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League Member
Nov 20, 2003
As the opening riffs of "Right Now" by Korn cue up, several scenes that unfolded during the Sampson/Davis match at Global Warfare are shown. They flash on the screen, remain for a few moments, then fade to black, the whole time an eerie blue haze surrounds them. Shots of Sampson's return, Sampson countering Davis' Dragon's Fire frog splash, and Sampson gaining the victory are played. The music fades to a low background noise as a live action shot is shown. We can see the back of Eric Davis, who wears his signature in-ring attire, his head tilted towards the ground. The setting is a darkened lockeroom, the only light swings back and forth over Eric's head. As the light swings over his frame, we can see fresh tribal tattoos on his skin. His shoulders and shoulder blades are adorned with the odd interpretations of dragon-like creatures, done completely in black.

V/O: Every man has his ups... his downs. Every man feels the pain of loss... the suffering of defeat. But this is no ordinary man... this man has been pushed to the brink. The time for action is now... the purpose has been prescribed. At Revolution... the world will witness the dawning of a new era... and no man... CAN STOP IT.

Davis stands up, never facing the camera. He clenches his fists, walks towards the door, and the picture fades to black. The chorus of the song can be heard in the background... "I can't control myself... I F*CKING HATE YOU."

Prepare... for the ultimate revolution is about to unfold.

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