(Cut to the arena as "See You At The Show" pauses. The camera follows a single screaming yellow-green fireball as it plunges down towards the round, pipelike entryway of the MCW Arena. It explodes at the head of the ramp, kicking off a pair of larger explosions followed by a rapid staccato of yellow and blue pyro. A few larger explosions follow, followed by one more huge bomblike blast - and with that the camera zooms in on the Majortron, half-obscured by smoke.)
(Even as the remainder of "See You At The Show" kicks in blurring effect ensues as we ripple to a panning shot of the crowd, three thousand strong, packing the "wrestlefied" sound stage and waving signs in the air: "I CAME TO SEE ADAM BENJAMIN!", "MCW LIVES!", "The Best Of The Rest", "STEVE MARLAY NEEDS TO GET MARLAID", "WE ARE MCMILLANITES", "Christian Sands Ate My Babies", "What Is This, The Englishman Capitol Of The Wrestling World?", "JOHN DOE KILLED MY FAMILY", and finally, "TODAY IS TUESDAY".)
(The camera cuts to ringside, where two figures are seated at the announce table. On our right is a smallish man with a mousey appearance, distinguished by poofy brown hair, big glasses, and an outfit consisting of an old-fashioned brown sports jacket over a white turtleneck. His look is almost professorial. The fellow on our left is the polar opposite of his companion. Fat, dark-haired, and characterized by a double chin and a receding hairline, he seems barely able to fit into the expensive black pinstripe suit he wears over a baby-blue silk shirt and a blue and gold tie. Subtitles identify the man on the right as Simon Van Helder and the fat man as Creek Wineberg.)
SVH: Ladies and gentlemen, good evening and welcome to Major Championship Wrestling's Center Stage! We are live tonight from the MCW Arena just outside of Los Angeles California! I'm Simon Van Helder, and next to me is Creek Wineberg!
CW: Last week I was an assistant. This week I’m just sitting next to you? Let me make the correction... the distinguished gentleman next to Van Helder is the knowledgeable Creek Wineberg!
SVH: You say whatever you need to say to feel better about yourself. Folks, on paper this Center Stage looks to be an interesting one, at the least. We’ve got “First Class” Chandler Maxwell taking on Steve Marlay.
CW: “First Class” will simply outwrestle Marlay. Mark my words.
SVH: We’ll remember that when the time comes. Also in action is Maxwell’s older cousin, Adam Benjamin. He’s involved in a special “Challenge Match” in which he will face “The Dragon”.
CW: You mean Karl Brown.
SVH: Nobody knows whether Karl Brown will make an appearance tonight or whether this is all a game that Christian Sands is playing with Benjamin.
CW: Well I, for one, would love to see that match up!
SVH: Let us not forget about the Elimination Match in the Main Event. It’ll be John Doe, Chris McMillan, and Bryan Storms fighting for the lead in the quest for the MCW World Title chase.
CW: This Center Stage will, pardon the pun, set the stage for some great action in the future.
SVH: Rightly said. But first, we have a double debut for you all tonight on MCW Center Stage. It will be the monstrous Korean named Drunken Tiger matching up with a relative unknown by the name of Blade.