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Montgomery v Chaos


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
In my hands

* Michael Montgomery RP for C05.

MONTGOMERY: “Here we go again.”

(Michael Montgomery stands in his usual spot – in front of a Cyberstrike banner – and looks blankly at the camera.)

MONTGOMERY: “Chaos! You lump of crap. What happened, buddy? You came into this new New ERA thinking you were going places. Now look at you! The good old PCX champion over his head.”

(Montgomery drops his arms in disgust.)

MONTGOMERY: “You went off the deep end. You not only went off it, you dove head first. Now while people like Cameron Cruise and that lucky son of a bitch, Mr. Entertainment, have Championship shots, you’re fighting for your career. What does that feel like?”

(He smiles.)

MONTGOMERY: “LaRoque sent you to jail and now he’s putting you up against the same man, the same MAGNIFICENT specimen, that started you on this path towards self-destruction. It feels good. It feels great in fact. I hold your future in my own hands, Chaos.”

(Montgomery raises his arms to the ceiling.)

MONTGOMERY: “There is a God!”

(He drops them back to his side.)

MONTGOMERY: “The real question isn’t whether or not I can beat you. I know I can. No, no. The question is whether or not you will beat yourself. Can you control your rage? Can you pull your head out of your ass one final time to save it? I think we know the answer to that question.”

(He shrugs his shoulders.)

MONTGOMERY: “I don’t care if Jonathan Marx wipes the mat with you. You’re mine. I will be the one who puts New ERA out of its misery when I excise the cancer known as Chaos from its skin. I will be a HERO! A motherfucking SAINT.”

(Montgomery points at the camera.)

MONTGOMERY: “All because of you.”

-- Time got away from me this week. Sorry.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Out of reach

* Chaos RP for C05.

(The camera opens backstage on a Chaos pacing back and forth in the arena)

Chaos: Can you believe? Can you believe what's it's come too. All this pain....VIOLENCE...DESTRUCTION!!! Can you beleive it comes full circle tonight when I step into the ring with the Mag...

(He stops and tries to say it again)

Chaos: Mag...

(Once more with feeling)

Chaos: Mag...Oh I just can't say it. There's nothing magnificent about you. Nothing....Your no force of nature....no warlock of fire and brimstone. Tonight Mikey you get the closet thing to a living breathing GOD OF WAR!!!

(He peers forward and glares at the camera)

Chaos: Or maybe if you put up a good fight you'll be carried out on your shield across that rainbow bridge that reaches Valhalla.

(He laughs loudly)

Chaos: Or most likely you WILL just get Monster'd again. That's what happened last time Mikey. You were in over your head, not ready to face me, I was bored...played with you like a pet toy. I could almost smell the scent of catnip on you. That's what you are...Cat Nip...for a very angry tiger

(He shakes his head in disgust)

Chaos: I mean use your brain Mikey. You really think if you beat me tonight those fans will welcome you as a hero? Do you hear the chants? Do you hear how they support me? They are going to run you out of the building. I'm a hero in they're eyes.

(He points his finger at his temple)

Chaos: Look around you Mikey. You can't stop me. NOBODY CAN!!! I punched my boss and here I am tonight, still employed....he even paid my bail. Think he would do that for you? No he would let you rot there. Why?, because deep down he needs me...you...well you can be replaced by any number of faceless rookies.

(He takes a step forward)

Chaos: Your future is in the ring with me.If your lucky a quick painless battle until you feel the power of THE CHAOS BOMB!!! It's coming....you can't kick out of it. You can't stop it....NOBODY CAN!!!

(He looks up at the heavens just a Montgomery did)

Chaos: Tonight.,, there's no God for you to thank. I'm going roll you like a ball and prove <mexican accent> NOBODY F**KS with the CH-AOS!!! At the end of the night Mikey you'll be looking down at the canvas and PRAYING TO ME!!!

Please Stop.

Please Stop

Please Stop...Chaos....




(He smiles wide)

Chaos: That is your fate Mikey. That was your fate the first time we meet. Only now I actually have a reason to seal it. You are young...you don't know my master plan. Don't see the path I'm on, but you have no place in it. Tonight I remove you...game over. All your plans will slip through your pitiful fingers

(He laughs loudly)

Chaos: Then I've got bigger fish to fry.

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