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My Friend Steve


Apr 6, 2012
Ok guys, personal life got pretty shit for all my friends and me when one of our oldest friends took his own life earlier this week. I'm not fishing for sympathy or kind words or anything like that. I just want to let you guys know about him and what's going on right now.

Steve had a unique sense of humor and is hands down the funniest guy I'll ever have the privilege of knowing. I know he'll be missed greatly by all of us that knew him. We met just over 13 years ago when we started upper school, and although recently we didn't see each other frequently, I'd still call him one of my closest friends.

It feel so weird knowing he's gone. We didn't text, email or chat daily, weekly or even monthly, and there's a good chance I wouldn't have spoken to him this week, but knowing he's not there any more makes me miss him an insane ammount.

In his memory Steve's wife has set up a JustGiving page to raise money for Mind - The Mental Health Charity.


I know I'm just some guy on the Internet, I don't think any of you know me personally or anything like that, but please take two minutes to look at it and, if at all possible, help us help others suffering from the same problems as Steve.

Thanks guys.


New member
Jan 23, 2013
Sorry for your loss as well man. I'll get some money together and contribute too.


League Member
Jun 20, 2013
Sorry to hear about your loss, he sounds like a good guy and a good friend. My condolences.

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