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It's that time again, lads.What time?
Time to book the next arc, baby.
Before you do that, please consider doing the things:-
1. Check out Mikey’s pre-arc primer thread:
2. Feedback DEFCON:!!&p=134011#post134011
Let's get started.
UTA is invading DEFIANCE. We hope that you will go all-out to put this over. This means selling it in segments and matches, getting to know your new fedmates, booking shitloads of UTA vs. DEF matches, oodles of world-building segments, whatever. Imagine if the WWE Invasion angle ruled - that’s what we’re aiming for. This is a huge angle that has never really been done particularly well in ewrestling, to my knowledge, and it will require a fed-wide commitment.
If you put the effort in, staff will notice. Just saying.
The UTA guys need to look strong. That doesn’t mean they should be whitewashing the DEFIANCE guys, because that would suck, but they’re the new kids on the block. It’s important that they have a good arc. Please keep that in mind when booking.
We want to see lots of UTA vs. DEF matches. The onus is on you guys to put those together, so mingle in the chatroom, post in this thread, and let’s make it happen.
If they don’t happen, we will be doing some God-booking towards the end of the deadline. It’s an ambitious arc, and one that will take a lot of cooperation, but please don’t rely on this. It’s not a good look if we have to step in and book your matches for you, but we’ll do it if it has to be done.
Also, regarding length, we are 100% going back to the old summarised TV format. I say “going back,” but we never officially changed away from it… it just kind of happened. There will be a new thread/doc on this in a day or two.
These are in Mikey’s thread, but it’s worth repeating:-
Team UTA vs. Team DEFIANCE: Bronson Box (Evan), Scott Douglas (Brian), Impulse (Pete), Reinhardt Hoffman (Evan) & Eric Dane (Justin) vs. Mikey Unlikely (Mikey), Crimson Lord (Scott), Jay Harvey (Will), Dan Ryan (Brunk) & Kendrix (Stevie)
FIST of DEFIANCE: Cayle Murray (Andy) vs. David Hightower (Mikey)
Mushigihara (Rob) vs. Chris Ross (Chris)
Oscar Burns (Seth) vs. Scott Stevens (Stoovins)
Elise Ares (Billy) vs. Jack Harmen (Ford)
Gage Blackwood (Roland) vs. Lisil Jackson (Chris)
Tag Team Titles: Whatever Jason has planned
+ Damien’s Aces Wild arc
+ Justin B’s Reaper arc
You have until Wednesday, 6th September @ 11:59pm to get your feud docs completed for the forthcoming arc. This includes all minor details like referees, seg locations, etc. Said documents should also be shared with Brunk, Brian, Pete, Mikey, and Andy by that date/time. Please contact us if you lack your email addresses.
For new guys, if you’re unsure of how these things work, you’re feud partner will keep you organised. You are all paired with somebody who has at least 1 arc of DEF experience under their belt, so they can keep you right. Alternatively, contact somebody on staff.THE BOOKING PROCESS
For UTA guys, things are a little different here. You are in-charge of booking your own matches here. Staff will provide assistance, but for the most part, it’s on you. This is a departure from the UTA style, where Mikey would put bi-weekly cards together. Here, you do your own booking, and we book the entire arc at once, not show-by-show.
DEFIANCE guys, it’s business as usual.
As usual, this thread is mostly for the purpose of keeping track of our cards. If you’ve booked a match, please list it below. If you’re looking for a match, reply to the post. If you wanna respond to someone looking for a match, do that here too. BRAZEN cats are always available, but please check with Evan beforehand.
All deadlines listed below are subject to change.
We need a minimum of FOUR matches per card to make things worthwhile. If, for some reason, we can’t fill out a specific card, we won’t be shy of godbooking characters who don’t already have 1-2 matches lined-up this arc in a match. The handler(s) of said character(s) will be responsible for the writing.
Now that the ramble’s over… let’s get going!
DEFtv 89: Deadline Sept 17th - Posting Sept 19th
Opener: Reserved by Murrr
Danny Diggs vs. Oscar Burns
Kerry Kuroyama vs. Solomon Grendal
David Hightower vs. Mascara De Muerte IV
Max Billabong vs. Levi Cole
Gage Blackwood vs. Chris Ross
SOHER: Scott Douglas (c) vs. Bronson Box
Main Event: Cayle Murray vs. Dan Ryan
DEFtv 90: Deadline Oct 1st - Posting Oct 3rd
David Hightower vs. Andy Murray
Kerry Kuroyama vs. Nigel King
Scott Stevens vs. Davis Bloome
Mushigihara vs. Oscar Burns
Nick Synz vs. Thomas Slaine
Jack Harmen vs. Pop Culture Phenoms (Gauntlet)
Bastards vs. ???
SOHER: Scott Douglas (c) vs. THE Jay Harvey
Main Event: UTA Title: Crimson Lord vs. Bronson Box
DEFtv 91: Deadline Oct 15th - Posting Oct 17th
Kerry Kuroyama vs. Harry Rose
Oscar Burns vs. Jack Harmen
Cristiano Caballero vs. Butcher Victorious
Impulse & Scott Douglas vs. Kendrix & Dan Ryan
Elise Ares vs. Chris Ross
Main Event: Cayle Murray/Bronson Box/Reinhardt Hoffman vs. David Hightower/Jay Harvey/Crimson Lord
DEFtv 92: Deadline Oct 29th - Posting Oct 31st
Kerry Kuroyama vs. Reaper Prime
Bronson Box vs. THE Jay Harvey
Crimson Lord vs. Reinhardt Hoffman
Impulse vs. Dan Ryan
Cristiano Caballero vs. Nicky Synz
Mushigihara & Gage Blackwood vs. Chris Ross & Lisil Jackson
SOHER: Scott Douglas (c) vs. Kendrix
Oscar Burns & Elise Ares vs. Jack Harmen & Scott Stevens
Main Event: Cayle Murray vs. Mikey Unlikely
Time to book the next arc, baby.
Before you do that, please consider doing the things:-
1. Check out Mikey’s pre-arc primer thread:
2. Feedback DEFCON:!!&p=134011#post134011
Let's get started.
UTA is invading DEFIANCE. We hope that you will go all-out to put this over. This means selling it in segments and matches, getting to know your new fedmates, booking shitloads of UTA vs. DEF matches, oodles of world-building segments, whatever. Imagine if the WWE Invasion angle ruled - that’s what we’re aiming for. This is a huge angle that has never really been done particularly well in ewrestling, to my knowledge, and it will require a fed-wide commitment.
If you put the effort in, staff will notice. Just saying.
The UTA guys need to look strong. That doesn’t mean they should be whitewashing the DEFIANCE guys, because that would suck, but they’re the new kids on the block. It’s important that they have a good arc. Please keep that in mind when booking.
We want to see lots of UTA vs. DEF matches. The onus is on you guys to put those together, so mingle in the chatroom, post in this thread, and let’s make it happen.
If they don’t happen, we will be doing some God-booking towards the end of the deadline. It’s an ambitious arc, and one that will take a lot of cooperation, but please don’t rely on this. It’s not a good look if we have to step in and book your matches for you, but we’ll do it if it has to be done.
Also, regarding length, we are 100% going back to the old summarised TV format. I say “going back,” but we never officially changed away from it… it just kind of happened. There will be a new thread/doc on this in a day or two.
These are in Mikey’s thread, but it’s worth repeating:-
Team UTA vs. Team DEFIANCE: Bronson Box (Evan), Scott Douglas (Brian), Impulse (Pete), Reinhardt Hoffman (Evan) & Eric Dane (Justin) vs. Mikey Unlikely (Mikey), Crimson Lord (Scott), Jay Harvey (Will), Dan Ryan (Brunk) & Kendrix (Stevie)
FIST of DEFIANCE: Cayle Murray (Andy) vs. David Hightower (Mikey)
Mushigihara (Rob) vs. Chris Ross (Chris)
Oscar Burns (Seth) vs. Scott Stevens (Stoovins)
Elise Ares (Billy) vs. Jack Harmen (Ford)
Gage Blackwood (Roland) vs. Lisil Jackson (Chris)
Tag Team Titles: Whatever Jason has planned
+ Damien’s Aces Wild arc
+ Justin B’s Reaper arc
You have until Wednesday, 6th September @ 11:59pm to get your feud docs completed for the forthcoming arc. This includes all minor details like referees, seg locations, etc. Said documents should also be shared with Brunk, Brian, Pete, Mikey, and Andy by that date/time. Please contact us if you lack your email addresses.
For new guys, if you’re unsure of how these things work, you’re feud partner will keep you organised. You are all paired with somebody who has at least 1 arc of DEF experience under their belt, so they can keep you right. Alternatively, contact somebody on staff.THE BOOKING PROCESS
For UTA guys, things are a little different here. You are in-charge of booking your own matches here. Staff will provide assistance, but for the most part, it’s on you. This is a departure from the UTA style, where Mikey would put bi-weekly cards together. Here, you do your own booking, and we book the entire arc at once, not show-by-show.
DEFIANCE guys, it’s business as usual.
As usual, this thread is mostly for the purpose of keeping track of our cards. If you’ve booked a match, please list it below. If you’re looking for a match, reply to the post. If you wanna respond to someone looking for a match, do that here too. BRAZEN cats are always available, but please check with Evan beforehand.
All deadlines listed below are subject to change.
We need a minimum of FOUR matches per card to make things worthwhile. If, for some reason, we can’t fill out a specific card, we won’t be shy of godbooking characters who don’t already have 1-2 matches lined-up this arc in a match. The handler(s) of said character(s) will be responsible for the writing.
Now that the ramble’s over… let’s get going!
DEFtv 89: Deadline Sept 17th - Posting Sept 19th
Opener: Reserved by Murrr
Danny Diggs vs. Oscar Burns
Kerry Kuroyama vs. Solomon Grendal
David Hightower vs. Mascara De Muerte IV
Max Billabong vs. Levi Cole
Gage Blackwood vs. Chris Ross
SOHER: Scott Douglas (c) vs. Bronson Box
Main Event: Cayle Murray vs. Dan Ryan
DEFtv 90: Deadline Oct 1st - Posting Oct 3rd
David Hightower vs. Andy Murray
Kerry Kuroyama vs. Nigel King
Scott Stevens vs. Davis Bloome
Mushigihara vs. Oscar Burns
Nick Synz vs. Thomas Slaine
Jack Harmen vs. Pop Culture Phenoms (Gauntlet)
Bastards vs. ???
SOHER: Scott Douglas (c) vs. THE Jay Harvey
Main Event: UTA Title: Crimson Lord vs. Bronson Box
DEFtv 91: Deadline Oct 15th - Posting Oct 17th
Kerry Kuroyama vs. Harry Rose
Oscar Burns vs. Jack Harmen
Cristiano Caballero vs. Butcher Victorious
Impulse & Scott Douglas vs. Kendrix & Dan Ryan
Elise Ares vs. Chris Ross
Main Event: Cayle Murray/Bronson Box/Reinhardt Hoffman vs. David Hightower/Jay Harvey/Crimson Lord
DEFtv 92: Deadline Oct 29th - Posting Oct 31st
Kerry Kuroyama vs. Reaper Prime
Bronson Box vs. THE Jay Harvey
Crimson Lord vs. Reinhardt Hoffman
Impulse vs. Dan Ryan
Cristiano Caballero vs. Nicky Synz
Mushigihara & Gage Blackwood vs. Chris Ross & Lisil Jackson
SOHER: Scott Douglas (c) vs. Kendrix
Oscar Burns & Elise Ares vs. Jack Harmen & Scott Stevens
Main Event: Cayle Murray vs. Mikey Unlikely
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