needs it to level the field against the Walking Dead is one thing, or he could just get on the bus with everybody else around here and try to burn my ass. Only time will tell. Ted."
CALDWELLER: “President Mayfield, Any updates on the Triple-Crown division now that Ocho has declared he’ll be stepping back in the ring?”
MAYFIELD: “Leyenda De Ocho made his intentions clear that he’ll be back, and I’m happy to hear that, but I wouldn’t be giving away anything on the NINTENDO HELPLINE by saying he’s not 100%. Now that it’s been made clear that Teddy Alexander is the #1 contender, that’s well and good, but a match of the magnatude like that when it finally happens will probably be on a RELOADED, so at BRAWL 73, Ocho will be in action, but not against Teddy. As for the other men involved in that #1 Contenders match, they all had great showings, and I’m sure will all be mixing it up in that division, so my mouth waters thinking of the matchups that can happen, so I’ll guaranteed you won’t be bored.”
NECKBEARD #4: “Uhh… soo… like, at RELOADED, in the Malik Anderson match, Dorchester Stratton made it known that he’s THE MAN, right? Sooo, like, what’s his next title defense?”
MAYFIELD: “One, you need some media training. (laughs from other people!) Two, Dorchester Stratton just made a bad situation worse, where he has some of the most dangerous men in this business knocking on his door. Dorchester needs to defend the TV title very soon, and I am examining the situation closely, now that Mike Randalls is back, which makes EVERYTHING 1000 times more intense. Also, Blaine Hollywood stuck his Oxonian nose into a great match in the making, so you may see me book a rematch against Malik and Mikey soon, but as of right now I am addressing Dorchester’s next defense.”
NECKBEARD #4: “Yeah about that… it’s like you ALWAYS have an issue with Dorchester and his defenses - last time we were at this point, you had Rumsfeld find him an opponent… what’s the deal?”
MAYFIELD: (annoyed) “The TV title is the cornerstone title in NFW - each TV champion is almost in direct line to the World Title and/or contention. That belt is HOTLY contested, and I’ll admit I keep a close eye on that title division. I’m not trying to have another Joe The Plumber on my hands, so who/how/why and WHERE that belt is defended is up to ME how I see fit. The bigger question is: what’s the deal with you not showering? (The camera cuts to a view of NECKBEARD4 and a radius of 4 empty seats around him in every direction)
One more question and NONE of you guys in the back. Someone who knows how to put a comb through their hair…” (hands up!)
MILLWOOD: “Mister president, speaking of title defenses, you put Jack Harmen on the spot and said he needs to defend as well. Any insights to that? There’s nothing stating that Harmen can coast until FUTURESHOCK, am I right?”
MAYFIELD: “You’re right, and it’s not my intention to let that happen, ESPECIALLY since he’s pressuring me with boots to my face! (rubs his chin) Jack and Cal have put me in an interesting place. What to do with Jack Harmen? I could order him out at the next RELOADED and make him run the gauntlet against the entire lockeroom, but I’m not going to do that. I’m also not going to fine or STRIP him. I want to see what HIS next move is. Right now all he’s done is talk, and oh yeah, beat up me and Castor, but he’ll be back and I’m right here. Part of me thinks that Harmen recruited Cancer to protect him up and until FUTURESHOCK and it looks like that so far - but now everythings’ out in the open and he has all the rope he needs - it’s up to him if he hangs himself with it or winds up tying his own hands. Either way. Harmen needs to defend that belt at RELOADED 22 and that’s that.
So that’s my time - please look for a show lineup from the FRONT OFFICE shortly for our set of Texas BRAWLS - I’ve grown to calling the NFW TEXAS TWO-STEP - BRAWL 73 from down the way in the art district - Deep Ellum, and then BRAWL 74 in Houston. We’ll be here all week in Dallas prepping for 73, so maybe I’ll see some of you at the local tex-mex joints. I have a hankering for some BBQ and a REALLY COLD A/C UNIT.”
(MAYFIELD nods and steps away from the podium and leaves to more raised hands and questions as he disappears through the doors. We FADEOUT on NECKBEARD 4 who looks around slowly then sniffs his armpit, then shrugging.)