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Nero & Big G vs The Moundfields

The Moundfields

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
Manchester, England
The scene opens in the arena car park ahead of Main Frame. For a few moments, everything is still. A large Jeep enters the parking lot and stops. From the passenger doors, out get Jaz and Daryl Moundfield, both carrying their bags and both looking unhappy. Jaz and Daryl walk towards the arena entrance, and remain silent until Jaz starts to talk, prompting the two to stop.

Jaz: Ok Daryl, what did we learn from Ultra Brawl?

Daryl: That Nero and Big G are cheating sods?

Jaz: And?

Daryl: You can't trust anyone so why bother?

Jaz: And?

Daryl: Erm...a bottle of cola costs $4.67 in Toronto?

Jaz: Well apart from that, it's that power gets you everything! Look at Nero & Big G, they get friendly with Pickstock when EUWC re-opens and then BANG! Three Tag Team title reigns and two International title reigns later they're still going strong! I dare say that if it wasn't for Nero's presence, we would of beaten the Diabolic Forces for those tag straps, but with Nero putting us off we just couldn't manage it! Well this week at Main Frame it will be different bro, very different!

Daryl: In what way?

Jaz: Well for starters we'll have an impartial referee won't we? And we won't have the distraction of fighting in two title matches. Nero & Big G may be three time tag champs, but I have the opportunity at Main Frame to equal that feat, and we can go on to make it so I'm the greatest tag team wrestler ever!

Daryl: And what about me?

Jaz: Well you'll be up there to, my faithful companion!

Daryl: What like Lassie?

Jaz: Hey don't knock Lassie, it was him and not Lil' Billy or Jimmy or Timmy or whatever the kid was called that got the credit! Anyway the point is, we get gold, we get glory! Nero and Big G are a great team, but EUWC is moving on and we’re at the edge of a revolution. Now is the time when things are changing and we my brother will be on the cusp of those changes. Main Frame is the so-called “Celebration of Champions” and what better way to celebrate than by becoming the EUWC tag team champions?

Jaz and Daryl enter the arena and are immediately greeted by Staci Seymore.

Staci: Guys I couldn’t help but here your conversation outside, you seem pretty determined going into Main Frame.

Jaz: That we are Staci, that we are. You see we were focused going into Ultra Brawl until that worm Nero through us off target, but Main Frame will be different. Just think of The Moundfields as revolutionaries Staci, about to change the face of tag team wrestling forever.

Staci: Where do you think The Diabolic Forces will stand on this one?

Jaz: Why should we care? I’m sure the Diabolic Forces feel aggrieved that they don’t get the chance, but this time is The Moundfields time. Trust me Staci, 2004 will be our year, and that is that.

Staci: Any last message?

Jaz: Nero, G, you two will go down as EUWC legends, there is no question of that. But times are changing in EUWC and I’m afraid you just haven’t moved with the times enough to survive this cut-throat world. Main Frame is the start of something new, leading up to Blood Bath, and we pledge to rip the tag team titles from around your waists and place them around our own. Diabolic Forces, once we’ve got the belts we’d be happy to beat the snot out of you. Any other tag teams, watch out because it’s Manchester in the area, international, continental!

Jaz and Daryl walk away leaving Staci stood alone as the scene fades to black.

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