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Miso vs Reaver


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
The Dark Lotus

{It was Saturday Night and always quiet at the compound of ‘The Apocalypse’ Gabriel Poe. Located in White Sands, New Mexico, this dark fortress is the rest and relaxation place for both Poe and ‘The Dark Lotus’ Miso. From time to time, during breaks in-between shows from different federations, both Poe and Miso return to their retreat so that then can revive and rejuvenated their worked over bodies as well has calm the tormented soul that lurks within them. As Poe is known for regaining his motivation in his viewing room, so is Miso in her Secret Garden …

A rather strange and unique place, this Secret Garden is built within the compound and grows many different kinds of rare and exotic flowers. Poe made it his personal mission to create this haven for his longtime life mate and she has been appreciative time and time again. Still, on this night, Miso is not in the best of moods, but not in the worst either. Instead she is in a somber mood for she knows what awaits her … a confrontation with a man she had a brief relationship with … The Reaver.

When Miso first met Reaver he was on a promotional tour in South Korea. He was promoting one of his upcoming bouts when he saw Miso and got up the nerve to talk to her. A few nights later out on the town and exploring the countryside, they shared an intimate moment and eventually went their separate ways. Reaver, to Miso, was her first real experience with an American, but was obviously not her last for after that was when she met Poe and has never turned back.

Still, she knew that this encounter in Britain was set up for a reason, but she couldn’t figure out why. Neverless she knew that the show must go on and, no matter what her feelings was for Reaver, she had to rise above it and go on with the show …}

M: Why have they done this Reaver? Perhaps they heard of our thermal breakdown in SCW a year ago. That could be it. When Gabriel found out about our past he was furious and he made it his mission to hunt you down and destroy you, but I wouldn’t allow it because I still had feelings for you. I knew that Gabriel would rip you apart, but I told him not to because I did not want to see you hurt. I had feelings for you Reaver and I did not want to see Gabriel destroy you in the ring …

… that is … until I found out what your true intentions were.

You used our relationship … you used me as your pawn against Gabriel and, with the help of many others, ruined what The Dark Carnival created back in those days. You managed to do the impossible and you chased us out of the federation. Not by fear mind you, but when they found out what our true intentions where … we were not allowed to come back for the fear of the destruction we were about to commit.

{Miso leans over and reaches for one of the flowers that grows near-by. Sniffing it and enjoying the aroma that it is giving off she looks back at the camera with a slight grin.}

M: But that was the past … this is the present and now is the time to worry.

Perhaps that is why you are silent. Maybe you are silent because you know that a woman scorned is the worst demon that no man dares to face. Is there a huge size disadvantage? Yes there is. Do you have more wrestling skill than I do? Of course you do, but are you prepared to face the one person that can expose you for the true natured person that you really are?

I do not think you are …

No … I do not think you are …

{Miso tilts her head to the side just as the camera pulls back and eventual fades out.}

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