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Michael Manson vs. The Emerald Warrior


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
((FADEIN: Michael Manson sits in a director's chair in his black leather jacket with his jet black hair running down through his eyes.))

MANSON: Now Emerald Warrior, you and I have a problem. Understand that I have no interest in whether you win, lose, live, or die. My only interest is just how far I can make our beloved commissioner go with his vaulted sense of morality and right and wrong. See, while KK might like to try to punish me for my habits, it weas the GLCW who signed me.

And they of course know me and they know that I do what I do. And they know Krusher as someone who was so reviled by my actions that he refused to even have a match with me, or maybe there were other reasons.

And now, my goal is to see just how far KK will go, how much power he'll abuse, and how much of his honor he is willing to compromise because of me, because thats why I was signed. If I have to use Emerald Warrior, then I will, if I have to use ths tourney and the title itself, I will.

Because winning titles is nice, but playing sick mind games forcing people to do horrible things, now thats entertainment.


Warren A. Nickolson:You know Manson, The Emerald Warrior does has a problem with you dude.
The Emerald Warrior:Are you that crazy to take me on well let me tell you when you feel the Rack dude then you will learn to fear The Emerald Warrior.
Warren A. Nickolson:Manson you are just like any rulebreaker always all talk and no action and also you look ugly dude.
The Emerald Warrior:Let me talk Warren. Manson you are too stupid to understand what training I went through. I went into the power plant and destroyed all the so called students there. They didn't have a chance against me so they graduate me very early. But I still come back to the power plant to workout and become the superstar that I have become today. Manson what do you know of wrestling? Absolutely not enough to beat me but you can try.
This program is brought to you by public access show called The Emerald Warrior tells the truth!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
My head hurts just from listening to that, for the love of all things unholy, can you at least put together one coherent statement? I have to conecentrate on tormenting Krusher, because my opponent has the intelligence of a 6 year old who ha staken too many turns in the dryer.

This is the world class competition of the GLCW.....I don't even think I need to waste my time replying to this menial anymore.

-Michael Manson


Warren A. Nickolson:Well well guess who grace us with her presence Lady Veronica. What brings you to our show?
Lady Veronica:The fans has some questions for your protege Emerald Warrior.
The Emerald Warrior:Fire away I'm looking forward to answering your questions.
Lady Veronica:Why haven't we found out more about your training at the power plant?
The Emerald Warrior:Let me say this Veronica my training was very extended to not only to the torture rack but to break every wrestler's bones in their bodies. Also Manson to address you if you don't know any of what I say to you idiot. I will give you a dictionary.
Lady Veronica:Well Warren it looks like you have prepared your protege very well. Warren,WARREN.
Warren A. Nickolson:Oh sorry got distracted by your beauty I guess. But Veronica yes I have him prepared for battle. He cannot be jumped by rulebreakers at all. He seems like he has eyes in the back of his head.
The Emerald Warrior:I need to say something to Manson. Manson to make this plain and simple you can't beat me,you can't even wrestle at all and all you want is to irate KK. It isn't KK you have to worry about at all. You should be worried about me period!!
This program is brought to you by public access called The Emerald Warrior tells the truth!

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